(This may not be the right section)
I read the tutorial, but I have a few things I do not understand/are unsure about.
-Is heat an integer? Is heat for components/hull stored as an integer, meaning that you cannot have half of a heat unit? if you can, Most of my questions are not neccisary.
-How does plate heat splitting work? I assume it cannot split heat to the tile it got the heat from, but I assume the heat can be tranfered between two plates in the case of two heat pulses going on oppisite directions. Also, it is unclear on how it splits uneven amounts of heat, such as 3 heat to 2 tiles. Does each tile get 1 heat, and one is stored in the plating? Do they get 2 heat, creating 1 extra heat magically? Does it do either, but use stored heat to equalize it?
-How much does plating increase hull durability by? Also, Unless you had orphaned urainium cells, or a HD, I see no way heat would find it's way to the hull. Do platings interact with the hull to cause this? Does external cooling do nothing unless the hull has heat stored, or does it start to apply to the components in that case?
-How long does it take to refine a almost depleated uranium fuel cell, in the case of 0 heat? I know it is 2x as fast in the case of 3k heat, and 4x as fast for 6k, and 8x as fast for 9k. (would higher amounts be possible if you have plating as well, which I think increase the threshhold for something, I assume increases the threshhold for explosions, but does it also increase the threshholds for melting/radiation? I am not sure about this either.
How would you design a reactor that heats up, but does not melt any components without using a HD? I am pretty sure that unless some magic occurs for plate conduction/other interaction, this is impossible to do. I know that if you give a cooling cell exactly 2 heat per tick, it will melt EXACTly at the moment the reactor deactivates, unless I missed part of the model, such as how heat gets to the hull without a HD or orphaned reactor.