Not sure if Spambot, or humanoid Idiot who makes Advertisement, and gets paid for that.
I think that it is copying other people's responses. They don't always make sense in the context they are in...
Not sure if Spambot, or humanoid Idiot who makes Advertisement, and gets paid for that.
I think that it is copying other people's responses. They don't always make sense in the context they are in...
How does this happen twice in one night, especially when there haven't been any spambot attacks for 19 days?
Aaaaaand I'm quadro* posting, anyway, we have a fasteners salesman (that's a new one) on our hands here
Aaaaaand I'm triple posting, anyway, we have a fasteners salesman (that's a new one) on our hands here
EDIT: Math derp on my part, 3 + 1 != 3
And for once, the bot behind that one seems to be smart enough to choose India as its location not Afghanistan.
I think we have an intelligent spambot here , it is actually spamming about something Minecraft related, I don't see why though, there are no ads on that link
EDIT: Pretty ferocious one here, like 3 posts in the past hour, all in different places, and one in its own thread
EDIT2: Never mind about its own thread, I failed to see that there were posts above it, interesting that they are all in support threads though (even an IC1 one)
I think we have an intelligent spambot here , it is actually spamming about something Minecraft related, I don't see why though, there are no ads on that link
EDIT: Pretty ferocious one here, like 3 posts in the past hour, all in different places, and one in its own thread
I was JUST wondering about this one. Sucker's aggressive as hell, and intelligent, though considering it's the same post over and over, I'm think the creator was smart but the bot's got the words hardcoded into itself.
T-t-t-t-ripppple post! What in the hell is going on on the forums tonight?
EDIT: That was actually somewhat related... Clever Spambot
three more in a few time :
More and more kitchens... i'd like to send to "nether" those spambot programmers.
The Spambomb is just exploded! I told ya to remove all those inactive Spambots.
Are these spambots all one guy or what?
I think that the spambots are beginning to spread to the forums belonging to other Minecraft mods. Myself and a few other people have stomped a few over on the Mystcraft Forums, I have no idea about the FTB forums (in semi-related news, the FTB pack is released now), but I get the sense that it could very well be messy over there.
As Greg said: "The spambomb is just exploded!"
We have one that was already banned in this section, but the guy beneath him was not? Why has there been a massive explosion of spambots lately?
I don't know, buisiness must be dropping in kitchen sales in London.
We could buy a kitchen and let it be "send" to the Macerationsection of the Gregtower or to the teslatest area!