wel people,
since i lately hear alot about people wanting to have new sources to make power, lets make an general discusion thread about it.
after that, everything is allowed for suggesting.
rules about this thread:
1. DO NOT flame to another user for idea's in the past.
2. all idea's are allowed, all sorts. even the most stupidest ideas are allowed. (yes even dirt battery's)
3. if an idea is being liked. discuss about making an suggestion topic about it, (i wil not moderate this. its up to you to ceep it alive)
whats the overall idea of this thread? quite simple, improve the general stream of suggestions in QUALITY not QUANTITY.
if you dont like an idea, just dont reply to it, unles you have constructive critism about it.
so this is all about, throwing your idea in and see what rolls out.
happy discussing!