New Electric Wrench sprite:
Click on pic for better look!
Just put this file into ".../.minecraft/mods/industrialcraft-2-client_1.15.jar/ic2/sprites".
For IC2 1.15
By Zodiak69
PS: includes Sticky Resin and Rubber fixes.
New Electric Wrench sprite:
Click on pic for better look!
Just put this file into ".../.minecraft/mods/industrialcraft-2-client_1.15.jar/ic2/sprites".
For IC2 1.15
By Zodiak69
PS: includes Sticky Resin and Rubber fixes.
Yeah the default was sorta tacky
Yeah the default was sorta tacky
And reminds me something.. wrong (my silly imagination):
A much, much better sprite, in my opinion, even though I can see why the old sprite is as it is, since it fits the theme of the chainsaw and drill.
If anything, it should be colored bronze to match the tool you make it out of. Annnnnnd maybe redesign the Drill and Chainsaw to fit this model.
A much, much better sprite, in my opinion, even though I can see why the old sprite is as it is, since it fits the theme of the chainsaw and drill.
If anything, it should be colored bronze to match the tool you make it out of. Annnnnnd maybe redesign the Drill and Chainsaw to fit this model.
I made "Refined Iron colour" cuz bronze colour not good looks with those red energy pixels. Anyway, it's wery easy to recolour if you want.
And already is in recipe of
, so.. I think it's ok.
I really don't know, how and
should look (better than now), so I haven't problems with them
i like it
kreek approved
As people could guess, the Electric Wrench was a testing sprite designed by me :3 If you permit we'll gladly take your sprite as official replacement.
As people could guess, the Electric Wrench was a testing sprite designed by me :3 If you permit we'll gladly take your sprite as official replacement.
Right now... you made some person... half a world away... happy.
Yes, of course, I don't mind!
I like the shape of the new one but why would adding a bat and circuit make the outside suddenly silver/gray. Maybe make the base bronze color?
I like the sprite but I have to agree, it should atleast be a mix between bronze and the refined iron color you have cuurrently
Mix them? But I dunno how and.. why
Make only handle bronze color, or vice-versa?http://lingvopro.abbyyonline.c…sa&srcLang=ru&destLang=en
Ok, I made 3 variations, and all they looks awful:
First is better:
Mix them? But I dunno how and.. why
Make only handle bronze color, or vice-versa?
Blend the colors.
Take the gray-blueish color of refined iron and make it more orange.
Heyhey, I even did it for you
Though, it became a very weird color: 0xCE947E
R: 206
G: 148
B: 126
It would look even more awkward than those 3 examples you have there...
Lets just say that it is a refined iron coating... anyway, other stuff like the fuel cans become green when crafted, so why can't yours look awesome when upgraded?
"First is better:"
Fean created a new sprite already Which looks better then the old one and as well this one, imho.
Thanks for the try, though