Please update this addon

[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Advanced Solar Panels v3.5.1 + Quantum Generator + Solar helmets !
two v. from this addons
but no addon is updatet -.- -
sry, but i think, this addon ist death
Are you going to be ready with the updated version within 3 days? If not, I'm willing to do the porting and updating.
Again, if the recipe is impractical now one is going to build these when they can just make more normal panels for a cheaper recipe. The recipe for these panels should mostly be the panel itself, the point should really be to consolidate the equipment.
The normal solar panels do 1 EU/t (13,050 EU/day)
Advanced solar panels/upgraded what ever should be something like this
Upgraded Solar Panel 5 EU/t (65,250 EU/day)
Advanced Solar Panel 25 EU/t (326,250 EU/day)
High Efficiency Solar Panel 50 EU/t (652,500 EU/day)A upgraded panel should be like 6 solar panels, a lv transformer, machine block and a electronic circut.
a advanced panel should be like 6 upgraded panels a MV transformer, machine block and another electronic circut
a HE solar panel should be like 6 advanced solar panels a HV transformer, advanced machine block and advanced circut.IC2 doesn't need new types of solar panels so we can replace nukes, it needs new types of solar panels so the guy with 5000 solar panels can turn those into 100 solar panels and not have to have a giant floating platform in the sky.
and solar panels should NEVER work at night
Anybody who has passed any math course would never use this.
Think about it.
Losses for 1 upgraded panel-
1 solar, 1 lv transformer, 8 refined iron, 1 circuit.
Losses for 1 advanced panel-
11 solar panels, 7 circuits, 48 refined iron, 6 lv transformers, 1 mv transformer.
Losses for 1 high efficiency panel-
166 solar panels, 42 circuits, 288 refined iron, 36 lv transformers, 6 mv transformers, 1 hv transformer, 1 adv machine, 1 adv circuit.Every smart person would stick with plain solars. Also, the refined iron is just from the machine blocks.
Edit: I just realized, you complain about an "impractical" recipe, then propose something to convert 216 eu/t and a ton of other materials into 50 eu/t. Hypocrite.
Also, I would suggest 8making solars around a circuit gets 1 8eu/t solar, 8 of those around an adv circuit gets you a solar with 64the eu/t. That way, you only lose 8 circuits and 1 adv circuit.
Last I heard the payoff period for solar panels on a house was several years, depending on where you are (how much sun you get) and how expensive power is where you are.
as to efficiency? wikipedia says the best commercial ones are 21% (take that with a couple grains of salt) but i'm sure that's the expensive cost prohibitive stuff.The financial payoff may be a few years (especially if you hide the cost with government incentives that shift some of that cost to the taxpaying public via rebates instead of the proud new owner shelling out all of the cash). Plus residential solar panel installations are rarely sized for 100% of the load. That could easily cost $50,000-100,000 USD to cover heat, cooking, lighting, hot water, and plug loads. Over 20 years that's $208-417/month USD. The best embodied energy study I've come across found that the typical lifespan of a solar electric system is around 20 years, and in that time it will produce around 45% of the total energy that went into getting them into their final state on your roof.
Most of the figures for embodied energy only account for one stage in the manufacture of an item and only account for the direct energy consumption. (I.e. the amps used by a smelter to produce a given amount of finished material divided by the amount of that material used in one finished good). but ignore the energy used in mining the ore, shipping the ore, keeping the lights on in legal, accounting, and the CEO's offices, all of the logistics involved in shipping sub-components around the world, the energy involved in manufacturing those sub-components, and on up the supply chain. Then you have to go down the supply chain from the solar panel manufacturing plant until the panels are installed. If you're being really detailed, you'd add the power used in the contractor's cordless drill to screw them down. To be really thorough, would also consider total life-cycle and consider the energy involved in taking them off your roof, patching the mounting holes if necessary, and disposing of them properly once they've kicked the bucket.
I really wish I could share the study with you guys but the link I have is broken now.
It was a really enlightening read... especially for this hippie. (Yes, it may not seem like it from reading this post, but I am a very environmentally conscious person. I'm also a realist though.)
JustVisiting : those "embodied energy" studies have a major flaw. In the scenarios where it is physically possible to get those panels onto your roof at a lower cost than the power company charges per watt delivered (it is quite possible to do that today. Go to and just look, there's hundreds of kits that would have a payoff within a decade at normal power prices in a state like Texas), how is the manufacturer of the panels able to provide energy at that low a price. If a solar panel manufacturer could create energy to produce a panel at such a low cost as to break even at the prices they are selling them, they could make more money by selling energy on the open market.
It also doesn't pass another test. Modern solar panels have a higher efficiency rating and a higher lifetime than any photosynthetic organism. (I don't think individual cells in any form of tree last for 20 years). Yet, obviously, the energy provided by photosynthesis at the low efficiency ratings nature is capable of (just a few percent) is enough energy to allow the plant to self replicate and generate an energy surplus.
Please link one of these studies. It needs to have a publication date within the last 5 years to have any realistic validity. I earnestly think that the solution to the world's energy problems is to
1. Develop a solar cell design that requires the least amount of rare earths and other expensive materials while providing good efficiency. There's hundreds of university labs that have published varying designs, it is quite likely that such a design has already be developed.
2. Develop an automated manufacturing process for this cell that can produce it in enormous quantities, with the least human labor inputs possible. Build some of these factories.
3. Begin covering the world's unpopulated deserts with these panels, selling the electricity produced and also using it to run the factory and pay for additional factories.
