[Suggestion] Quantumcrystals

    • Official Post

    There was no such idea at the Compendium so:

    Quantumcrystals are a extremely rare (only one placed every 50-100 16 Chunks and every layer is possible) kind of Crystal that is capable of generating Energy. These Crystals are generating fluctuating
    16 32 EU/t all the time (that's not much for that extreme rareness).

    To use that energy you need a Quantumcrystalreactor:

    :Iridium: :Energy Crystal: :Iridium: where the Energycrystals are Lapotrons (Icon missing!).
    :Advanced Circuit: :Advanced Machine: :Advanced Circuit: Only one slot in the GUI for the Crystal (No Batteryslot because of the fluctuation).
    :Iridium: :Energy Crystal: :Iridium: You can put the Crystal everytime out of the machine (for selling it for example).

    if you put a Quantumcrystal into that Tier-4-Technology you get your average 16 32 EU/t at a fluctuating rate between 0 and 64.
    But you must be carefull, sometimes it generates Energyspikes (after a long period of low energygeneration) from up to 2048 EU, so it is not good usable to power a few Tier-1-Machines in a newly build Base (Except you have Transformerupgrades or a full set of Transformers). Also you MUST use the Energy outputted by that generator, because if not it goes overload and BOOM! The two Lapotrons are the Overloadbuffer for 2 Mill EU. The Quantumcrystal itself is 100% explosionsave, if it its not in a Quantumcrystalreactor.

    Because of the rareness of these Crystals they are very good for people, who are going out for mining instead of UUM-Producing their needed stuff, so they can sell them for a horrendous price. In the Nether you can find more of these Crystals (one placed every 25-50 10 Chunks at every layer), and in the End you can find much more of them (one every 4 2 chunks).

    This Crystal is especially NOT useable in the Quantumsuitrecipe for infinite Quantumsuitpower (Just before you're asking for).

    Firstedit: Quantumcrystals are also NOT produceable! (not even with UUM)
    Doubleedit: 100 Chunks are NOT 1600m*1600m, they're only 160m*160m!
    Tripleedit: It would replace 32 64 lagging Solarpanels (or even more with bad weather), and can be placed underearth and in other dimensions!!!
    Quadroedit: Solarpanels effective EU/t is under 0.5 (only day not night or bad weather) and One every 16 chunks with average 32 EU/t is better.

    I thought a lot about the Balancing and the risks Quantumenergy could have to the User (and his Neighbours), so what's your opinion?

    Edit: So after some discussions we got the following:

    Quantumcrystals, mainelement of Quantumenergygeneration, which is not produceable (even not with UUM). :Force Field:
    Despite the name, it has absolutely nothing to do with Quantumsuit.
    Quantumreactor costs 4 Iridiumplates and other stuff mentioned above. :Iridium: :Iridium: :Iridium: :Iridium:
    One Crystal every 16 - 32 Chunks (ca. every 90mx90m-Square) and possible at every heightlayer (even in Mountains).
    32 green EU/t forever per setup. :thumbup:
    It's a very late Endgameenergysource.
    It's generating Energyspikes from up to 2048 EU after long periods of low energyoutput. :cursing:
    If you overload the internal EU-Storage of 2-million from the Generator it goes BOOM like nuclear. :Nuke TNT:
    You need at least one HV-Transformer for running it safely. :HV-Transformer:
    If you use a Minersetup than an OD-Scanner will not work, but the OV-Scanner can detect 'em.

    Gives a good reason for Mining (instead of UUM-Producing the stuff you need). :Mining Drill:
    A new reason for going to the Nether (crystals a bit more common there). MinecraftGhast MinecraftZombieman
    A good reason to go fast to the End, because there are much more (First player who reaches it is getting most of them). :D
    Most likely no more massive Solarpanels (One replaces a bit more than 64 Solarpanels -> less lag). 8)
    In old maps/servers you have to discover new terrain in order to get these Crystals. :(

    With so much energy in Endgame would be a blastresistent Iridiumblock a good way to dump UUM. ;)
    If you think that producing so many EU for Iridum, only to get only even more EU, destorys the fun, than look at what you're actually doing with nuclear or whatever energysource. Hint: It's exactly the same, but only with a lower Tier and less fun, than Quantumenergy. :D

    Did i forgot something?

