The Spambot Wars Season 2: The Spambots Strike Back!

  • chaos: i can give a fraction of my power to you.

    *suddenly chaos rips his body open and pulls a orb out*


    *a solider comes rushing to chaos*

    chaos:am fine

    solider: oh.... ok

    chaos:take me to the thepowdertoy

  • Executive Bolts: Zero-Point bomb status?

    AI Construct 1: Strangelet isomorph has been injected into substrate.

    AI Construct 4: Engaging axial inertia locks.

    AI Construct 5: Mass driver is fully charged. Awaiting target.

    Executive Bolts: Lock target on... A.L.B.L.A.K.A. Turret Network disengaged node.

    AI Construct 1: Are you sure? The calculated radius encompasses four other nodes.

    Executive Bolts: Isn't that the point?

    AI Construct 5: Target locked.

    Everyone in the world is playing The Game.
    As soon as you think about The Game, you lose The Game. Be advised that you cannot lose The Game more than once in an hour.
    Whenever you lose The Game, you must say "I lost The Game."
    Since, when you think about The Game, you lose The Game, by reading this, you have just lost the game and will continue to do so for the rest of your life. You're welcome.

    Yes, I like Nintendo. What's it to you?

    My posts will be very infrequent. Just so you know.

  • Sir, the tests with the MM Shield, although provide positive results, drains large amounts of power the bigger the shield. If we use this to protect Minecraftia, we will be draining all available power from the planet along with the interstellar HV Solar Flowers we were planning on using for the power network. We also have been unable to create a device that can negate the radiation.

    Have we figured out what the radiation is?

    Yes, the radiation seems to be caused by focusing the electrical and nuclear energies depending on what is powering the shield.

    What do you mean by electrical radiation?

    the MM Module appears to be pulling more power than required, because of this, the Mirror Move Shield appears to discharge the remaining power into a radiating field that can destroy any and all ships in the nearby area except for ships with the module activated.

    if that's the case, run simulations on what would happen if we rout the electrical energy into the external shield and use it as a amplifier, creating a stronger shield and use the nuclear waste in a breeder reactor.

    3 Hours latter

    Tests complete, the tests show positive readings. the MM shield seems to be using the wasted power into amplifying the shield strength, however, all weapons seem to be reflected resulting in destroyed ships.

    can we rout the power to another area?

    We are already testing it now sir. If the tests return positive, we should be able to produce these new module cards that can be configured to transmit wasted power to the other systems on a ship or the new defense grid for Minecraftia

    Keep me informed on your progress.

  • *thepowdertoy sleeping*

    Creeper: Wake up thepowdertoy! We got incoming bogie here
    *ship shudders*
    *power off*
    thepowdertoy: What the heck is happening?

    Enderman: All the available power is drained on the shield that protects the A.T.N , tripping all the dark energy reactor off and it need to be reset

    thepowdertoy: You mentions bogie last time. What is that?

    AI: It have the same energy signature as the bomb that destroys the spambot ship

    thepowdertoy: Fusion reactor status?

    AI: Offline

    thepowdertoy: Can we divert all the power from the battlecruiser to this ship slipspace drive?

    AI: Doing it

    thepowdertoy: Jump to the slipspace now!

    AI: But we doesn't have any shields! If we jump now all the A.T.N node will be destroyed

    thepowdertoy: Alright use all the battlecruiser power to start up fusion reactor and to start up the dark energy reactor.

    Creeper: We doesn't have enough time!
    *power start to get on*

    thepowdertoy: Start the shield in passive mode and bare minimum shield power to jump to slipspace.

    AI: Target?

    thepowdertoy: As far as possible from here... Wait, jump to Minecraftia instead. We got some orbital defense cannon there
    *go into slipspace*

    Dota 2 player at SEA server.

    For me nothing is OP. It just a mod for fun and I'm playing it for fun. Unless it created items from nothing. Automining not included, neither do in case of self replicating machine. However GregTech is still good, so:

    GregTech Documentation Task Force Needed!

  • Whats the status of the new defenses for Minecraftia

    Phase 1: 60%
    Local turret Platforms: online and covering all areas of the planet, no holes detected at the moment
    Planet shield: waiting MM Shield Module Mk2
    Turret Shield: Online
    Orbital Base: 50% completed, Repair systems are online with Frame Carrier currently being repaired
    Power Generation: Breeder reactors are currently running at 50% efficiency, Fusion Reactors are currently not running but set up to activate
    Solar Flowers: Both UE and EU are moving into position
    Early Warning System: Flower Cameras are online, outer gravitational ring system is currently at 30%, Turtle production has been increased in order to boost speed of production.

