Terraforming help

  • So never using the terraformer before, I figured it would be helpful in removing a mountain if set on flatten, but instead of removing the mountain it is creating a giant continent over a semi-nearby ocean biome, if I remove a block by the mountain I wanted flattened, it gets replaced by dirt, but only if I remove it myself..?

    I have already set up world anchors and it has been a few days already.
    The terraformer is running off of HV solar panels.

  • flatificators also raise the ground level. You gotta either move away from the ocean or wait for it to get around to the mountain.

    Might also be easier to nuke the mountain then flatificate.

  • flatificators also raise the ground level. You gotta either move away from the ocean or wait for it to get around to the mountain.

    Might also be easier to nuke the mountain then flatificate.

    What would happen if I nuked the giant continent? Because that continent is a major problem...

    Or what would happen if I waited, how many weeks should it take to finish?

  • I didn't change any settings so... normal sized area?

    We can't help you with that still, as the Terraformer terraforms a fixed amount of land that is unchangeable...
    It depends how many caves you have and how large does the ocean cut in into the terraforming area...

    • Official Post

    We can't help you with that still, as the Terraformer terraforms a fixed amount of land that is unchangeable...
    It depends how many caves you have and how large does the ocean cut in into the terraforming area...

    Terraformer fills Caves? Great News, if I wouldn't just pump Water into the Caves via Redpower.

  • Terraformer flattificator, as my experience (several weeks of intense use of terraforming...) works:
    - It remove blocks above the terraformer, up to 20 (Y+20), but only removes dirt, stone and may be gravel.
    - It create dirt at the same level and below the terraformer, i suppose another 20 blocks, but i dont sure... only create dirt in empty spaces, and always need a block to suport, do not create floating dirt.
    - Horizontally, it seems to have a range of 50 block radius, about a space of 100x100, but it is chunk dependant, i guess...
    - It choose a higher point, and try to descend in the same column breaking blocks. If it find a block that is not dirt, stone, and may be gravel, it stop in this line in try another one at random. So, dont break any ore, but it need much manual help. It is incredible effective to reveal large large amounts of ores. So, you manualy need to clear torchs, cobblerstone, abandoned shaft stuff, or something like that to help it terraforming.
    - It seem more effective horizontally near the terraformer, and work less in distance.

    Hope it helps.