[1.337B][Bug]Mining Drill crashes to Loading Chunks and corrupts Save

  • Put newly made mining drill in Batbox, game crashed to the Loading Chunks screen and seems to corrupt the entire save, cannot get it back. Keeps going to Loading Chunks.

  • Does it keep going to loading chunks when you try to get the drill out of the batbox, or as soon as you load the world?
    If you can fget into the world, don't open the Batbox - just wrench it - or break it if need be. See if that helps.

  • Does it keep going to loading chunks when you try to get the drill out of the batbox, or as soon as you load the world?
    If you can fget into the world, don't open the Batbox - just wrench it - or break it if need be. See if that helps.

    When I tried to Load Selected World, I get to the Building Terrain Screena nd then it goes to Saving Chunks and a black screen.

  • Usually they're stored somewhere... On my linux setups I have a script I run which runs the launcher; crash dumps end up in the laucher's directory since that's the current working directory when I run the script.

    On windows try looking inside %appdata%\.minecraft\

  • Usually they're stored somewhere... On my linux setups I have a script I run which runs the launcher; crash dumps end up in the laucher's directory since that's the current working directory when I run the script.

    On windows try looking inside %appdata%\.minecraft\

    Good to know there are other Linux users around. And yeah, also the crash log is often printed to the terminal if you're using it.

    On Windows, check the ModLoader.txt file or find an error test batch script (quite a number floating around the MCF) and use that.

  • I'm unable to replicate this issue.

    I tried placing both a brand new (empty) mining drill in a batbox... allowed it to charge for a moment (closed GUI), came backa nd removed drill without a problem. Tried again, allowing it to fully charge this time... still no problem.

    I also tried the above test with a diamond tipped mining drill. No problems. :(

  • Under linux, if it crashes inside of java you'll get an hs_err_pid####.log file which contains the info. If the program it's self crashes for some other reason, you'll probably get nothing on a modern linux distro.

    I /have/ seen GL related issues a time or two, but they tend to be interactions with many other system elements (particularly GL output from media players; but flash could also be an issue).

  • Just tried to replicate it on Windows, no luck. Mining Drill and Diamond drill both recharged normally.

    My fault entirely. Turns out I had added an addon mod that was not yet compatable, I used ICEff_0-6.rar.

    Without that in there it works fine. Sorry guys. Works great now! I am an idiot.