    Alert me to when we are ready to begin Phase 2. What about the status for the non human Exo amour

    We have basic functions for all types of "mob" as for functions, the Creeper suit and Enderman suit are in testing and we are currently working on the Blaze suit.

    Tell me when the tests are finished. Rout all transmissions to my arm com, im going back to working on the station.

  • AI: Exiting slipspace now
    *sees Minecraftia*

    thepowdertoy: Now we are safe

    --Transmission started--

    thepowdertoy: Hi Blaster, I am the owner of this huge ship. Please send me your MM Mk2 shield because your Mk1 shield is drawing too much power from my dark energy reactor, and please destroy things with the energy signature *sends energy signature data* There is a psycho trying to nuke my ship, draining all my power

    --Transmission ended--

    Dota 2 player at SEA server.

    For me nothing is OP. It just a mod for fun and I'm playing it for fun. Unless it created items from nothing. Automining not included, neither do in case of self replicating machine. However GregTech is still good, so:

    GregTech Documentation Task Force Needed!

  • chaos:what do you mean i cant see thepowdertoy.

    solider: you cant not pass

    chaos:... YOU HOW UNSTABLE THIS ORB CAN GET!!!! I THINK THIS IS SERIOUS MATTER, AS YOU KNOW THIS COULD DRAIN THE ENTIRE SHIP. i need to get it somewhere safe. i need his scientists to help me make a generator for the shields. i even have a blueprint.

    *suddenly a blueprint appears in chaos's hand*

    solider: ... oh... ok you can pass

    *chaos walks through the door*

    chaos:dam soldiers... worse than spambots. anyway i need to stabilize the orb before it brings the ship down. once i show this shield they will love it as it only drains energy when needed. a shield that only actives in area where it is about to be hit

  • Executive Bolts: That got their attention. Now, reassign target to Minecraftian Defense Platform. Keyword: Blaster+quarters' location on node. Triangulate off of the reactor, and find the median point. Also, activate auxiliary reactor and charge shields to 5000%.

    AI Construct 5: Target reassigned.

    AI Construct 6: Shields charged.

    Executive Bolts: Fire.

    Everyone in the world is playing The Game.
    As soon as you think about The Game, you lose The Game. Be advised that you cannot lose The Game more than once in an hour.
    Whenever you lose The Game, you must say "I lost The Game."
    Since, when you think about The Game, you lose The Game, by reading this, you have just lost the game and will continue to do so for the rest of your life. You're welcome.

    Yes, I like Nintendo. What's it to you?

    My posts will be very infrequent. Just so you know.

  • *Explosion on the space station

    Gah, What the hell just happened?

    An un identified energy blast has hit the space station, hull damage is 99%

    Raise the Shield grid.

    We don't have enough power to last long.

    I DON'T CARE, use the power from the Frame Carrier if you have to, just get that shield up before we're hit again. also send a transmission to thepowertoy, tell him we cannot send him the new module because of this attack. I want the drone ships paroling a wider area now. Can you get me an analysis of the weapon?

    Working on it now, sir.

  • J.A.S.O.N: "Recieveing some weak Communication Signals! Decryption initiated..."

    'It could have been Hundrets of Years ago...Maybe even Thousands...' Bitterholz thought, Since the he caught some Signals. His Hope rised again to be not alone... Since the First Spammbot War ended and since he, as the only living Crew Member of the havy damaged Battleship "Dostyia", has been teleported to a random Locantion in the dephts of Space. He had lost any Sence for Time cause the Wormhole wich Teleported the whole Ship away jugged most of J.A.S.O.N's Circuits. The Ship only drifts trough Space anymore cause the Impulse Engines where mostly destroyed and Bitterholz wouldn't dare to risk a Iplosion when testing if they still work...

    J.A.S.O.N: "Message Decrypted!"

    Bitterholz: "Hopefully its something usefull this Time... J.A.S.O.N open the Com-Link!"

    *Com-Link Holograph starts to flicker*
    "krzz..w..krzzzrkrk..are....krzzzz..nee...d...krzzzzzzz...Help!.....krzzzz...mmBots..krszz..atta...!krzzzsss...... *Transmission interrupts and stops*

    Bitterholz: "Damn those Spammbots! J.A.S.O.N! Can you Locate the Signals Sender?"

    J.A.S.O.N: "Processing.......... Signal Located! Coordinates are: ***** ******* *******"

    Bitterholz: "They might need my help....But i can't move the Ship....I could test the Engines... but this would be far to Dangerous.... But,if the Spambots manage to Attack Minecraftia all we fought for was Waste.... J.A.S.O.N is the Generator able to produce a short Pulse of high EU/t to power up the Hyperdrive?"

