Number 4 worked very well. Thank You!

[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Gravitation Suite v2.0.3!
How about adding an advanced iridium drill? It would be nice.
★★★Secret message from the Communists★★★
Я был приятно удивлен, узнав что мод сделан соотечественником. Как насчет добавления улучшенного иридиевого бура? Было бы неплохо. Ваджра это конечно хорошо, но слишком уж она быстрая и прожорливая. Примерный крафт: иридиевый бур+улучшенный алмазный бур+пара улучшенных микросхем+ускорители+иридиевые пластины
The 1.6.4 download link is not working, I get error 404. I want 1.6.4 because I use an older mod pack (yeah it's annoying to find mod versions for it and they are a little outdated but eh.) and that is the only version in which I can get all the mods to co-operate. Please fix the link.
How about adding an advanced iridium drill? It would be nice.
★★★Secret message from the Communists★★★
Я был приятно удивлен, узнав что мод сделан соотечественником. Как насчет добавления улучшенного иридиевого бура? Было бы неплохо. Ваджра это конечно хорошо, но слишком уж она быстрая и прожорливая. Примерный крафт: иридиевый бур+улучшенный алмазный бур+пара улучшенных микросхем+ускорители+иридиевые пластины
You can find it here.
When i shoot sonic launcher to monster or animal my world crash permanently
Here code
Display More
Consider installing Choco Patcher
It should fix it
Thank you man. It works.
How does Gravitation Suite get along with the latest IC2 experimental versions for 1.10.x nowadays? I fully realize that the mod is tagged for 1.7.10, and that there were some massive changes in 1.8, but hey: asking is free
And if I expect the worst, I can only be positively surprised.
How does Gravitation Suite get along with the latest IC2 experimental versions for 1.10.x nowadays? I fully realize that the mod is tagged for 1.7.10, and that there were some massive changes in 1.8, but hey: asking is free
And if I expect the worst, I can only be positively surprised.
Not at all, the latest version is only for 1.7.10. And with SeNtiMel not having been on in nearly 13 months, it looks unlikely it will ever be ported to a newer one, by him at the very least.
*nods* That's what I expected. Thanks for the answer! Definitely a pity though, the advanced nanosuit is probably my favorite armor across all of modded Minecraft.
With the quantum suit now having an inbuilt jetpack, it's only the increased energy storage and power to tools that the gravisuite provided over it. With a portable lapotron crystal I suppose it wouldn't even be needed.
Yeah, but it's also about price and power - the quantum suit is too expensive and at the same time too powerful for my tastes. Sounds funny, but it's true
I never even bother to build it.
(Unless they toned the quantum suit down since I last checked, but I doubt it.)
So I've seen a few posts about this before but, surprise, none of them were addressed.
I can't switch modes with this mod's items. Here's the best post about that I found so far:
I have the same problem, here is my previous post:
I have found that when you have Flans Mod and Gravisuite you cant change the mode of the tools from this mod, but it is possible to do with the IC2 tools, currently im using 3 content packs (Modern Warfare, Simple Parts and WW2) and can replicate the issue, then tried with no content packs and the issue replicates again.
Further data:
MC 1.7.10
Forge 1490Mod list:
Flans Mod-1.7.10-4.9.0--------
Will try another versions and comment again
EDIT: With IC2 Exp 757 (latest i think) and Flans Mod 4.10.0 (Latest) the issue still persist
This still hasn't been addressed. Again, no key conflicts, running latest versions of everything (for 1.7.10, of course).
Halp plz.
P.S: On a somewhat unrelated note, I've just noticed GregTech 6 is a thing and may or may not cause me to waste untold amounts of time installing it, configuring it to my liking and making sure it doesn't crash in the next few weeks.
The person developing the addon has stopped, so you probably won't get any bugfix for that.
Aaaahhhh damn. Welp. Thanks.
Hey could you make it so that the tools added by this mod are able to go into a toolbox, please and thank you.