Armored redstone torch

  • Creeper blew up in the reactor control center?

    Careless feet trampling your auomated wheat tower's water shutoff?

    12 year olds getting frisky with water buckets in your cave?

    I've got the solution, but I hesitate to mention this, because it may be viewed as too redpower-esque, i believe it would be nice to have a IC2 block that didn't wash away or fall of at the first sign of trouble. . With the current disrepair of redstone SMP circuitry in vanilla minecraft, I believe it would be very helpful to the SMP player, and I like redpower, but I like seeing the style of IC machinery in my worlds and I prefer to run one mod at a time.
    As a recipe, I would like it to have the detector cable as a component, glass fiber on the sides, and then surrounded the rest of the way by carbon plates or whatever. I think that isnt too expensive or cheap for what I want.
    Then, perhaps, have redstone behaviors which I love.. Not necessary though.
    I would like to see it have the need for an eu source, but not necessarily a constant one. Perhaps a rechargable battery, or a crystal that is completely drained in one use.. The only way to reset it is replacing the battery. This would be a classic dead-man switch which would require effort on Steve's part to reset.

    The main function of this block would be a a lockout that emits red when negatively acted upon. The detector cable emits red when acted upon positively by eu, and redstone generally emits red when acted positively upon. The redstone torch as a source for a whole setup is our only option, and is too fragile for some applications.

    It could be argued that It overpowers the circuit's creator in SMP, but I disagree. To make a simple dead off circuit in SMP, (since my favorite circuits still don't work) takes an impractical amount of space. This underpowers the circuit's creator as any old Steve with a bare hand can tap a redstone line and it's done instantly. I belies it would not become a replacement for well designed circuitry, but rather an embellishment of it.

  • I do not need it really, but would like RS_torch_in_a_glass in the same manner as Jack-o-lantern. Works as a RS torch on a block below even if only air below.

  • Apologies if I misread your idea, it sounds like you want a redstone source that can't be washed away by stray liquids? Have you tried a batbox set to "emit when empty"?

    That would actually be very similar to what I want. I want a block that does that, but acts to its stimuli more immediate than draining a batbox would. My request does sound a little selfish and lazy, but if someone dumps a water bucket in my reactor control, I want them to have to dig around and swim til they find this block to destroy it and I want the reactor to go instantly off in the mean time.

    Maybe what I really want is a new reactor component that when it's in a slot of the reactor would make the reactor off until you hit it with redstone, instead of on, or for there to be redstone behavior that does this.

    Also, sorry for some typos in my first post. I'm using my phone, and the letters are all teenie.

  • already implemented...

    repeater able to pass redstone signal OVER single solid block, soo you may shield your redstone sources from reactor area and they will work.

    Nope.. A repeater emits red when acted positively upon by a torch. I want something that accepts red (or even eu, I don't care now) in one end. If it stops seeing red, it emits red out another side and doesn't stop until manually reset. A dead man switch, safety lockout.. If you don't know what I'm talking about, walk in your bathroom and stick a fork in the electric plug.

    Not a dangerous suggestion, because your bathroom plug has a safety cutout on it. A block with a repeater on the other side doesn't even come close. It can be washed away, it can be bounced by a creeper or TNT, etc. Just as your electrician opted to install the plug with buttons on it, and didnt trust your bathroom safety to the breaker box cutout in the basement (which would also do the job by the way), I don't want to trust my reactor circuit's safety to a redstone torch multiple blocks away.
    This concept is used double/triple/quintuple x 5^100th redundantly in every day life, an I would like to see it in IC2.

    No forks were harmed in the posting of this message. Try at your own risk. May not be available in all states.

  • I want something that accepts red (or even eu, I don't care now) in one end. If it stops seeing red, it emits red out another side and doesn't stop until manually reset.

    Think I understand now, and if so then the solution is already in vanilla. Check youtube for "NOT gate", redstone clock or redstone inverter videos.

    Basically if you put a torch on a block, and that block recieves a signal from another redstone source, the first torch will go out. Remove the redstone input, and the first torch (assuming it survived whatever removed the input) comes back on.

  • Close. I want to at least be able to use sebra's rs-torch-o-lantern idea to build that circuit though. ;) again, I want something that doesn't float away.

    Problems though.. For example, any circuit which requires hanging a torch on the side of a block (lol, ok thats most of them) built with rs in a glass could become a more complicated programming hazard as it would cause redstone state conflicts, because there is not a good way to represent hanging the "rs in a glass" block off the other side of the block like you can a torch. Directionality of which way the torch was hanging would have to be controlled similarly to the voltage transformer's three dot system. Maybe a 2d representation of a torch on the side where it would be? But sometimes I hang more than one torch on the side of a block.

  • Close. I want to at least be able to use sebra's rs-torch-o-lantern idea to build that circuit though. ;) again, I want something that doesn't float away.

    Problems though.. For example, any circuit which requires hanging a torch on the side of a block (lol, ok thats most of them) built with rs in a glass could become a more complicated programming hazard as it would cause redstone state conflicts, because there is not a good way to represent hanging the "rs in a glass" block off the other side of the block like you can a torch. Directionality of which way the torch was hanging would have to be controlled similarly to the voltage transformer's three dot system. Maybe a 2d representation of a torch on the side where it would be? But sometimes I hang more than one torch on the side of a block.

    My english isn't perfect but I lost in your sentences. %)
    "Red eye Lantern" was not intended to be like torch on side. Only sense block below and only if it solid. Glass considered air in RS circuits so it cannot be powered.
    If you want side version then it should not be turnable by wrench. When placed direction determined as for normal torch. Lantern on or off based on that block state if it is still solid. Should Lantern drop when block destroyed? I still like simple (not sided) lantern.