is industral alarm and Howler not Work with a redstone torch
It would work, if you would apply a Redstonesignal, what you are not doing.
is industral alarm and Howler not Work with a redstone torch
It would work, if you would apply a Redstonesignal, what you are not doing.
New update is awesome, thanks for making my satellite's main control room more "control room" like
Love the mod and I'm planning on running an unstable Mark III reactor so I'm anticipating really needing this mod Having a little trouble with installation. I need to disable ic2 sounds on my mac for ic2 to work, and that is also the problem with this mod. But my IC2_control.cfg config file is generating empty so I cannot do anything about that
Any recomendations? ( I can't really get you an error log because my minecraft launcher freezes on the white Mojang screen )
Great mod!, but an have an suggestion
Could we have a way of changing the clock into a stop watch? that works with red stone signals.
That way i can see how long its been since i turned on my reactor so i know how much longer i can run safely.
Or maybe a countdown clock
Love the mod and I'm planning on running an unstable Mark III reactor so I'm anticipating really needing this mod
Having a little trouble with installation. I need to disable ic2 sounds on my mac for ic2 to work, and that is also the problem with this mod. But my IC2_control.cfg config file is generating empty so I cannot do anything about that
Any recomendations? ( I can't really get you an error log because my minecraft launcher freezes on the white Mojang screen )
Addon's config file is IC2NuclearControl.cfg, not IC2_control.cfg. If it's empty - then game crashed on NC initialization. Is non ic2 sounds works well? In any case, my addon currently have no option to disable sounds.
I need crash log to say something more specific. Check ways to get crash log on MacOS on the minecraftwiki crash page.
Great mod!, but an have an suggestion
Could we have a way of changing the clock into a stop watch? that works with red stone signals.
That way i can see how long its been since i turned on my reactor so i know how much longer i can run safely.
Or maybe a countdown clock
Info panel is display-only by design. It uses redstone signal to turn it on/off.
Maybe I'll add stop watch/countdown clock as a separate device, which can be linked to the info panel.
Info panel is display-only by design. It uses redstone signal to turn it on/off.
Maybe I'll add stop watch/countdown clock as a separate device, which can be linked to the info panel.
Yea, i understand about the display. I was suggesting a new device for tracking time then it receives a redstone signal
Okay. Still not working out Since I cannot access the IC2NuclearControl.cfg file I was wondering if you could give me a quick list of the block ids used in it so that I can check all of my other mods for conflicts manually. Thanks Shedar for your superior mod support. I really appreciate it
Okay. Still not working out
Since I cannot access the IC2NuclearControl.cfg file I was wondering if you could give me a quick list of the block ids used in it so that I can check all of my other mods for conflicts manually. Thanks Shedar for your superior mod support. I really appreciate it
block id 192
item id 31000-31008
Sample config:
# Configuration file
# Generated on 21.07.12 3:33
# block
block {
# general
general {
# item
item {
block id 192
item id 31000-31008
Sample config:
Yup... I've fiddled around with it and I'm pretty sure it's something with the sounds. I don't know why but sounds just break stuff on my minecraft client when I don't disable it. Just maybe put it on your list that if you ever have some free time to maybe add an EnableSounds = TRUE ; on your config. Thanks for the help man, but I guess I'll just have to make my reactor run on a redstone timer or something.
Yup... I've fiddled around with it and I'm pretty sure it's something with the sounds. I don't know why but sounds just break stuff on my minecraft client when I don't disable it. Just maybe put it on your list that if you ever have some free time to maybe add an EnableSounds = TRUE ; on your config. Thanks for the help man, but I guess I'll just have to make my reactor run on a redstone timer or something.
Please give me your crash log. I really want to understand what can cause to crash in my addon.
Please give me your crash log. I really want to understand what can cause to crash in my addon.
I think it is the last error that does it. EnderStorage works perfectly well along with ExtraBiomes when I don't have Nuclear Control installed.
7/21/12 3:18:21.173 PM [0x0-0x81b81b].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft: CONFLICT @ -5 item slot already occupied by vd@5ec22978 while adding codechicken.enderstorage.ItemEnderChest@1d30b5e2
7/21/12 3:18:21.516 PM [0x0-0x81b81b].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft: ExtraBiomes XL: MinecraftForge minor version mismatch, expecting 3.2.x, may lead to unexpected behavior
7/21/12 3:18:22.321 PM [0x0-0x81b81b].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft: Exception in thread "Minecraft main thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lpaulscode/sound/SoundSystem;
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lpaulscode/sound/SoundSystem;
Why do you have no paulscode/sound/SoundSystem class? Do you use any modified soundsystem?