    J.A.S.O.N: "It Thecnically could still do that, but at the momentaneous Status of the Ship i wouldn't recommend it."

    Bitterholz: "Screw it! We have idled far too long out here! Set Coordinates for Hyperdrive to **** ******* ******** and initiate the Phasejump!"

    J.A.S.O.N: " Hyperdrive Target Location set! Powering up the Reactor...Done! Initiating PhaseEngine..... WARNING! Impluse Engine 3 is drawing Energy without Controll! ETA to Explosion: Unknown! Module Malfunktion!"

    Bitterholz: "Reject the Impulse Engines! FAST!"

    J.A.S.O.N: "Impulse Engines Rejected! Initiation of PhaseJump completed!"

    Bitterholz looked back to the rejected Impluse Engines drifting trough the Space behind the Ship, glowing and pulseing.

    *Phase Tunnel opens arround the Dostyia and the Ship gets sucked into the Hyperdrive, just a Splitsecond before the third Impulse Engine Implodes...*

    Bitterholz: "That was a close one! J.A.S.O.N are you able to give me a Status of the Ship?"

    J.A.S.O.N: "Aquireing Data........ Shields: 6%, Hull Status: 46% Intact, Weapons: Railgun Batteries 1-6 Lost, Beam emitters are slightly damaged, Plasma Cannons are out of Deuterium, Disintegrator Microwave Beam has way to less Energy to operate, Impulse Engines rejected, Generator is Damaged and emitting Radiation!"

    Bitterholz: "Well, seems like we just made it, but we won't be much of a Help in Battle than a Meatshield for other Ships..."

    *Days later the Dostyia falls out of the Phase Tunnel nearby 300 Moons away from thepowertoys Ship...*

  • N.I.C.O.L.E, have you got the analysis of the weapon used to cripple the system?

    "After having to spare so much power, yes. The analysis shows a similar reading to that of the signal thepowdertoy sent us. Further investigations shows that, although it has similarities to that of the Spambots, there is enough of a difference to show that it is a completely different ship. There are no signs of this being a attack from the pirates either so it can be assumed that this is a new player in this battle. We are certain that whoever did this is not on our side, but we cannot rule out the fact that they are also against the Spambots

    Keep me informed on this guy's whereabouts, I want to know where he has been, and where he is going. Is there anything else?

    One other thing, a unknown ship has entered the scanners range. analysis shows that it is an old Minecraftian design, however it is heavily damaged.

    Send a rescue ship out there, guide the ship to the hanger bay and begin analysis and repair. send any survivors into the Medical bay under surveilence. We cannot rule out the possibility of this being a trick by the Spambots. What's the ETA of the completion of Phase 1?

    After the attack, it will be another two days to complete.

    Excelent, I want all available drone ships to be protecting the station, if this "new player" tries to take out the base again, I want him captured or at the very least, scanned so that we can learn more about this guy. also, send the MM Mk II to thepowdertoy along with an apology for the delay, now that our power requirements are fully operational, we can send him the new module.

  • Creeper: thepowdertoy, I just received transmission from Blaster that he cannot send you the shield

    thepowdertoy: Aww that sucks... Anyway what is that blip on the radar?

    --Received transmission--
    Bitterholz: bzzt
    --Transmission ended--

    thepowdertoy: Enderman program a blink drive jump to the blip location

    Enderman: Completed. Jumping in 3..2..1
    --blinks in--
    --blinks out--
    thepowdertoy: Start transmission

    --Transmission started--

    thepowdertoy: Hi Bitterholz the owner of the small battleship. Do you have enough power to move to the hangar?

    Bitterholz: Nope

    thepowdertoy: Al, control the battlecruiser to push his battleship to the hangar
    *battlecruiser pushed the battleship to the hangar*

    thepowdertoy: Alright let the automatic fixer do all his jobs
    *a swarm of turtle started to fix the hull*

    Bitterholz: Anyway thanks and this is a huge ship

    thepowdertoy: Of course this ship is 3 moons in length

    Dota 2 player at SEA server.

    For me nothing is OP. It just a mod for fun and I'm playing it for fun. Unless it created items from nothing. Automining not included, neither do in case of self replicating machine. However GregTech is still good, so:

    GregTech Documentation Task Force Needed!