  • first off, you do realize a chunk is 16W*16L*128H? so 100 chunks is like 1,600L by 1,600W. which is bigger then some peoples worlds, so basically only 1-4 is allowed per world...

    second: You could easily just hook it up to a HV transformer with HV-triple insulated wire and never have to worry about it.

    third: it's non-craftable, in my opinion this sounds like an aweful idea.

    Now if you told me that these was like an upgrade of a lapotron crystal that uses 4 Iridium Plates, 4 lapotron crystals and 1 advanced machine and make a Quantum Crystal that was capable of storing 100million energy, then i would highly agree and start using these as my new Advanced mobile energy storage so that people on my server would stop using their damn Solar Panels and i could just charge up 6 of these things and hand them one a week. and sell them more if they decide that they want to actually burn all their energy on MassFabs.

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

    • Official Post

    first off, you do realize a chunk is 16W*16T*128H? so 100 chunks is like 1,600 by 1,600. which is bigger then some peoples worlds, so basically only 1-4 is allowed per world...

    Uuuuhm you are not good at math or... 1600 * 1600 = 10000 chunks but it is only 160 * 160 = 100 chunks (10x10-Square of chunks). In addition of the fact that they are more common in the Nether (every 50 Chunks instead of 100) and a in the End (every 4 chunks because there is only one Island) you should consider that they must be findable, and 10000 chunks is very huge for only ONE hidden crystal that continously outputs only 16 EU/t on average.

    100 Chunks is the size of a small biome so you can find 1 - 3 for every biome in the world.

    Oh and for showing one crystal in 100 chunks to other people who may didn't understood that, it looks like that:
    :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log:
    :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log:
    :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log:
    :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log:
    :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log:
    :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Industrial Diamond: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log:
    :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log:
    :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log:
    :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log:
    :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log:

    where the logs are the chunks without Crystal, and the diamond is the chunk with the one Crystal.


    second: You could easily just hook it up to a HV transformer with HV-triple insulated wire and never have to worry about it.

    That was intended, but to use these Crystals safely you need some equipment like the transformers. Also would be possible to add some special blocks around it likewise nuclearreactorchambers.

    So to use the Crystals you need a Quantumcrystalreactor (a bit more expensive than a Quantumsuitbodyarmor) for every Quantumcrystal and a HV-Transformer for every energynet you want to use them.


    third: it's non-craftable, in my opinion this sounds like an aweful idea.

    I could ignore that because you've made 10000 out of only 100.


    Now if you told me that these was like an upgrade of a lapotron crystal that uses 4 Iridium Plates, 4 lapotron crystals and 1 advanced machine and make a Quantum Crystal that was capable of storing 100million energy, then i would highly agree and start using these as my new Advanced mobile energy storage so that people on my server would stop using their damn Solar Panels and i could just charge up 6 of these things and hand them one a week. and sell them more if they decide that they want to actually burn all their energy on MassFabs.

    No, we don't need better energystorages. That is a regenerative (= endlesslasting) energysource, so if some people decide to not use the Hightechstuff and going mining with Lowtech/Midtechstuff, they can make large profit, with selling that Crystals on Hightechpeople, if they have good luck on finding them, because these Crystals are not only at Diamondlayer.

    And for selling limited amounts of solidified energy you can use the UUM as you said.

    And in an additional addition i hate these lagcausing Solarpanelusers too (what was my inspiration for that Idea).

