[Suggestion] redstone

  • Well the idea is to be able to lay redstone wire on top of ic2 cable as it would make a few things easier like for when controlling a power storage unit you wont have to make extra space for the wire. Another idea was to be able to turn the luminators on and off with a redstone signal like with no redstone signal the luminator is on when redstone signal is received it turn off as this way round it would not be annoying and you wouldn't be forced to make extra space for redtone wiring.

  • Cant use splitter cables as it is just the same as just disconnecting the wire which is useless as it takes 2 minecraft days for the luminator internal storage power to run out. so there is no way of turning them on and off without breaking them and replacing them which is stupid and a waste of resources. i coult use the normal minecraft redstone lights but they don't fit with the theme as I prefer the look of the luminators as they look good as street lights and also house lights.

  • Use Redpower lamps, we don't need to reinvent the wheel, and IIRC the luminators are going to be redesigned anyway.