[Suggestion] Lower wind mill EU at which they break

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    (True, i had to use 2 and 1/2 stacks to JUST send my energy to base on ground)

    Its almost 24 diamonds, if you used glass fibre, and you probably did because of the length...
    Would it be easier to place some watermills? It would be cheaper as you use wood, and in wiring cost, and you don't have to fuck with windmill placement.

  • Save it... if people don't have the backbone to be in forums, then they shouldn't post in them. IC has existed LONG before it was popular, and a single person was in charge with the progression of ideas and development. Want to know what's changed with that? Nothing. Alba has/is in charge of the mod's development. NOTHING will change that, and it's his direction for the mod that centers its development. You mistake his generosity for allowing suggestions as your 'ability' to influence mod design...

    So unless you want to code your own version of this industrial mod, hten I SUGGEST that you deal with that fact...

    According to your logic it is absolutely ok to frequently insult people, as their sheer presence in this forum is harassment, and the suggestion forum isn't for suggestions anyways, just so the dev can bath in their holiness. You have a strange perception of forum communication. Oo

    Quote from Snyke

    In onTickInGame you can see once every 128 ticks updateWind() is called:

    Thanks, have to check that when I am back home.

    However the code looks a bit strange to me. For once the upChance is still 1 at max wind (19 - 20 = 1), so the wind strength can reach up to 31. For second there are two individual rolls on changing the wind strength, which in general favors an increase of wind strength.

  • Quote

    According to your logic it is absolutely ok to frequently insult people, as their sheer presence in this forum is harassment, and the suggestion forum isn't for suggestions anyways, just so the dev can bath in their holiness. You have a strange perception of forum communication. Oo

    Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings? I didn't realize you were 5 years old.. >.>


    Would it be easier to place some watermills? It would be cheaper as you use wood, and in wiring cost, and you don't have to fuck with windmill placement.

    Yup... cheaper too... and you get 100% uptime regardless with said watermills... but oddly enough, no one wants to yell 'nerf' on them... I wonder why...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.

  • Yup... cheaper too... and you get 100% uptime regardless with said watermills... but oddly enough, no one wants to yell 'nerf' on them... I wonder why...

    Watermill doesn't produce obscene amounts of energy (For a green gen), and making "Artificial" spaces to place a single watermill to full effectivity its equally dificult as the windmill (Maybe a little less). Thats with unmaned mode.

    As long as manned mode doesn't get full blown out compatibility with fluid pipes then there is no problem there.

  • Quote

    Watermill doesn't produce obscene amounts of energy (For a green gen), and making "Artificial" spaces to place a single watermill to full effectivity its equally dificult as the windmill (Maybe a little less). That's with unmaned mode.

    I'd like to know what 'obscene' amounts of energy is... And I find it laughable that people still don't understand the difference between 'uptime yield' and 'effective yield', as those factors play a role in terms of 'game balance'...

    If Water capsules worked with Water mills, then they would be the most OP generator in the game... and I do believe it's coming in the next version of IC...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.

  • I'd like to know what 'obscene' amounts of energy is... And I find it laughable that people still don't understand the difference between 'uptime yield' and 'effective yield', as those factors play a role in terms of 'game balance'...

    If Water capsules worked with Water mills, then they would be the most OP generator in the game... and I do believe it's coming in the next version of IC...

    you mean water capsules as in the forestry bees wax cells right? cause ic2 cells do work in watermills

    true balance is impossible in video games the best one can hope for is to make it really hard to guess which of 2 choices are better.

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    you mean water capsules as in the forestry bees wax cells right? cause ic2 cells do work in watermills

    Yup... Since Bee Keeping generates renewable resources to create capsules, then you don't have a limiting factor for having lots of water 'on hand' to inject into water mills in order to pump out tons of power (pun intended)... Sure, Apiaries and Bees can be quite an investment for large setups, but that doesn't negate the overwhelming farm factor of these renewable resources...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.

  • Quote

    Yup... cheaper too... and you get 100% uptime regardless with said watermills... but oddly enough, no one wants to yell 'nerf' on them... I wonder why...

    Its more odd that someone asks to nerf the most pain in the ass generator...

  • Its almost 24 diamonds, if you used glass fibre, and you probably did because of the length...
    Would it be easier to place some watermills? It would be cheaper as you use wood, and in wiring cost, and you don't have to fuck with windmill placement.

    It is not really necessary to send down the EU with diamond cables. The most obvious reason is that there is no resource cost involved in producing the EU, so even if you would use copper cable to transmit the power and in the end there is only 1 EU arriving at your box, that one would still be for free. On the other hand transmitting EV over 3x isolated iron cable will loose only around 6% of the power (assuming ~150 blocks of cable), compared to a diamond cable which is about 0.2% loss on the same distance.