Why do you have no paulscode/sound/SoundSystem class? Do you use any modified soundsystem?i'
I don't think so.. I had to disable sounds in all my mods though How does one reacquire a SoundSystem class? Sorry I'm still learning all these things. I'm a little new to modding.
I don't think so.. I had to disable sounds in all my mods though
How does one reacquire a SoundSystem class? Sorry I'm still learning all these things. I'm a little new to modding.
Try to take a clean minecraft.jar (it should contain all required classes) and install forge and jar mods again. Probably you deleted it at some point.
Try to take a clean minecraft.jar (it should contain all required classes) and install forge and jar mods again. Probably you deleted it at some point.
Hey! There we go! That fixed it. I should have thought of that. I did delete it but I have no idea how. Anyway thanks for the help!
(As you can tell I really love the smileys on this forum)
Hey! There we go! That fixed it. I should have thought of that. I did delete it but I have no idea how.
Anyway thanks for the help!
(As you can tell I really love the smileys on this forum)
Glad to hear it =)
I took the sound bite from Modern warfare 2. Its nearly the same sound, all i did was add a bit of silence in between the two beeps, and added an echo to make it sound like its in a factory like setting.
If anyone has a problem with me providing this sound, I can remove it.
QuoteI took the sound bite from Modern warfare 2. Its nearly the same sound, all i did was add a bit of silence in between the two beeps, and added an echo to make it sound like its in a factory like setting.
If anyone has a problem with me providing this sound, I can remove it.
i think it is great to have some people who are good whit sound editing etc make some more sounds to chose from,
so good job and carry on
I am having issues, when I try to use this mod, It crashes minecraft.
Error Report:
Mods loaded: 48
ModLoader 1.2.5
mod_CodeChickenCore 0.5.2
mod_ModLoaderMp 1.2.5v1
mod_4096Fix v4 for 1.2.5
mod_ReiMinimap v3.1 [1.2.5]
mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerControl 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr5b2
mod_Backpack 1.2.3_v2-3
mod_NotEnoughItems 1.2.2
mod_Soundpacks v1.3 by Crazyputje and Xamio (XamioStone)
mod_BuildCraftCore 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftBuilders 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftEnergy 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftFactory 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftTransport 3.1.5
mod_SneakyPipes 0.1.1 (Minecraft 1.2.5, Buildcraft 3.1.5, Forge
mod_LogisticsPipes 0.2.5B (built with Minecraft 1.2.5, Buildcraft 3.1.5, Forge
mod_BuildCraftSilicon 3.1.5
mod_CameraCraft 1.2
mod_ComputerCraft 1.33
mod_CCTurtle 1.33
mod_CraftGuide 1.4.3 for Minecraft 1.2.3
mod_DoggyTalents 1.2.5
mod_BuildCraftZFP (Forestry Package)
mod_ImmibisCore 48.2.1
mod_IC2 v1.95
mod_NetherOres 1.2.5R1.2.2
mod_IC2NuclearControl v1.1.10
mod_AdvancedMachines v1.5 for IC2 1.95
mod_InvTweaks 1.41b (1.2.4)
mod_PigbearLaser 1.4
mod_IC2_ChargingBench 1.95b
mod_CompactSolars 2.2
mod_IronChest 3.3
mod_Railcraft 5.2.4
mod_TubeStuff 48.2.1
Balkon's WeaponMod 1.2.5 v8.6.0
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 40baeab0 --------
Generated 7/26/12 4:56 PM
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5
OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
Java: 1.7.0_05, Oracle Corporation
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode, sharing), Oracle Corporation
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: Intel Pineview Platform version 1.4.0 - Build, Intel
at ModLoader.initStats(
at ModLoader.init(
at ModLoader.addAllRenderers(
at ahu.<init>(
at ahu.<clinit>(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(
at Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 642a8fdc ----------
I tried it with the version installed in tekkit, and it worked, though it wouldn't allow me to open the gui, and it wouldn't make any noises when powered.
I would really like to make a manual tornado siren, but without sound, I can't.