[Addon 1.112] BuildCraft-IndustrialCraft Crossover Mod v2.0[SSP/SMP]

    • Official Post

    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 220 is already occupied by
    BCIC2crossover.BlockOilMaterializer@41a00fc2 when adding ic2.common.BlockScaffold@736aab36

    Look at the first error, not the last. Ic2 isn't loading because you have not resolved the block ID issue. Set it to a number between 125 and 255 that isn't being used by another mod.

  • Code
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 220 is already occupied by
    BCIC2crossover.BlockOilMaterializer@41a00fc2 when adding ic2.common.BlockScaffold@736aab36

    Look at the first error, not the last. Ic2 isn't loading because you have not resolved the block ID issue. Set it to a number between 125 and 255 that isn't being used by another mod.

    Later on today I will start that.
    way too many numbers to go through at this time of day.

  • I need help!! Everytime i installed this mod i get a crash! And no, im not a noob on installing mods. I checked the modloader.txt and it was a block conflict with the portal mod. So i went to a different minecraft folder with all my mods but this, and checked TMI for aviable block id slots from 125-255, i found several slots open, and changed the ID's of the crossover mod blocks to new id's which arent occupied, and i get a crash again, but it was a dirt screen crash, not a black screen after the mojang logo. PLEASE HELP!!

    EDIT: I have BC 2.2.11

    EDIT 2: I fixed the issue! I was using an outdated version of this mod. Installed newest version and changed id's and it works!

  • Great mod this is, it's running on the bukkit server (with IC2/Buildcraft/redpower) I play on, and it works like a charm!
    Been F5'ing all day for the 1.14b bukkit release :p

  • This is a fantastic mod that I'd like to utilize on our server. We're pretty mod-heavy, but I've got enough blockIDs leftover to accommodate the addition of your addon. However, it's "sharing" the guiIDs with the Forestry mod for all of the items (shows a GUI for a Forester on the Oil Materializer, an Arboretum for the Petrochemical Generator, etc, etc...).

    I've never dealt with a conflict of GUIs before. BlockID issues for days, but not GUIs. Any clue how to go about fixing this?

    BCIC2 Crossover Config snippit:


    Forestry Config snippit (disregard the font spew):

    [font='&quot'] gui.id.arboretum=90[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.bottler=91[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.engineBronze=92[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.engineCopper=89[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.farm=93[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.fermenter=94[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.forester=95[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.generator=87[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.moistener=85[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.mushroomFarm=84[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.peatBog=98[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.plantation=96[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.pumpkinFarm=97[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.raintank=88[/font]
    [font='&quot'] gui.id.still=99[/font]

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can give!

    *EDIT* Just noticed that when accessing the machines from Crossover, it DOES show the correct guiID for a SPLIT second, then it's replaced with the GUI from Forestry (which is probably happening because it is set to load first...?). Either way, wouldn't help, I'm assuming, to load this mod first, cause then all the GUI elements in Forestry would be off. LOL. HELP! : )

    • Official Post

    Just like block IDs, just pick a number that isn't in use. If you just add 10 to my IDs that will probably work.

  • Any chance we could get the petro gen's EU/t rate changed to 8/16 or 16/32. Same eu total output per oil/fuel would probaly be ok since I haven't noticed any issues there. But IC2's energy system works on a set of multiples of 8's largely. Batbox/copper cable=32eu/t, MFE/gold cable= 128eu/t, MFSU/glass fibre=512 eu/t. So basicly 4/2 petro generators would fully power a batbox. Ect. Instead of 1 burning fuel giving two thirds of a batbox or 3 oil still requiring you to add another 2 eu/t from elsewhere.

  • Any chance we could get the petro gen's EU/t rate changed to 8/16 or 16/32. Same eu total output per oil/fuel would probaly be ok since I haven't noticed any issues there. But IC2's energy system works on a set of multiples of 8's largely. Batbox/copper cable=32eu/t, MFE/gold cable= 128eu/t, MFSU/glass fibre=512 eu/t. So basicly 4/2 petro generators would fully power a batbox. Ect. Instead of 1 burning fuel giving two thirds of a batbox or 3 oil still requiring you to add another 2 eu/t from elsewhere.

    Vanilla IC2 :Generator: and :Geothermal Generator: output at 10 EU/t, same as the oil-fueled Petrol Gen at least as far as the wiki knows. Considering all the storage units end with zeros, I'm not entirely sure why you want to change EU/t rate unless you're, for some reason, transmitting over lossy cable (which you shouldn't, as it's much easier to bring the fuel to the generator via waterproof pipe than to bring the generator to the fuel via cable.

    • Official Post

    Any chance we could get the petro gen's EU/t rate changed to 8/16 or 16/32. Same eu total output per oil/fuel would probaly be ok since I haven't noticed any issues there. But IC2's energy system works on a set of multiples of 8's largely. Batbox/copper cable=32eu/t, MFE/gold cable= 128eu/t, MFSU/glass fibre=512 eu/t. So basicly 4/2 petro generators would fully power a batbox. Ect. Instead of 1 burning fuel giving two thirds of a batbox or 3 oil still requiring you to add another 2 eu/t from elsewhere.

