Suggestion: Redesign of Mining Laser
The Mining Laser was too powerful in IC and now is too weak in IC² since it has become blast resistance aware.
It's also not powerful as a weapon anymore, since both range and damage are inferior to the one of the bow.
The only useful option is the scatter shot (for quickly creating big caves), wich uses so much energy, that it's usefulnes is marginal.
Please give some more power to the Mining Laser so it's either useful for tunneling or as a weapon again.
No Changes to current recipe needed.
Liebe Grüße aus Südhessen

[Sugestion] Redisign of Mining Laser
Al has stated that he doesnt want the mining laser to be used as a weapon. Thats what the bow is for. I understand you want some sort of industrial version of that, but take it up with Al himself and work out a compromise.
Downside is its not even a miner anything. It's really really useless I mean if I could actually mine fast with it and get somewhere with it then damn woot. But at this point we block the laser because how bad it can grief servers and how pointless it is a as a tool anyways.
Why is it useless? Being able to obliterate four blocks deep of stone in a single shot makes hollowing out building areas a whole lot faster than using the diamond drill. It also makes long-distance tunnelling a whole lot faster for the same reason. I've never tried IC1, but I have no particular complaints with the laser in IC2.
I completely see, that it isn't thought to function as a weapon.
The problem is, that it isn't very functional as a toon anymore either.
In IC I used it a lot for long straight tunnels, because it mowed stone away like crazy. That was good
I catually rarely pointed it at enemies, because you risked to mess up your landscape when you misshot.
If it's makeable, it would be nice to have its excellent cutting ability back. -
Yeah, what you said is what I don't understand. I do use and like the IC2 laser for cutting tunnels and rooms, just like you say you want to. Why do you say you want that ability back? It's still substantially better than diamond drills, the next best tool, for that purpose.
Whats the problem?
The normal mode on the mining laser is only slightly less powerful than the one in IC. If I remember correctly, the IC one went 8 blocks in smoothstone.
IC2's laser in normal mode goes about six, there is a slight power decrease but I don't see why a buff is needed. Just turn it on long-range, yes it only has 8 shots, but for a 2x1x1 tunnel it'll go through ~108 blocks of smoothstone. Plus if any dirt is thrown in the lasers way it'll just go farther.
Actually, just did some quick math; the normal mode can almost chew through 200 blocks from a full charge. So again I don't see the problem. -
Whats the problem?
The normal mode on the mining laser is only slightly less powerful than the one in IC. If I remember correctly, the IC one went 8 blocks in smoothstone.
IC2's laser in normal mode goes about six, there is a slight power decrease but I don't see why a buff is needed. Just turn it on long-range, yes it only has 8 shots, but for a 2x1x1 tunnel it'll go through ~108 blocks of smoothstone. Plus if any dirt is thrown in the lasers way it'll just go farther.
Actually, just did some quick math; the normal mode can almost chew through 200 blocks from a full charge. So again I don't see the problem.TBH I feel 200 blocks is next to nothing. It's a Mining Laser not a chisel
How far do you want it to go?
Because even if it is put back to the old 8 block penetration, it will only go about 50 blocks more.
It's not that I want it to go far I would like it to last. I feel you use it for 100 blocks or 200 if the numbers are right then recharge. I would like it to work a lot lot longer. Kind of useless for me anyways.
What about laser cartridges? like magazines for real weapons, when one is depleted the next one will give the EU to the laser :p?
I lug one around but find myself rarely using it because it doesn't last long enough to be a useful mining tool. Either it needs a larger charge, perhaps a Mk II version, a simple/quick way to recharge it on the go, or tie it in to the batpack or similar. It is nice for a few shots of mining but doesn't last long enough. I do appreciate the suggestion someone made elsewhere about using the explosive mode to knock glowstone dust from the ceiling in the Nether, but I only need that once or twice and then have all the glowstone dust I'll need.
What about laser cartridges? like magazines for real weapons, when one is depleted the next one will give the EU to the laser :p?
I would say energy crystals, but apparently being able to recharge away from base would make it
usefulOP, and so it wont be implemented without an addon. -
The problem is users who run PVP servers and thus want all potential
toolsweapons of mass-destruction nerfed. They really need a server-side nob in the config file. -
The problem is users who run PVP servers and thus want all potential
toolsweapons of mass-destruction nerfed. They really need a server-side nob in the config file.I really don't see that point, since the ML us completely useless as a weapon in IC². I had to shoot a skeleton multiple times (about 6 I think) before it bit the dust. And that's ok - it's menant to be a tool, but when I use it, it runs through about 4 smoothstone and then dies off. With all the positioning to do a straight tunnel, I'm faster with the mining drill.
This was way different in IC1 - it had a higher range and way better penetration. I even used it to cut away large land overhangs. Loved it. -
I really don't see that point, since the ML us completely useless as a weapon in IC². I had to shoot a skeleton multiple times (about 6 I think) before it bit the dust. And that's ok - it's menant to be a tool, but when I use it, it runs through about 4 smoothstone and then dies off. With all the positioning to do a straight tunnel, I'm faster with the mining drill.
This was way different in IC1 - it had a higher range and way better penetration. I even used it to cut away large land overhangs. Loved it.You /are/ using the correct mode for those tasks, right?
The 'mining' mode is sort of shallow penetration but lots of shots.
There's another mode (stupidly expensive, but realistically so; damn thing needs a bigger battery) that can be used to lase a tunnel.
The mining laser needs to recharge twice as fast if it is placed inside a MFSU.
Additionally, it needs improvements in terms of its aiming ability. I frequently find when I am using it that the time and energy required to either aim it correctly or to fix the mistakes I made because my shot went off target is more then if I simply just used a diamond drill.
Finally, I would suggest a mode that is able to create a man-sized hole (A 1 by 2 corridor) for quick and easy tunneling.
But please, do not say the mining laser is completely useless. It is quite useful as a mobile BBQ. Just shoot a pig 5 rounds rapid, and instant cooked ham.
For the mining laser maybe a 'very low power' targeting beam?
Another key might be used to switch it in to 'aligned' mode. (so that it acts as if you were pointing the muzzle at a block and had it angled perfectly)
The mining laser needs to recharge twice as fast if it is placed inside a MFSU.
Meh, I think that everything should recharge at range X in a bat-box, rate 2(4)x in an MFE, and 4(16)x in an MFSU
Not only that, but I think everything should be able to charge in any storage block. -
It was perfect in IC. It was more expensive than the mining drill and 10x more useful. I'd personally like to see it go back to the way it was. Who cares if it made an awesome weapon? That just meant you used up energy you could have spent mining. I doubt Al will make the chance himself, but this would make a great mod for someone to create. I'd say the current mining laser needs at least 4x the energy storage it currently has, possibly as high as 8x.