[Suggestion] Just at time HAYOSABER

  • Since devs not able to fix nanosaber state bugs from 1.00 (looks like proper item syncs are not possible) i suggest workaround:

    Cannot be damaged*.
    Cannot be deactivated**.
    When player hit right mouse button HAYOSABER go activated state.
    Activated state lasts for 1000 ticks and cannot be disabled by additional mouse events.

    *Every activation cost energy, without lappack only 10 activations are allowed.

    **If player remove HAYOSABER from hands it will get additional activation damage, if there is no energy left - it explode.
    If activated HAYOSABER is dropped it explode.

    HAYO added only for devs, since they ignore all "not soo funny" threads completely, item name is not subject to change.

    There is no way to fix sync bugs without removing ability to disable nanosaber, timed activation is perfect solution for problems.

  • ]Just look at the Bugsection FenixR. RichardG stated multiple times, that its a Bug.

    Still haven't told me what is the bug, and no im actually not that interested into researching which is the bug myself.

    I guess we have reached and Impasse on this so im leaving and never bothering with this issue again tralalalala *skips away*

  • Quote

    we have reached and Impasse

    'An'... And I believe the bug is about either the damage or animation amount with said saber...

    Personally, I think it's a non-issue, but that's just me...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.