4. Keep going until we've covered enough desert to run the world off of solar. It's possible to store the energy for the night in many ways, from some types of batteries to electrolyzing water to hydrogen (possibly reforming to methane after that) and then reversing the process. There is enough desert, easily. (the U.S. could run off of 100x100 square of arizona, leaving most of the state empty)
The advantages of doing this are myriad, and I think that ultimately the economics will push power production to this. Solar plants won't require a lot of maintainence, or purchasing of fuel, or many environmental impact mitigation actions (since all you have are static panels on the ground somewhere). One has to optimize and automate the manufacturing of a single solar cell type to an extreme degree, and all panels produced world wide will become cheaper. (versus if you tried to say, make nuclear power plant parts cheap to manufacture...there are thousands of unique parts inside a nuclear plant and each one of them would require a separate effort to optimize, while solar panels are all the same)
If a solar panel manufacturer could create energy to produce a panel at such a low cost as to break even at the prices they are selling them, they could make more money by selling energy on the open market.
And that's called "opportunity cost", which was my original point in the thread.
If the energy (or the UU-M, or the materials) are better used directly on one's needs rather than invested in a machine, it's overpriced. -
Wow. VERY expensive to make one solar panel now!
I like that multiple panels can be combined now, it's a good idea to reduce the panel size. However, could this please be updated for 1.43? It's useless without that sadly
Also, is there really any need to be discussing the merits of genuine solar panels
Edit: I just realized, you complain about an "impractical" recipe, then propose something to convert 216 eu/t and a ton of other materials into 50 eu/t. Hypocrite.
Also, I would suggest 8making solars around a circuit gets 1 8eu/t solar, 8 of those around an adv circuit gets you a solar with 64the eu/t. That way, you only lose 8 circuits and 1 adv circuit.
right because when i say "should be like" it "should be take" as "this is the way it is" right?
no I said should be like as in it needs work as in its not my mod and needs refinement.
My feed back was a better recipe was needed, the goal was to start conversation in finding a better recipe because everyone was just complaining that it was too expensive instead of offering suggestions.
update please
Sentimel, if you don't have time for an update, please post your original source. I could write an update myself, but if I do that I'm going to write my own code and publish it at my own. (with credits to you for the idea). With the source posted, I could update it and post it pretty easily.
Wow. VERY expensive to make one solar panel now!
I like that multiple panels can be combined now, it's a good idea to reduce the panel size. However, could this please be updated for 1.43? It's useless without that sadly
Also, is there really any need to be discussing the merits of genuine solar panels
Multiple solars can't be combined... Unless you're thinking of some guy's retarded idea that is a good idea to throw away over 75% of your 216 solars to make a single 50 eu/t solar. Also, do the math. that's 648 coal dust, 648 glass, 1296 redstone, 2,808 rubber, 1,404 copper, 1,728 cobble, 864 tin, and 2,160 refined iron. JUST for the solar panels. Plus the 36 lv transformers, 6 mv transformers, an hv transformer, 42 more machine blocks, 42 more regular circuits, 1 more advanced machine, and 1 more advanced circuit. -
I would LOVE to try updating it, but the only problem is that I don't know how to decompile IC2 with the given patches and stuff. If anyone knows, please tell me!
[Also, do the math. that's 648 coal dust, 648 glass, 1296 redstone, 2,808 rubber, 1,404 copper, 1,728 cobble, 864 tin, and 2,160 refined iron. JUST for the solar panels. Plus the 36 lv transformers, 6 mv transformers, an hv transformer, 42 more machine blocks, 42 more regular circuits, 1 more advanced machine, and 1 more advanced circuit.
It would still be cheaper than the absurd idea that is the original recipe for this version of the add-on! -
It would still be cheaper than the absurd idea that is the original recipe for this version of the add-on!
Nope. Try creating all that out of UUM. It will take several thousand. In fact, I think simply processing all those materials takes more energy than making the uum to make the thingy, if you're using scrap.
648 macerations, over 6000 smelts, ~1000 extractions. Just for the solars. I think that totals >12kk EU. -
I don't want to hijack Sentimel's thread like that, but Zippinus added Solar Arrays to his Advanced machines mod. They seem to be just the thing many of us asked for: compressed solars that use basic solars to make them.
Anyone curious should look at Zippinus thread here: http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&threadID=1174&pageNo=1 -
Update this addon
At this point, there's no longer a need to. The Advanced Machines add-on has made sensible arrays whose costs cannot be debated. They're available in 8,64, or 512 EU/t versions. They reduce the amount of CPU processing for multiple panels... and they don't require new materials that have no other use.
Hi guys, sorry for long delay with update, but i been very very busy. Now i wll rewrite this addon with new IC API. Some good news. Base Advanced Panel will be cheaper for craft and based with original recipe. Hybrid panel cost less. And I add new panel with output 512 eu. Big thanks CPW for Compact Solars. But craft HV and MV panels cost verrryy many resources and take long time. My craft recipe will be some cheaper and simple. I have new idea to add upgrade slots in solar panels as new machines. I want add 3 types of panels.:
1 - Advanced Panel - 8 eu day, 1 eu night
2- Hybrid Panel - 64 ue day, 8 eu night
3 - Ultimate hybrid panel - 512 eu day, 64 eu nightEach type of panels can upgrade:
First type - 1 plates for 1 eu (max 64 plates). Max upgraded output - 72 eu.
Second type - 1 plates for 4 eu (max 64 plates). Max upgraded output - 320 eu.
Third type - 1 plate for 8 eu (max 64 plates). Max upgraded output - 1024 eu.Your opinion ?