Sometimes, depending on wind strength, wind mill will melt tin cable. In wiki it says that maximum output of wind mill is 3 EU/t, which matches maximum capacity of tin cable, so it should not melt under any wind strength. This means, that either tin cable capacity is wrong, or wind mill maximum output is wrong.
[1.23] Bug: Tin cable melting from wind mill
Known issue they will increase the amount of eu that can pass in 1 pulse through tin (atm its 3 eu and windgens make max 4 eu).
Jup, will be raised to 4 EUt.
Tin cable is meant to support Solar, Wind, Water, but none of the other Gens. Setting it to 4 should do the trick.
then it makes everything a power of 2
However it does not make everything a power of 2 separated by 2^2. ( 8 > 32 > 128 > 512 > 2048 )
Would it really be so bad to allow basic generators and 1 uranium cell reactors to use tin cable too? 5eU/t is not that much and the only real change to gameplay would be delaying the need for rubber until either the your first geo generator or batbox.
You don't need rubber for copper cables, gold cables, or high voltage cables either...
I've never had rubber issues... other than having too much
tin for conventional gens is too much, you can make 39-block row of these with tin cable w/o any loss
way too OP -
tin for conventional gens is too much, you can make 39-block row of these with tin cable w/o any loss
way too OPHave you tried keeping those /going/?
no i'm all-green, no coal/biofuel on my energy table