Are you still developing this mod ?

[Addon 1.42] Iron Chests V0.9.5
- lishid
- Closed
Are you still developing this mod ?
I would have to say no:
Last activity
Saturday, January 7th 2012, 10:37pm
The darn thing is to many people get bored with these mods too fast and move on -
Here we are again. I almost hate Minecraft updates, now.
Here we are again. I almost hate Minecraft updates, now.
Don't we all
add a cobble chest with 1,5 times space would be nice
add a cobble chest with 1,5 times space would be nice
Also impossible, since you cannot have 40 and a half slots.
Is it possible for this to not have industrialcraft as a requirement? because it would make a very nice stand-alone mod on its own, as is.
Are you still developing this mod ?
Lishid isn't, at least, he hasn't responded to my PM about this mod, and hasn't shown any signs of activity in the past month or more here, but I'll prepare a 1.1 update shortly. I need to get my decompilation environments running for 1.1 first... -
Lishid isn't, at least, he hasn't responded to my PM about this mod, and hasn't shown any signs of activity in the past month or more here, but I'll prepare a 1.1 update shortly. I need to get my decompilation environments running for 1.1 first...Thanks CPW, You do wonders for this community.
Thanks CPW! Why is this a IC2 addon and not a generic forge mod?
The darn thing is to many people get bored with these mods too fast and move on
I guess I must have missed the part where releasing an add-on carried with it the committment to support it ad infinitum... -
I guess I must have missed the part where releasing an add-on carried with it the committment to support it ad infinitum...It's not.. but it would be nice if people would just say 'hey, I can't maintain this anymore, someone else feel free to' before they up and leave like that...
You can rest assured that if someone's not on the forum reassuring people, they are probably off doing something more important than a game.
Life happens. It would be nice if they have a moment to say so, sure - but if any of these missing add-on developers are going through anything like the last few months have been for me, I can see why giving a status report here is a non-priority. -
It's not.. but it would be nice if people would just say 'hey, I can't maintain this anymore, someone else feel free to' before they up and leave like that...
Oh Jesus Christ... But that would take 10 seconds! Maybe 15 if they needed to login
I just came to the conclusion that most programmers die on the internet. It's like a 90% chance I have noticed over the years. As I'm sure no one is rude enough to just alt f4 and not say good by to their fans right?
Lishid isn't, at least, he hasn't responded to my PM about this mod, and hasn't shown any signs of activity in the past month or more here, but I'll prepare a 1.1 update shortly. I need to get my decompilation environments running for 1.1 first...
Potentially silly idea but since the OP is MIA maybe you should make your own post for the updated version? -
Oh Jesus Christ... But that would take 10 seconds! Maybe 15 if they needed to login
I hope you're being sarcastic - because the alternative is that you suffer from a complete lack of perspective.I didn't log in for 10 days over the holidays - and it's not because I was out having a good time or was away from the computer. There are simply many things in life far more important than Minecraft.
May your life always be so easy and trouble-free that you have time to spare for such frivolous pursuits. -
Thanks CPW! Why is this a IC2 addon and not a generic forge mod?
Well i think there's a few reasons.
First, i believe the original motivation behind the add-on was when personal chests became incompatible with buildcraft (don't know if they still are). Because of personal chests' size, that was reason enough to make the iron chest to restore that functionality.
Also, the diamond chest can be made with industrial diamonds (not that this is a relevant factor anymore).
Those reason's tie the mod more to industrial-craft than the other large mods, and i suppose it is a very small mod so it 'feels' more like an add-on sized mod anyways.
But i do agree, this mod would definitely be a candidate to become independent of IC. After all, storage space is something that affects us all...
If anyone has the know how to update this mod for 1.1 just port it over! If the guy is no longer going to do it I'm sure it wouldn't hurt.. I NEED this mod I don't want to play minecraft without it. There isn't any other mod like this that works as well as this. BC pipes work perfectly with them and everything.. And the space!! Diamond chest space is just beautiful!
Lishid isn't, at least, he hasn't responded to my PM about this mod, and hasn't shown any signs of activity in the past month or more here, but I'll prepare a 1.1 update shortly. I need to get my decompilation environments running for 1.1 first...Busy lately with real life stuff, if you update it, you can post it.
Guys, I'm working on updating this to 1.1. But please, give me a bit of time. There's a whole bunch of new stuff in IC2 which makes a straight decompilation very difficult. Once I've done that, I can fix up this code and release it. But until I've done that, all bets are off, and I'm afraid you're going to have to be patient. Lishid has authorized me to carry on updating this, and I will.
Guys, I'm working on updating this to 1.1. But please, give me a bit of time. There's a whole bunch of new stuff in IC2 which makes a straight decompilation very difficult. Once I've done that, I can fix up this code and release it. But until I've done that, all bets are off, and I'm afraid you're going to have to be patient. Lishid has authorized me to carry on updating this, and I will.
Rush Him!
Thanks CPW. I for one will not be using this not because of your quality craftsmanship but because of SSP I'm doing with EE. But I will see for my IC Server once your done. If your considering on keeping this done overtime I might do it. But I mean the chest mods something you don't want to screw around with unless you know its going to keep going