I Would like to resuggest night vision (to MC 1.3+ version) because newest MC snapshot released a Night vision potion, which works great.

(Re)Suggestion : Night Vision goggles (or something like)
- SpwnX
- Closed
I would love it for night walks, hunting and stuff.
Side note: Quantum- and Nano-Helmet suggestion.soon
It could have an internal storage, and consume lappack energy when its internal is drained.
But how long the nightvision with only one recharge? I think a night is good.
I mean, they would be cheap and tier 1-2.
It could accept modular upgrades like range upgrade (Increase range, but increase energy usage), efficiency upgrade (increase brightness, but also increases energy usage), storage upgrade.
Range? how could a goggles need range?
Well i wasnt thinking well sorry haha...
I'm going to sleep now. -
Sure. Though I would bet my left butt cheek there will be countless other mods doing the same
Rough specs:
Low-tier-helmet, some circuits and stuff
Consumes EU while toggled active.
Grants 1-sec duration Night vision every second whilst worn and active.Additional idea: Adds a blindness effect instead if worn in bright areas.
Additional idea: Adds a blindness effect instead if worn in bright areas.
Awesome. But the Blindness should be longer than just 1 sec (10 secs for example), so you cant just put it down, when you got blended.
, when you got blended.Wait, WHAT?!?! If I walked into a bright room with the NVGs on, I'll get BLENDED?!?!? *suddenly hearing a giant blend revv up.....*
But seriously, nice idea! Very well balanced too! -
I wholeheartedly approve, back in the war... server I used the night vision goggles from SDK's guns mod practically all the time, and I would love if IC2 could get a similar item, although how would it function? SDK's kind of gave the screen a greenish tint that somehow enabled the ability to make out things in the dark, would it be like that or would it be as if the light level of torches is around you at all times?
I wholeheartedly approve, back in the war... server I used the night vision goggles from SDK's guns mod practically all the time, and I would love if IC2 could get a similar item, although how would it function? SDK's kind of gave the screen a greenish tint that somehow enabled the ability to make out things in the dark, would it be like that or would it be as if the light level of torches is around you at all times?
It will probably be like the Night vision potion effect [Look at screenshot, or test by yourself the newest snapshot]
I wholeheartedly approve, back in the war... server I used the night vision goggles from SDK's guns mod practically all the time, and I would love if IC2 could get a similar item, although how would it function? SDK's kind of gave the screen a greenish tint that somehow enabled the ability to make out things in the dark, would it be like that or would it be as if the light level of torches is around you at all times?
The green effect could be added(or a blue one with honey bee pattern for a more sci-fi touch)