  • sorry sir, but it is your math that is horribly wrong, a chunk is 16 by 16, so 100 chunks, 16*100=1,600. also 16EU/t on average isn't very much as all, 6 properly placed Wind Turbines can pump out that much and are ALOT easier to make/find. i do agree with the fact that they are easier to find in the nethwer, and even easier to find in The End, but the cost of your Quantum Reactor is way to much. if someone made the iridium plates without using scraps then it would cost 112million energy just to make the iridium. which would take just under 100 hours of constant use to make up for the amount of energy it too to make it, and that is if that person's server can keep up with the calculations of everything going on, if the server can;t keep up with everything then 1 second does not always equal 20 ticks, if the server gets bogged down then you could get as low as 5 ticks per second.

    it's not a horrible idea, it just needs ALOT of balancing to make it not so expensive / rare for such a little ammount of profits for how easy it is to aquire energy by other means.

    edit: go put 16 times 100 in a calculator... also solar panels make 1eu/t not .5eu/t so it would only replace 16 not 32.

    Edit: incase you didn;t understand the first time 16 blocks long, 16 block wide, from bedrock to the sky is 1 chunk, i think your doing all your math backwards. 16*16*128 is a single "chunk" in minecraft.

    Edit 2 days later: i had the flu and wasn't thinking 100% clearly, i was only doing the perimeter and not the area. lol, my appologizes for the confusion.

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

    • Official Post

    Since the start he was ignoring height.
    One chunk area is 16x16 = 256 m²
    160x160 = 25600 m² (100 times bigger above), meaning 100 chunks
    1600x1600 [what you said] = 2560000m² (10000 times bigger than one chunk) ,10^4 chunks [10000]

    Please don't forget that area multiplier ²

    You have a square with 1m each side, 1x1 = 1m²
    If you double each side (2x2) = 4m² , meaning whenever you increase sides by X, you increase area by X²

    For the main post:
    I like your idea for endlessly energy from "quantum" energy.
    I think rarity should be one every 4 chunks (32x32), so it could compete against other "endless" energy.

  • lol, in which case both of our math was going in opposite directions, i was simply calculating the outer perimeter not encompassed area, nevertheless, as agreed, his calculations made it rediculously rare to the point of being pointless for 16eu/t. one in every 4 chunks sounds alot more reasonable if it can be anywhere in the ground.

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

    • Official Post

    I were not sure with the rarity per EU/t and didn't wanted to make it too overpowered, but one every 4 chunks is much to often, maybe one every 16 chunks and 32 EU/t to balance it a bit more, because Minersetups can make finding that stuff very easy. And compared against large windmillconstructions (but at top layer!) is most of the other regenerative Stuff useless. I just wanted to make a regenerative energysource that is not obviously visible on the outside (and largescalewater with RP is a bit to much laggy) and doesn't lags as much as Solar, Wind or Water.

  • 1 in every 60,416 blocks on average is still pretty rare (4 chunks)

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

  • If it's any amount of EU, constantly, until the end of time....

    It probably should be 'hidden' from the Scanners, and can only be mined by chance by the Miner.

    Removes all rarity to it if you just throw down a Miner, and bam... Free 16 (or whatever) EU/tick- forever. Then just repeat.

    ...What? There's no pineapples here.

    GENERATION Pineapple: The first pineapple you see, copy it into your sig on any forum and add sqrt(-1) to the generation. Pineapple experiment.

    • Official Post

    If it's any amount of EU, constantly, until the end of time....

    It probably should be 'hidden' from the Scanners, and can only be mined by chance by the Miner.

    Removes all rarity to it if you just throw down a Miner, and bam... Free 16 (or whatever) EU/tick- forever. Then just repeat.

    One miner run (OV + Diamond drill) takes about 1M energy, you would use at least 10M EU to get one(two) crystal(s).

    • Official Post

    Miner + OV + DDrill + 64 Miningpipes = ~700000 EU not 1000000. I know that because i'm running 4 of them with 3 Lapotrons and still have a bit of energy in the last lapotron, which is in my inverted (redstonetorch) chargingbench.