    I'm disinclined to do so, while it would be convenient, it could lead to problems with modded fuel types. You would end up with a small amount of fuel left in the generator, not enough to burn for 1 tick of energy, nor would it be empty, thus you couldn't fill it with another fuel type.

  • Just like block IDs, just pick a number that isn't in use. If you just add 10 to my IDs that will probably work.

    I've been using TMI to judge how many itemIDs I've got to toy around with. How do I go about figuring out which guiIDs are still avialable? How many are there total (range?)?

    I'll give it a shot just adding 10 as well. Thanks!

    *EDIT* Worked like a charm, just taking a stab in the dark... thanks for your assistance!

  • Running into a Strange issue in SMP. Oil materializer will not let me pump any oil out of it. Standard wooden waterproof pipe and redstone engine. valid pipes and tanks are in place. Can anyone verify this ? Running 1.14b BCIC2 crossover Buildcraft 2.2.11, and IC2 1.43 as well as many other mods listed in the modloader.txt
    This only happens on my smp test server(windows) not my SSP game.

    Also I will include my modloader and config file if anyone can point out something off with them. Any help is appreciated


    Configuration file on client and server are copies

    • Official Post

    Hmmm... not sure what is going on. Try pumping out from the side. Also try replacing the OM with a tank full of oil and see if that works.

  • More info. Looks like a gui problem. I noticed that if I logout with items in the OM they are not there on re-log, also, tried pumping in some uu matter and that worked, oil started coming out the other side, but the gui did not show any change. Going to do some gui swapping and see if that gets it.

    Tank with oil works fine btw.


    Ok got it working... dunno why exactly it wasn't working, but changing the guid from 105 to 115 for the OM appears to have solved the issue. No idea why 105 wasn't working. Ran a check on all my mod conf files and found no matches. ?(

    • Official Post

    More info. Looks like a gui problem. I noticed that if I logout with items in the OM they are not there on re-log, also, tried pumping in some uu matter and that worked, oil started coming out the other side, but the gui did not show any change. Going to do some gui swapping and see if that gets it.

    Tank with oil works fine btw.

    stranger and stranger. I will see if I can reproduce this in the morning but I don't I'll be able to as I tested OM quite a bit before I released 1.14.

  • Railcraft has a couple of hidden unconfigurable GUIs as does forestry. I ran into a similar problem :(

  • Code
    java.lang.Exception: mod_BCIC2Crossover 1.14 for MC 1.0, BC 2.2.11, IC2 1.43 is missing dependency: mod_IC2

    IC2 is definitely installed, I have been using it for a while. Buildcraft appears to be working as well.

    Not sure what could be causing the issue.

    • Official Post
    java.lang.Exception: mod_BCIC2Crossover 1.14 for MC 1.0, BC 2.2.11, IC2 1.43 is missing dependency: mod_IC2

    IC2 is definitely installed, I have been using it for a while. Buildcraft appears to be working as well.

    Not sure what could be causing the issue.

    post the entire modloader.txt. Most probably you have a block ID conflict, or the zips are loading in the wrong order, which should only happen on non-windows servers.

  • Interesting notes about the Petrochemical Generator:

    Oil in the Petrochemical Generator gives 50000 EU, larger than a single BatBox can hold. At 10 EU/t, it takes 5000 ticks to fully burn the Oil. Fuel gives 625000 EU, or a 1250% increase over Oil. At 25 EU/t, it takes 25000 ticks to fully burn. Again, this means that a single MFE cannot hold the entire amount without transmitting some of that energy.

    Attempting to use engines to power a Petrochemical Generator is inefficent - you expend slightly more energy than you generate, with larger engines being even more inefficent. Connected to the generator with one Wood and one Gold Conductive Pipe, a cold Steam Engine gives 1500 EU per Coal (a Generator burns Coal at 4000 EU); a conventional cold-started Combustion Engine gives 27000 EU per Oil, and 508500 EU per Fuel. DO NOT use a Large or Industrial Electric Engine to power a Petrochemical Generator - you will lose metric craptons of EU, as the capacity of the Generator is exceeded. Linked spare Redstone Engines might be your best option if you must use Conductive Pipes as a power source.

    Serial connections to the Petrochemical Generator is a bad idea, due to the Buildcraft bug noted in previous posts in this thread - energy is for some reason lost with a direct connection to non-pipe objects. This seems to transfer over to the generator, as the held EU in an adjacent storage box is not divisible by 25, and there's leftover in the generator which cannot be removed without more energy. Even connecting away from the generator, you need to connect the engines to at least one non-wood Conductive Pipe for it to transmit.

    Electric Engines decrease in efficency the more "hot" they run, to the point where a red engine delivers barely any energy. If they run to the point where they would have exploded had they been a conventional Buildcraft engine, the overheat will cause explosion effects around the engine, (though it won't damage anything,) which will make it fairly difficult if you have a crap computer to get to the switch. The effect ceases once the engine no longer recieves power. EDIT: User error, ignore struck lines. Refinery used to test former item was not refilled for whatever reason.

    While the fact that they don't blow up like regular Buildcraft engines makes them more reliable, they aren't quite as efficent as their comparative regular engine, as these start at max speed and only slow down if not properly cooled, while regular engines start at this speed and speed up as they warm up. I'd take a Large Electric Engine to five Combustion Engines any day of the week, though. EDIT: That's not right? Huh.