[Suggestion] More Configurable for Server [Energie]

  • Hallo,

    i use the Nuclear Reacktor for all but on our Server we dosent use Buildcraft and without BC is it hard too Build a Reacktor that make enough EU.
    The normal Genarator can be Config(in the IC2.cfg) to make more EU, is it Possibel to make this for the Nuclear Reacktor too?

    greet from Germany


  • Does your server run Redpower2 ? You can make a CARUC (aka CASUC) reactor out of that.

    You can also use normal redstone throttled reactors to run designs that would otherwise be too hot for a fraction of the time instead (more efficiency out of your uranium).

  • Could someone post the 1.337 server config with the values for wind, nuclear and solar displayed? For some reason my config is generating with just the normal generator value but none of the others.

    I have the same case in 1.42 as well (or so I recall anyway); if those variables exist they aren't being flushed out to the file and thus aren't 'documented' to prospective end users.

    • Official Post

    Looks like someone forgot to put all of the config things in, code is there, just the stuff for the config isn't. We'll keep it in mind.

    Lesson 1: Watch over your crops....

  • A better idea is to just have your entire config file generated by encoding your internal list of key/value pairs. Great example syntax would be the Redpower 2 config file which is obviously a textual representation of hierarchical data within that mod.

    • Official Post

    It is just a few lines of code to tell it to add a couple more integer configs, did you know that we all use the forge config system? Same system.

    Lesson 1: Watch over your crops....

  • I didn't know that.

    Different files in different areas with slightly different apparent layouts. It seemed like everyone was rolling their own thing from the outside perspective.

  • I didn't know that.

    Different files in different areas with slightly different apparent layouts. It seemed like everyone was rolling their own thing from the outside perspective.

    The only things that differ is the people implementing them. Eloraam pretty much made Forge and as such her config files look a little fancier but both RP2 and IC2 share the same config system.