[Suggestion] Mining Drill Stone / Diamond Enchants Working with Miner

  • I know that this topic might seem stupid because it already has been answered before, but i will with some more arguements to why the enchants on a diamond drill or mining drill should work in a Miner.

    First of all, if you single play on a server with only IC / IC2 installed, the miner is better than mining on your own.
    It reduces the time that you will spent underground, and improves how many ores / block you gain, because the miner sees everything in the range of 9x9.

    But! many server with IC2 also plays with Redpower and Buildcraft.

    And in buildcraft there is a machine thats called "Quarry", that removes blocks from the height you place it until you reach Bedrock, that means the ultimate miner for everyone who is damn god lazy.

    And it annoyus me that such a genius idea like a miner, gets so destroyed on a server that is using machines, that means Buildcraft also.

    Thats why i thought that the enchants on a diamond drill or Mining Drill should work in the Miner.


    You need to kill atleast 1000 monsters before getting something near lvl 50, or atleast kill the dragon, wich is mostly not resetted on any server, causes many problems.
    That is why a enchant above lvl 40 is hard to reach, or takes alot of time..

    Second getting the enchant "fortune", its not easy at all. You have to have like above 44 in lvl and then really lucky to get it.

    Now once you have it, it still wont be that OP as everyone thinks,
    because it still takes time to mine,
    you still have to find great ores to get alot of them.
    It would be the same as if you would mine your self, just faster.

    Thats my arguements to why enchants on diamond drill or mining drill really should work, it wouldnt be OP like the buildcrafts "Quarry" wich dosent need much effort to get, nor require much to run.

    Its only fair, that after you made something great like a miner + diamond drill, after you killed the dragon and finally got a nice "fortune" enchants, that you should just be a tack better than before spending so much effort into it.

    Already the miner helps you much once you mined alot your self, why then not let someone who spent alot of effort into something, just get a miner upgrade again =?.


  • enchants on a diamond drill

    Will be removed, as it was not intended, and therefore makes this topic irrelevant.

    Not trying to be rude, but it's pointless to bring up.

    ...What? There's no pineapples here.

    GENERATION Pineapple: The first pineapple you see, copy it into your sig on any forum and add sqrt(-1) to the generation. Pineapple experiment.

  • The server I play on has both Redpower and Buildcraft as well and I still prefer using IC2 Miners to BC Quarries. Miners hit bedrock faster, don't rely on fuel (just 4 lapotrons and an MFSU, which can be charged using my nice fire and forget wind farm) and don't leave an enormous hideous hole in the ground afterwards. Plus, you don't get eighteen zillion stacks of cobble from it.

    GENERATION (Pineapple + i): The first pineapple you see, copy it into your sig on any forum and add sqrt(-1) to the generation. Pineapple experiment.

  • It's just my opinion, but I prefer enchantments to work with drills and miners.
    Not too logic as any magic. It's powerful, but hard to obtain. 1st post show good reasons.
    Is it possible to allow enchantments on laser?
    Power, Punch, Flame as a bow;
    As a mining tool Fortune and Silk Touch by chance.

  • It's just my opinion, but I prefer enchantments to work with drills and miners.
    Not too logic as any magic. It's powerful, but hard to obtain. 1st post show good reasons.
    Is it possible to allow enchantments on laser?
    Power, Punch, Flame as a bow;
    As a mining tool Fortune and Silk Touch by chance.

    No go, al consider enchantments to be imbalanced and with a reason. Most likely they will be removed from all IC2 electric items in a future update.

  • One of the reasons they are not enchantable is that they are indestructible so they won't ever break. Since Alblaka is already considering silk-touch on Construction Foam as total OP, I guess he won't find an indestructible Fortune X Drill balanced.

  • One of the reasons they are not enchantable is that they are indestructible so they won't ever break. Since Alblaka is already considering silk-touch on Construction Foam as total OP, I guess he won't find an indestructible Fortune X Drill balanced.

    Besides we already a sort of fortune "Enchantment", its called the macerator.

  • I understand all this. But whole game is for fun. I can suggest an Infinity laser, but it would not be fun any long.
    Enchantments are for those, who gain and spend many xp levels. At that stage game overpowered in any way and no need to balance it. Player mostly have all he want.
    I want an Industrial way to get some ore block intact. By using a special laser mode, nanocells or anything else. For some reason I did not get any opinions on my Nano suggestion, so I assume it is so bad, noone want to think about it.
    Somehow I lost my drill stored in chest :( It seems it was not stored with world.

  • I understand all this. But whole game is for fun. I can suggest an Infinity laser, but it would not be fun any long.
    Enchantments are for those, who gain and spend many xp levels. At that stage game overpowered in any way and no need to balance it. Player mostly have all he want.
    I want an Industrial way to get some ore block intact. By using a special laser mode, nanocells or anything else. For some reason I did not get any opinions on my Nano suggestion, so I assume it is so bad, noone want to think about it.
    Somehow I lost my drill stored in chest :( It seems it was not stored with world.

    We already have a infinity laser, its called powered by EU with Batpacks and Lappacks.

    Most tool comes in Electric versions, so the durability enchantment its useless too.

    The Nano Saber packs quite a punch, so any damage enchantment for sword becomes useless.

    Like i said before we have the macerator as our ore "Fortune" enchantment.

    Enchantment was just a poorly planned feature because they didnt have enough time to add a decent "Level" system because the official release was coming closer and closer. Also getting the experience for the enchantments its a drag and i bet that most people play in peaceful most of the time unless they want to farm items from hostile mobs. And balance its something you dont casually drop in the end because you already have "Everything"

    Besides you can still use your enchantments if you so want, just make a diamond tool and use the enchantment table on it, problem solved. Since you already have "Everything" this should pose no problem.