Make steam and EU nuclear output toggleable in game, instead of config options.

  • I've been playing around with steam nuclear reactors, concept is really neat, but there is a prohibitive cost (I say this as somebody who enjoys gregtech hard mode, about an extra 500-1000 steel per reactor, plus running costs) of converting steam to EU in railcraft, which makes it impractical to actually use the nuclear generators to make EU instead of MJ (much cheaper and no running cost, don't ask me why). If I could set up seperate steam and EU reactors it woul nicely satisfy my desire for all nuclear power.

  • 1: RawCode, you're a jerk. The fact that neither of us got the point of the post in 0.05 of a second doesn't mean you should say "this is stupid you're stupid haha you're stupid ".

    2: A separated nuclear-steam mechanic is in sore need: EU because we need, steam because it's really fun.

    3: On a separate note, a universal in-game configuration option menu (with mod tabs and such) will be really really useful for those of us like me who can't find, change, and/or save configs without fearing blowing up our computers. I have no idea where to suggest this, though- is it a forge, ftb, NEI or another territory? (also here someone might just take note, though not likely).
    Really nearly any in-game option that doesn't overly clutter the main HUD or any GUI is at least an okay addition.

    • Official Post

    I think that Steam reactors should completely Replace the old ones, IF RC is installed ofcourse.
    Have it have its own Internal heat and Steam buffer, and make it wider for moar tubes.
    :Recycler: :Recycler: :Recycler:

    :Recycler: :Reactor: :Recycler:

    :Recycler: :Recycler: :Recycler:

  • Rawcode is free to be as rude as he likes to me, I stopped reading his posts a little while ago because he's that way with everyone.

    SiriusKing: Configs currently allow for all steam reactors, but converting steam to EU is expensive as hell. While you could make them cheaper (power converters is there already after all, and while the default configs are nuts sane configs can be made) easily converting steam to EU introduces all the crossmod stuff doable with boilers into EU powergen. As to the buffers/size thing, make buffers that will absorb with unlimited speed/automatically output steam and have internal storage. This does both, without requiring a change in chamber configuration. (My test builds do something similar with iron tanks, but that only works with liquiducts as trying to pump the steam out of the tank with buildcraft pipes wastes all your MJ).

    My other thought, gregtech specific, is a tungsten turbine that'd be cheaper (do to needing something like 4 tungsten instead of over 300 steel +maintenance). This would let you convert steam to EU, but only after you've put in significant resources into building IC2/gregtech infrastructure, avoiding the bypass problem. It'd take nuclear off the table for early game EU, but I'm not sure anybody besdes me puts up a reactor before even making a diamond drill <_<

    • Official Post

    I've told him that he is being rude to everyone and should be more "polite", guess he didn't "listen" to me.

    @OP : That seems a bit strange, in my opinion.
    If you set it to produce steam, use PC energy bridge and get any power you want, easily.

  • It's better to add nuclear heater for RC boilers with similar mechanics as IC2 reactor.
    So player could build nuclear boiler for steam or nuclear reactor for EU.

  • I'd prefer two separate blocks for this task....

    1. An EU Nuclear generator as we have been having since IC2 1.106

    2. A 'Nuclear Boiler' in which uses its own system of tank/water/fuel usage to generate steam. Wouldn't be a large as a Steam HP system, but would still create steam, require water, and require a good deal of maintenance and shielding in case it blows apart...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.

  • Two different blocks would be a good way to do it, but not as large as HP boilers?

    Nuclear steam Mark Is top out at 1344 mb/t of steam, more with gregtech. I believe the largest boiler is 720 mB/t. You're suggesting killing nuclear output.

  • Two different blocks would be a good way to do it, but not as large as HP boilers?

    Nuclear steam Mark Is top out at 1344 mb/t of steam, more with gregtech. I believe the largest boiler is 720 mB/t. You're suggesting killing nuclear output.

    No, I'm suggesting a drawback to using said block... And when I was referencing the 'size', I was taking about the virtual space of the mutliblock structure that is 'Nuclear Boiler'..

    Considering it would have its own 3-6 column grid, and Water/Steam internal storage, it would make the current nuclear reactor a tad bit obsolete in terms of pure MJ output (or possibly Steam EU production)

    ...yet it return, the current reactor could be better focused for breeding...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.