i need this for one of my friends servers to power something i need by the end of the week can anyone help me
at least 20,000 eu out put anyone have a good desgin

I am looking for a mark II-5 good eu out put
How about a Mk II-15 outputting 110 EU/t from Rick's thread (you know, the stickied one at the top of this forum)?
I don't really understand this "at least 20,000 eu output" problem, though, since even a uranium cell by itself will output 2,000,000 before it runs out.
How about a Mk II-15 outputting 110 EU/t from Rick's thread (you know, the stickied one at the top of this forum)?
I don't really understand this "at least 20,000 eu output" problem, though, since even a uranium cell by itself will output 2,000,000 before it runs out.
He means 20000 eu/tick duh
Be aware that nuclear engineering is getting a complete rework in the next version.
Be aware that nuclear engineering is getting a complete rework in the next version.
But you are limited to 2048EU/t in a "practical technical" sense from cable limitations, but because you might have to send all of it through an LV cable system, you are likely limited to 128EU/t from the fact that LV transformers are limited to 128EU/t in either direction (32*4 or 128 *1 for your set up). -
One isnt limited to 2048EU/t by Cables. Put the EV-Transfromers directly adjacent to your Reactor and viola, you have nifty little 512EU/t-Dwarfs
Is there a limit on how much energy a transformer can process in one tick?
Yes, a transformer will only process the equivalent of one packet of the maximum size it can handle in each tick (i.e. 128 EU/t for LVT, 512 EU/t for MVT, 2048 EU/t for HVT). Of course, you can always add more transformers if you have more power to deal with.
Will the reactor split its packets across many outputs? If that is a no, then making any pile produce at 2049 EU/t or higher is pretty pointless.
you can use more then one transformer to get a 3600 eu output changed into smaller packets...
Will the reactor split its packets across many outputs? If that is a no, then making any pile produce at 2049 EU/t or higher is pretty pointless.
Mass Fab (main energy eater) can eat up to 166k eu per tick, i think.
MFSU can take all of 10kk eu at once, if packets are small enough. -
Mass Fab (main energy eater) can eat up to 166k eu per tick, i think.
MFSU can take all of 10kk eu at once, if packets are small enough.
you missed the point, he was talking about the output-package size -
Anyway, reactor does split output, so you can process any amount of eu, given enough transformers. And HV transformers can get any size of packet from high side, i think.