    So if you are willing to spent the diamonds for the additional 5.8% power that will of course increase the gain of the power generated, however it will not at all increase the efficiency as that would require any kind of material loss to actually calculate the efficiency of that loss.

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    On the other hand transmitting EV over 3x isolated iron cable will loose only around 6% of the power (assuming ~150 blocks of cable)


    HV 3x Insulated 0.8 1 EU every 1.25 blocks


    every 1.25 blocks

    Thats about iron cable. If you'll ever use copper youll loose 1EU every 5 blocks.
    And for windmill generating random EU it is way much. Only asking god for thunderstorm.

    • Official Post

    The most obvious reason is that there is no resource cost involved in producing the EU, so even if you would use copper cable to transmit the power and in the end there is only 1 EU arriving at your box, that one would still be for free.

    Wow you are complaining about 1 EU from a Windmill that produces 2 EU or more. You have a huge lack of Arguments.

    Just give him a config to disable all the green Generators, or better to disable whole IC².

  • Thats about iron cable. If you'll ever use copper youll loose 1EU every 5 blocks.
    And for windmill generating random EU it is way much. Only asking god for thunderstorm.

    That copper things was just an exaggerated example.

    The way an HV Transformer works, it will first collect all incoming EU till it has stored 2048 EU and then send the whole 2048 over the line as one packet. So no matter how much or few EU the generator generates, the packet send will always be 2048, so you have the minimal possible loss on the line. In addition the way packets are send over the cable allow to hook up an huge amount of wind mills on one tin cable and connect that one to the HV Transformer. Although the combined EU of all wind mills can exceed the possible 5 EU a tin cable can handle by far, it will still not vaporize as each individual wind mill EU packet is less than 5 EU.

    That effectively allows to send huge amounts of EU from the wind mills to the HV Transformer using cheap tin cables and then send the entire packet down the line with minimal loss thanks to the way the transformer handles packets.

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    The way an HV Transformer works

    *Looks at the crafting recipe*

    Wouldn't it be cheaper to set up some watermills? You'll waste even more making those HV's, for random output.

  • Wouldn't it be cheaper to set up some watermills? You'll waste even more making those HV's, for random output.

    You need 2 HV transformers, one that converts up to EV and one that converts back. That is 2 diamonds, which is imo not too expensive. You can run that setup with just an MV transformer, however that will increase the loss by a good amount, but it will still produce more than a similar setup of water mills.

    • Official Post

    You need 2 HV transformers, one that converts up to EV and one that converts back. That is 2 diamonds, which is imo not too expensive. You can run that setup with just an MV transformer, however that will increase the loss by a good amount, but it will still produce more than a similar setup of water mills.

    Or you can make each wind tower [64] have a reverted MV transformer sending HV through glass fiber cables to ground :
    The best way for minimal loss is HV + glass fiber cables and NOT EV

  • Or you can make each wind tower [64] have a reverted MV transformer sending HV through glass fiber cables to ground :
    The best way for minimal loss is HV + glass fiber cables and NOT EV

    Not sure why HV is supposed to be better than EV regarding the loss, however the point is: yes you can use glass fiber cables for minimal loss and have a wind tower setup like yours that produces around 10k EU per tick, but if you would have created the same setup with EV transformers and iron cables it would produce something like 9.5k EU. It would still be more than enough for almost everything. So you cannot say that glass fiber cable are a requirement for wind mill setups, they are just the final perfection for it if you have the diamonds to spare.

    • Official Post

    So you cannot say that glass fiber cable are a requirement for wind mill setups, they are just the final perfection for it if you have the diamonds to spare.

    I didnt say that it was a requirement, but best way to send energy to ground using my setup [and probably the only one] , if you don't have diamonds go strip mining or set up some miners.
    I run out of iron much faster than diamonds.

