[Bug] Scrap boxes have too high a percentage of good loot, do not reflect numbers in wiki

  • Looking at the source for the scrap box, I found that they produce good loot more often than the junk. There's only 32 items possible, and only dirt is listed twice. Everything else has an equal chance of appearing - meaning that diamond appears 1/32 times.

    Looking at the energy costs for recycling, it only costs 280 energy to make a piece of scrap and 2520 energy per scrap box. Since you need 32 boxes on average to get a diamond, that means that for a mere 80k energy you will get a diamond AND 16 pieces of good loot as well. You do need 36 stacks of cobblestone to make this happen.

    On the other hand, it takes 9 UU-matter and 9 million energy per diamond with the mass fabber, or 1.5 million energy if you use scrap.

    Where this becomes horribly broken is when you have quarries or cobblestone generators.

  • You're also ignoring the cost of producing material to recycle. The cheapest to come to mind would be buildcraft quarry fodder; but if you're mixing mods you've already intentionally chosen to step outside of IC2's balance. Within IC2 you can use a basic miner + cobble producer, but that still costs a few eU/block and you have to set it up to begin with. The effort for that seems vaguely fair; esp if you aren't using buildcraft (nor RP2) and therefore lack automated pipes.

  • I personally disable recyclers period. I find the UU Generators near unbalanced let alone feeding it with scraps and OMG if your one those who pipe everything ohhh damn haha.

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  • Wait.. wait..

    UU Matter overpowered? I'm feeding mine with a solar array setup of 9 3x3 arrays, and it STILL takes forever to output, and I have a decent amount of scrap in it.

    But if anything I'm baffled by how much power it takes to simply make two iron ore.

    I'd say for the sake of sanity, remove the "single stack" items from the scrap boxes and expand the amount of stuff you can get from them to include a larger variety of stuff.

    Still remember the convo ending with "No, stop bugging me, cables transmitting energy are totally not possible! Use the batterys."

  • Try an input of 512EU/t instead of 81EU/t

  • You mean 3x mass fabricator each at 512EU/t :D
    Gonna do that when I get less lazy... lol

    Actually I got lazy and wanted to see how fast I could get it... I have 10 MFSU's hooked up in a parallel line offering 10x 512 :P

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  • idk..
    I used over 200 scrap (Over 2k resources)
    and while its taking me alot of time.
    I gotten like 6 diamonds from mass fab and 1 from recyler.
    I think not.
    The mass fab running on scraps is more OP