I'm not sure, if I should ask you or Eloraam, but here is the point: In SSP Personal Safes are just compact chests, which you can put next to each other. It would be very useful to be able to move them with frames - for example, capacity of my frame quarry would increase by five times!
[suggestion] Move Personal Safes in SSP with frames.
- Kuu
- Closed
Or you could use the Iron Chests mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/…psmpbukkit-ironchests-33/
cpw should have a download for 1.2.5 in there somewhere.
After the 1.3.2 patch, i believe SSP is no more so any changes to it its useless. Single Player will instead run a local SMP play and you can allow for people to connect or not to it.
Oh my, that doesn't sound very fun... Does it mean that I should use a lot of chunkloading stuff all across the world?
Why would it change where you need to have chunkloaders?
If I'm not mistaken, chunks in SMP unload more often...
If I'm not mistaken, chunks in SMP unload more often...
Oh hell... that's going to suck if that's the case...
Its exactly right to say chunks unload more, but the effective range chunks can stay loaded is reduced in SMP:
QuoteThe exact number of generated chunks varies in single player mode, depending on view distance and movement. In multiplayer mode, a grid with a default radius of 10 (for a total of 21x21 or 441 chunks) is loaded around each player and sent to the player by default, although this radius can be configured to be between 3 and 15,