So my friends and I play on a little private SMP server, and recently we've reached the point where we're ready to start going nuclear. I played around with the reactor designer for a few hours last night, learning as I went, and I believe I've finally created something that has the perfect balance: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…gl3am40kghjlvvjzszl9pbv9c
The requirements are pretty much to hit the "middle road." First and foremost, we want safety. Everyone except myself and one other bloke tends to be rather accident-prone, so I needed a design that I could be sure would not blow up under any normal conditions. With this particular design, removing just one of the singular uranium cells instantly turns it into a MkI-O with excess cooling, allowing it to cool down on the fly. We also want something that we can run fairly frequently, due to the large number of machines this will ultimately be powering (storage in multiple MFSUs), so the small 8-minute cooldown time is appealing, and 120/t is quite satisfactory to us since we've been running with geothermal power until now.
I realize that the efficiency is a bit low due to the number of fuel cells, but frankly we've been very lucky in our world and have dug up enough uranium to destabilize a small third-world nation. To us, the integrated heat dispensers are far more costly due to their lapis lazuli content, which is why I'm proud of the fact that this design only uses ten of the buggers. Overall, I think that for our available resources and supplies, as well as our safety record, this reactor fits the bill just about perfectly. Fact is, though, I've never actually tried building a long-term reactor setup before, so I want to know: how does this look to you guys? Good? Not so good? Better ideas?