This revamp of the reactor is gonna kill an already dying breed...the nuclear engineers.
As someone put it on another post:
Reactors now are twice as expensive, half as powerful and no CASUC. Grumble, grumble.
Think about it: IC2 is a forge mod meaning you can get 100 eu/t by just sticking 5 biomass generators to a mfsu and running a tree farm into a fermenter or by sticking 5 geos on a mfsu and pooling lava from the nether via ender who in their right mind would go to the trouble of building an expensive, highly complex monster prone to explosions that will wipe out your base in a blink of an eye?
WE!!!...the nuclear engineers...and we love you for making it that much more fun for us but it just pains me to think that 90% of users get IC2 just for that bloody macerator and its unholy effects on ores.
I already felt special for powering my stuff with reactors among others who power it with HV solars and biogenerators ...Now I'm gonna feel really special ...THANK YOU!!!!
Must be all the radiation affecting my brain.

Killing us man
Industrial Rage: Reactor output *10 => everyone using Nuclear reactors and its not even overpowered since we cannote make iron/redstone/diamonds/coal with UU.
There's a config option for reactors. Change it to meet the needs of the people.
twice as expensive, half as powerful
This is definitely not true, however, I suggest setting cell output back to 10 in config.expensive, highly complex monster
That's the way it should be.Currently is it way harder to tinker with reactors, because system is new and there is no planner. (I refuse to wait hours while testing designs) Once planner is released, new designs will start appearing very fast and people who don't care about making them will just have to choose one they like most. For most players, nuclear power redesign means only few more recipes to learn.
Expensive - yes, but not complex and not monsters. Pre-106 casuc breeders was something very few could do, but reward was great. Properly making casuc reactor, and even outside water cooling required skill, but reward was great. Now it's all just about cashing enough copper and taking design from the forum. And voila - you have equivalent of half-column of windmills. Useful as mobile power source for teleporters and miners, but not as primary source of energy.
+ on more complicated non-casuc-reactors (more fun/tinkering)
- on way worse looking reactors... i will still cover mine in waterand i guess casuc is not dead... it just changed and got more balanced
condensors can be tubed in and out with redpower and be refilled (i didn't test how to refill them now... i just downloaded it)
also (as i suggested some month ago) you still can let cooling cells die and replace them to turn your tin into energy... or did their recipe change? -
Coolant cells are 16x times more expensive now (4 tin instead of 1/4). Using condensers will eat double chest of redstone per cycle, if you will try to get serious amount of eu from uranium. So, yes, casuc is dead. Except may be using cooling reactors, but it will be probably simpler to just use microcycles.
thats wrong i have a massive reactor producing 320eu/t and it can infinite cycles
it has a eff 4 too,
yes it is expensive to build one but after you have one you have nearly unlimited Energy -
casuc isnt dead it just got more complex
Coolant cells are 16x times more expensive now (4 tin instead of 1/4). Using condensers will eat double chest of redstone per cycle, if you will try to get serious amount of eu from uranium. So, yes, casuc is dead. Except may be using cooling reactors, but it will be probably simpler to just use microcycles.
Microcycle reactor without any cooling component wouldn't work, because there is no external cooling, and the reactor will keep accumulating heat until it explodes
Microcycles does not mean no internal cooling elements. It means more uranium cells than full cycle, alloying better effectiveness.
Pre-106 casuc breeders was something very few could do, but reward was great. Properly making casuc reactor, and even outside water cooling required skill, but reward was great.
i found the standard 1840EU/t waterbucket-CASUC to be very simple in design and setup compared to normal mark 3 reactors with way to many complex cooling components for such a small output, but i also think that the gap between CASUCs and normal reactors was just to big to not get nerfed.
while i could get in on the action to explore the new reactor system i just don't think i could do anything else beside that without RP2, so i have to wait until eloraam feels like updating it -
first, there is no gap between normal reactor and casuc reactor eu/t, because you can have more than one reactor. there is a gap between their effectivity, both in uran and reactor costs.
Second, while uranium is finite and rare, reactors hardly can be unbalanced.
Third, gap can be filled by making "classic" reactors more powerful, or at least just nerfing casucs some, instead of removing mechanics completely.
Just wait till the planner is here. You havent seen the most optimised designs yet and already whining about balance...
Just wait till the planner is here. You havent seen the most optimised designs yet and already whining about balance...
Optimistic, huh ? -
How long until we get a pipe/logistics card that pull spent (or almost spent) coolant cells out of a reactor. And another pipe/card that only pulls out undamaged coolant cells. Once you have that, you need 2 reactors and you are golden.
How long until we get a pipe/logistics card that pull spent (or almost spent) coolant cells out of a reactor. And another pipe/card that only pulls out undamaged coolant cells. Once you have that, you need 2 reactors and you are golden.
make a clock to "delay" it -
How long until we get a pipe/logistics card that pull spent (or almost spent) coolant cells out of a reactor. And another pipe/card that only pulls out undamaged coolant cells. Once you have that, you need 2 reactors and you are golden.
that's practically how every waterbucket CASUC worked, we're just changing water refilling deployers for a "cooling chamber". i know that state cells won't work cause they reset on chunkload, but i don't know if a chunkloader next to it could easily fix that (never touched that topic).
it's seriously annoying that filter can't distinguish between dmg values -
I played around with the planner a bit and nuclear reactors seem to be quite a bit more powerfull
From my perspective, it's become a lot more accessible. The capital cost in time has been lessend quite a bit (less tiered crafting to get the bits you need), and I'd probably argue that more reactors with more specific abilities makes it easier to work out what is needed where.
For example, pre 1.3.2 I would tend to sit above ground, and play with solars and RP-fed watermills, never really touching nuclear, unless I went out of my way to do it.
I'm now sat in my underground base, with my 120EU/tick 12M EU total reactor chugging away quite happily, and I've even got a breeder further off, automated with logistics pipes. I've had a lot more fun with the new system, and have actually used some of the buildup of damn copper!
Now, if only I could find an activity to dump tin into ...
I saw a 420 eu/tick 3 eff mark 1 reactor.
Nerf? I think thats a very big buff.