Also could use a cooling terraformer to chill the ice down, right? Might be cheaper than a huge array of compressors.
Version 1.337 is out!, watch out for them reactor changes ;)
Ooooh, cooling farm would be worth looking into.
Also could use a cooling terraformer to chill the ice down, right? Might be cheaper than a huge array of compressors.
My gut feeling is this is worse than the 25% eff loss I calculated; go ahead and do the math on how much it costs, including material synthesis for any consumed materials.
Ok, using 16 Retrievers, I have managed to get my bucket system to around 10-15 buckets per second (at a guess). Only issues are that the system still backstuffs BADLY if you shut down the reactor while it's cooling and that it takes a few minutes to get the BPS stabilized. One solution to the second problem is to fill the reactor with the initial buckets and all the remaining spaces with plating. Once the cooling starts flowing you can start to replace plating with U-Cells as the flow can handle it. I'm working on a better solution.
I'll be making a request to Eloraam for a bi-directional Filter, or a modification to the existing one (possibly a button in the Filter GUI) which will allow a Filter to act as it normally does, but also pass items through in reverse. Even an electric buffer would be nice... Similar to a Buffer but can have Blutricity and Redstone applied to pass it's contents into (or out of) an inventory as space is made.
Anyway, most of the issues are caused by tube lag, as mentioned above by someone....
Tired.... Going to nap!
Ok, using 16 Retrievers, I have managed to get my bucket system to around 10-15 buckets per second (at a guess). Only issues are that the system still backstuffs BADLY if you shut down the reactor while it's cooling and that it takes a few minutes to get the BPS stabilized. One solution to the second problem is to fill the reactor with the initial buckets and all the remaining spaces with plating. Once the cooling starts flowing you can start to replace plating with U-Cells as the flow can handle it. I'm working on a better solution.
I'll be making a request to Eloraam for a bi-directional Filter, or a modification to the existing one (possibly a button in the Filter GUI) which will allow a Filter to act as it normally does, but also pass items through in reverse. Even an electric buffer would be nice... Similar to a Buffer but can have Blutricity and Redstone applied to pass it's contents into (or out of) an inventory as space is made.
Hmm? Is Redpower 2 Pr4 compatible with IC² 1.337 on MC 1.8.1?
Or how are you getting retrievers to work in 1.8.1? -
They didn't; if you scan back a page or they are simulating a reactor core with a chest.
Actually, I have switched over to using an array of Deployers to simulate the Reactor. I'm using the previously mentioned 8 buckets per second as a benchmark for how to wire up the Deployers to behave like a Reactor. If I get extra buckets piling up in them, I'm feeding too fast. If I don't have ANY buckets in them, I'm feeding too slow.
Obviously, this is preliminary research only and will have to be adjusted once the 1.0 version of IC2 comes out. Right now, I'm just trying to find out of the RP2 machines and tubes can exceed BC in reliability and reduce complexity (and size). I'm working with a bucket system right now because I don't have compressors to make ice with. I'll be checking on that to see how it'll rate once it's possible to do so.
I'm hoping to replace BC with RP entirely, once the frames from RP are out. I LIKE BC, don't get me wrong, it's just that to power a complex industrial operation, you need a butt load of engines and a way to fuel them. Either Combustion engines, which means lag from fluids moving through waterproof pipes, or Steam engines, which means massive tree farms (steam has 1/4 the power output of Comb. engines, IIRC) to convert to charcoal. My computer sucks, so I need a less laggy alternative.
Here' s my latest setup. It's messy, but supplies 8 buckets per .4 seconds to the 'Core.' It has backstuffing protection and should be safe if the cooling is started before the Reactor and the Reactor is started with low/no U-cells in it (they'll be added as buckets get flowing properly.)
Be warned that in the next version a Reactor's output is doubled by default, therefore you may have to upgrade your cables /before/ installing the next IC version to prevent melting cables.
For example: if your reactor was outputing 70 EU each tick and you were using gold cables on it, the next version will output 140 EU each tick and melt the cable.
I just thought I'd post this before the next version to stem the torrent of "My reactor isn't working now, why!?!" posts
The reactor planner will be updated once the next IC version is offically out.
Using what package type??? For example a LV converter outputs 128EU/t but in 32EU packets... I think. -
Generators always sends it in 1 package. So 140 eu/tick is 1 package of 140 eu each tick.