Anyone care to double check my work? (Energy storage array 365 MIL EU)

  • Hey everyone,


    Building my first 1820 CASUC and I wanted to find a way to store ALL EU produced from 1 full cycle (totaling 364,000,000 EU for a full cycle). So i figured well that's easy, that's just 37 MFSU. Then i realized that 1820 EU/t is over the 512 max input on an MFSU so i needed a HVTF in between the reactor and the MFSU array.

    So i have completed it. 38 MFSU laid out in a way that 13 MFSU receive the total output from the reactor and then fill to full, and then begin to fill the MFSU directly above it. This happens until all MFSU are totaly full. Or so I THINK.

    This is where you guys come in, before I turn the system on, and risk blowing the back end of my shop clean off the map, I figured I would see what you guys thought...

    as you can see i have 3x INS HV line coming from the reactor, being split to 13 HVTF. from the 13 HVTF it goes over fiber to the bottom of 13 MFSU, those 13 should fill then start to fill the 13 above it, etc etc etc until all are full. All draw from the system will be from the output from the TOP MFSU. As long as my demand for power coming OUT of the energy bank does not exceed 512 then i should never have any issued with power. and i can afford to only need to run the reactor when i get to 98% power depleted.

    Anyways, let me know what you think.


  • looks sorta ok. Although transform the energy down to 512 glass fiber sooner, so that you don't get any/much cable losses.

    This works because when transforming down, the transformer outputs 4 512 pulses (=2048 capacity) per tick. save you a few EUs if you want to.

    also, you won't need that many transformers. one transformer has a capacity (see above) of 2048Eu/t, so if your reactor is only 1820 it works.

    you might want to think about how you are going to supply this energy to whatever. The layout makes it hard to separate each MFSU if you want different ones to power different things you will have to have a look at it.

    concept looking good however.

    Hell, prove me wrong, Happy to be so 99% of the time, then I can learn stuff :)

  • this works because when transforming down, the transformer outputs 4 512 pulses (=2048 capacity) per tick. save you a few EUs if you want to

    That right there was my question. I was worried about 1820 input to a HVTF and only 512 output, where did the 1308 go!! but that makes perfects sense. i only with i knew that before i made 13 of them. Ok so I can change that out, cut down the EU loss threw the HV cable.

  • Ok, time for an update.

    I removed the 13 HVTF and place just 1 much closer to the reactor, and tested the theory above. It worked, the fiber line when tested with an EU meter was reading 1820 but it didn't blow, and neither did the MFSU's in the array. The reactor ran a full cycle at 1820 EU/t producing 365 000 000 EU total, completely filling all 37 MFSU in the array.

    i would post new screen shots, but there really isn't much change from the ones above. (with the exception of the removal of the HVTFs and the HV line swapped to fiber)

  • So your Mass Fabricator is sorted for power then? :)

    GENERATION 26: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment or chain letter? This is left as an exercise for the reader.

    Efficiency 3, 50% duty cycle. SMP friendly. Alternate two of them slowly with an rp2 sequencer for a steady 120 EU/t.