  • Not sure why HV is supposed to be better than EV regarding the loss, however the point is: yes you can use glass fiber cables for minimal loss and have a wind tower setup like yours that produces around 10k EU per tick, but if you would have created the same setup with EV transformers and iron cables it would produce something like 9.5k EU. It would still be more than enough for almost everything. So you cannot say that glass fiber cable are a requirement for wind mill setups, they are just the final perfection for it if you have the diamonds to spare.

    your kidding me right? the fact that you "can" make a 10k windfarm is some how bad? like your expecting every one is going to go out and build crazy spwnx style windfarms? I think you have the words "can" and "will" mixed up this is minecraft i "can" build whatever i want(and anyone who tries to tell me other wise gets an arrow to the knee) but am a going to build a massive green farm? personally the answer is no. green gens may supplement my base but I rely on fuel burning gens cause the fuel can last longer than i will play minecraft in one sitting and thats good enough for me I have more interesting stuff to do then dangle my self 128 blocks into the air just to fall to my death every 5 minutes. if you ask me if some one is crazy enough to build a GGMD(Green Gen of Mass Destruction) they should be rewarded for having an impressive attention span.

    true balance is impossible in video games the best one can hope for is to make it really hard to guess which of 2 choices are better.

  • Currently Wind Mills are the endgame power generators: they cost only 6 iron ore and 2 tin ore (plus some other stuff you usually have plenty off) and produce 3.33 EU/t if placed at the correct height at zero cost beside the initial cable line and HV transformer. Compared to a nuclear power plant, you need about 21 wind mills to generate the same output as a Mk I reactor, but once you have them, you will never have to pay any kind of cost to keep them running, in contrast to the reactor which requires a constant supply of uranium.

    While I like wind mills in general, I think the average output is too high. But instead of lowering them in general I think just lowering the effective EU at which they have a chance to break down to 1.5 EU would bring them in line with the other generators. This would have a safe wind mill produce about 1 EU on average, which feels right compared to solar/water generators, but still give you the option to have them produce more. But if you do, you need to repair them every now and then which effectively gives them a resource they "consume" to generate power beyond that point.

    Read the bright pink underlined thing. Have you lost your mind? Not all generators are the same. ALL the generators have drawbacks and good points. Before you call me wrong, here they are:

    • Wind: Pros: Good energy gen if placed right, cheap. Cons: Breaks, takes lots of cable to bring to ground
    • Solar: Pros: Easy to place and use, unlimited. Cons: Stops working at night and rain, needs view of sky
    • Nuclear: Pros: Highest output of any gen. Cons: Meltdown, limited uranium
    • Manned Water: Pros: Good energy output. Cons: Requires babysitting
    • Unmanned Water: Pros: Unlimited. Cons: Lowest energy gen of any generator
    • Generator: Pros: Good energy output. Cons: Needs fuel
    • Geothermal Generator: Pros: Good energy output. Cons: Needs semi-rare fuel

    So that all the generators are "On par" with one another, they all need to stop working during day, use fuel, require babysitting, and need repairs, and remove any other options you have. WOAH! Guys, I think this may be the winning idea here.

    Honestly, these "This is OP!!!!!1!" posts are getting old. Research everything thoroughly, use spell check, proofread your post, and offer practical solutions to the problem, not nerfs.

    Haikus are poems

    They don't always make sense


    • Official Post

    Here are some comments:

    Read the bright pink underlined thing. Have you lost your mind? Not all generators are the same. ALL the generators have drawbacks and good points. Before you call me wrong, here they are:

    • Wind: Pros: Good energy gen if placed right, (not that) cheap. Cons: Breaks (this can be nullified with correct placing at the cost of Energy production) , takes lots of cable to bring to ground, placing this has high risk of death due very high fall , needs some knowledge before using (if you don't know its mechanics = very low or 0 energy production).
    • Solar: Pros: Easy to place and use (any person with little sense can use this), unlimited. Cons: Stops working at night and rain, needs view of sky, highest cost of all green gens
    • Nuclear: Pros: Highest output of any gen, Output depends on how much time/resources player wants to spend on it.. Cons: Meltdown, limited uranium, high cost.
    • Manned Water: Pros: Good energy output, doesnt need any special condition [Sky or height]. Cons: Requires babysitting (Redpower removes this problem but adds another : lag due item flow in tubes)
    • Unmanned Water: Pros: Unlimited, good to generate some energy for underground bases (with tower setup you can generate 0,21 EU/t per water mill [0,42 per generator]). Cons: Lowest energy gen of any generator
    • Generator: Pros: Good energy output. Cons: Needs fuel (Fuel production can be automatizated with RP but takes lots of resources and time)
    • Geothermal Generator: Pros: 2x Good energy output. Cons: Needs semi-rare fuel (lava from nether can be used for mass fabrication)

    So that all the generators are "On par" with one another, they all need to stop working during day, use fuel, require babysitting, and need repairs, and remove any other options you have. WOAH! Guys, I think this may be the winning idea here.

    Honestly, these "This is OP!!!!!1!" posts are getting old. Research everything thoroughly, use spell check, proofread your post, and offer practical solutions to the problem, not nerfs.