[Suggestion] Miner to Pick Up Dropped Items

  • Decided to give the IC2 Miner a try since the Buildcraft Quarry can't do what I need it to do. I'm playing with Thaumcraft 2. Thaumcraft 2 introduces crystals that can be found buried underground amongst the rest of the ores. I managed to add the crystals to the valuable materials list in the IC2 config file so the Miner will go after them, and it will pick them up, provided the crystals are pointing the right way. You see, Azanor, the creator of Thaumcraft, made the crystals unlike regular ores. Rather than exist as a block that can float in mid air like any other block in Minecraft, the crystals must be attached to a surface. If the surface they are attached to is broken first, the crystals fall to the ground. As a result, as the Miner mines, it can sometimes break crystals without collecting them, i.e., if the Miner breaks the block the crystals are growing on before the crystals themselves in the act of trying to mine said crystals. If the miner were also able to collect fallen objects on the same level as the bore head and within the scanner range, this could be avoided. In the meantime, I have to babysit the miner, watch the chest for crystals, watch the local Thaumcraft aura charge, which changes as crystals are broken, and if I see an aura change without crystals being delivered, I have to shut down the miner, withdraw the bore, and jump in with a jetpack.

    • Official Post

    Good Idea.

    if the IC²-Miner then also uses the normal Blockbreakmethod, like any other "blockbreaking" thing (Players, Blockbreakers, BC-Stuff, TNT), to break Blocks, then it would cause less crashes and it could also collect the Contents of broken Dungeonchests, without additional Problems.

  • Known problem. Isn't Quarry was taught to pick up items yet?
    I can suggest you to use specialized Thaumcraft tool to search for crystals. Hard to use with taint ones.