I missed 9x coinstacks to sell my diamonds for higher prices than 64.. and that is quite it. Is that intended? Heard no news about it either in changelogs.

[1.106] Coinstacks gone
The GregTech-Addon introduces also Coins with other Values, which can be crafted out of the other ones.
0.125 => 1 => 8 => 64 => 512
Suggesting the introduction of these into Core-IC², would be a good Idea, but this is the Bugs-Section.
If I remember currectly, coinstacks haveb't existed in IC² ever, only in IC. But I could be wrong.
they useless...
there is completely no reason to break ingots into coins only to assemble coins into ingots later...
without something similar to EE matter-energy unification trading system not really possible, only barter.
without something similar to EE matter-energy unification trading system not really possible, only barter.
Do not say the E-word ... and trading system is possible, depsite of what you saidL It's rarely used, but it arrived.
well we got quite an economy going on our server based on these coins, so stacks could be usefull, yep recently been looking over to Gregs' side for stuff
but it is