    And yes, that Energy is forever (or until you break/delete your Map), so you should have luck and not just put your Miners everywhere so every 10th Miner finds it (by 32x32 it would be like that). Oh and before i forget, if Eloraam releases Frames you will get them much faster with a small mobile Minersetup on a Frameplatform (tested it with a nonmoveable Pseudoframeconstruction for funreasons), which will be upgraded (=larger) after every move! Or more worse, players who starting to build Landscapeeating Supermachines, like me doesn't interest about if its OD/OV-Scannable, only "is it in my way?" is a question for us.

  • i guess another reason i don't like the addition of new materials like this that are non craftable to a new mod is that they will not appear in older maps, and if they do, then i'd have to travel like 5,000+ blocks away to start finding them since my server is so old. but since i finally completed my 920mill battery room and 12 nuclear reactors this idea doesn't really affact me. in which case, sure add it. however i'd like to see it made more expensive but produce more, that way VERY late game it could take place of a nuclear reactor but would require basically a nuclear reactor made from Iridium plates instead of Advanced Annoys, so causing it to take like 18 iridium plates to become a perminent energy source. maybe instead of Quantum Crystals call then Sun Crystals and modify the reactor as a Solar Reactor that way it could justify the infinate energy? and output 128eu/t? so that like 12 of them would have you set for your mornal 1-2 MassFabs and other everyday uses. keep in mind 18 iridium plates per reactor, with 12 reactors, that's something like 1.512 billion EUs. i think that would be pretty "End Game" for most people. might have to make the cyrstals alittle more rare then. also at that point i might actually go travel the world and set up quarries in far away lands in hopes of finding a few to replace the Solar Farms that people on my server keep constructing while i'm away.

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

    • Official Post

    Since my last post here, i have produced enough UUM for creating 20 Iridiumplates in the Nether without using any nuclear energy or scrap. At this moment i have 106 Geogens (2120 EU/t) constantly fuelled with two BC-Pumps (before the last post only 64) and the Nether is slowly going out of Lava :D. So it would be pretty useful to have a replacement for that Lava.

    And yes it is an Endgameenergysource (why else these much Crystals in "the End"), and it is better than constantly fuelling Generators with the surplus of Blazerods from my very simple Experiencefarm, which is now at this moment filling up with potential unlimited Blazes, while i'm writing this.

    And mining for these rare Crystals would give more fun to the game, which is called Minecraft.

    And now i have to kill Blazes... :Nano Saber:

    Edit: if you are wondering about the Time here, it's now 7:00pm in Germany and i have semestervacation.

  • well the thing is, is yes your producing ALOT of iridium plates, and yes they can be used for something i suppose but at the moment there is only Quantum Armor, what kind of a person, at the moment, would ever burn through 480million energy with regular use of anything else but iridium plates. basically what i'd getting at is if you didn;t need to burn off all that energy for something useless at the moment then why would you need an endless energy source? you already have (or had) more energy then 5-10 people would ever use on the current machines minus Quantum Armor. so showing much much energy you can massively produce at the current time with no final product or cause is irrelavent, now if you could make an Iridium Block that is blast proof even against nukes, then you would actually burn off that much energy and therefore would justify having a higher form of infinate energy source. so this idea might be able to be developed into a great idea but to what final end? i think we need to have a reason to have this before it's implemented. for example the Iridium Nuke Proof Blocks for construction.

    P.S. if you really wanted to stick to the "Mine"craft part of the game you could always hunt down Uranium for reactors instead of mass producing Geothermals to be a long duration energy supply. :D

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

  • i agree with the over all idea, only it needs serious balancing on how often the crystals can be found. and about the amount of power they generate. AND the costs for the machine.

    right, time to get serious...
    i wil be offline for weeks and possibly months at an time. if you have anything to add to an post i made, and would like me to know. you are welcome to pm me, and i wil reply as soon as i am able to do so.

    • Official Post

    i agree with the over all idea, only it needs serious balancing on how often the crystals can be found. and about the amount of power they generate. AND the costs for the machine.

    Anything is about balancing, but i think Alblaka will make that balancingpart himself, so if there are to much of these Generators he will simply nerf them down himself. But it should cost at least 2 Iridiumplates per 32 EU/t.