  • In the base outside Mojang City, I was reading the radars. A strange signal showed up in the desert, and I ran a thorough scan. It was definitely a spambot signal. I reported it to my superiors, and I was sent out to investigate. I jumped into my plane and took off. I landed a kilometer from the signal, pulled out an ATV, and raced the rest of the way. When I arrived, it was a small spambot atmospheric transporter, crashed down. Scanners revealed that no spambots were inside, so I went in. What I found was a bomb. But not just any bomb. It was a tech bomb, and a big one at that. A bomb that would use some obscure quantum mechanic to destroy all sufficiently advanced tech. I started scanning it, looking for a way to destroy it. It was fruitless, if I would try to disarm it, it would insta-detonate. But there was something the spambots had not thought of - I could hack it, making it not only affect our tech, but also the spambots' tech. So I hacked it. I then picked up my radio.

    ------INITIATE BROADCAST------
    This is wasmic. To anyone who can hear me, get your teleporters tuned in to frequency [ENCRYPTED WITH reCAPTCHA 4096 BIT ENCRYPTION]. This will teleport you to Mojang City. A tech bomb may go off any minute now, and you don't want to be in space when that happens. I do not know how severe it will be, but hurry up.
    ------ABORT BROADCAST------

    I started packing up my stuff prparing to drive back to my plane. The the bomb exploded. In the distance my plane exploded, but my ATV was unharmed. I looked up, and saw at least five explosions of starcruisers. The force-fields were no use against a tech bomb. My plasma rifle stopped working, but my laser was fine. We were set back by a thousand years, but so were the spambots. A convulsion came over me, I got a sort of nausea, and then I fainted.

    Age: 16. Favourite school subject: Physics/Chemistry.

    The IC2 forums could really use a lot more of [REDACTED], [DATA EXPUNGED] and ████████.

    I'm in a so called "after-school". It's freaking fantastic and nowhere near as boring as normal school!

  • I was on my way to the Creeper Planet when suddenly all my ship's systems died, including life support.
    Me: Dammit, I thought I got this thing repaired after that reckless Asteroid Race. Wait... That's EMP da-
    *I faint*

    I wake up a few hours later, and realize that the emergency life support has only 20 minutes left. I first stop my ship, then I race to the stasis chamber, and I hop inside, and set the stasis pod with a minimum non-wake period of 6 weeks.
    Me: Good luck to the fellows fighting the spambots.

  • *Reboots N.I.C.O.L.E Program

    "Ugh, what happened?

    An EMP bomb from the surface, Spambot design. The Frame Carrier was destroyed in the process, the Station is also barely surviving. Based on the strength, it could have destroyed all ships in the galaxy. A backup of your program was only just completed before the attack.

    "If what you say is true, we are vulnerable to another attack."

    Unfortunately. I'm going to reboot the power network in order to get the MM grid up. I want you to try and get new rescue ships out to the past coordinates of all known ships. We need to get to them before they die.

    "I'm on it now sir"

    *After rebooting the power

    "Power rising, Storage levels at 50%. Shield active

    N.I.C.O.L.E, get me in contact with wasmic, I want to get more information about this EMP.

    "Do you think it may be related to that last attack?"

    I wouldn't be supprised

    "I have sent a message to wasmic, telling him to head to the Airport where a ship will be."

    Thank you.

    "What are you going to do now? the Frame Carrier is gone."

    What else, I'm going to see if the "alloy" is intact. After, I'm going to rebuild the Frame Carrier, I've been meaning to redesign and upgrade the old thing anyway.

  • *teleported to slipspace*

    thepowdertoy: What just happened?

    AI: FFT early warning system detected an energy surge from Minecraftia, and because our force field are not powerful enough, it automatically engages both blink and slipspace drive just before it hits, and anyway the Mk2 shield just come in. It drains all of our energy reserves and fusion reactors

    thepowdertoy: Bitterholz we need your battleship power now

    Bitterholz: Ok
    *several hours later*

    thepowdertoy: Alright the superconductors are in the place... Start the reactor now!
    *systems booting up*
    thepowdertoy: Now replace the MM shield with the Mk2 version and restart the shield

    AI: Completed

    thepowdertoy: Dark energy reactor?

    AI: Drawing power from all fusion reactors to starting up dark energy reactor.... 80% completed

    Enderman: If the spambots can create that powerful bomb... there must be another one... Wait AI, can you analyze the energy signature of that bomb?

    AI: Wait... It is similar! Is it that the psycho reverse-engineered the spambot design or vice-versa?

    thepowdertoy: Nevertheless its dangerous to our health

    Dota 2 player at SEA server.

    For me nothing is OP. It just a mod for fun and I'm playing it for fun. Unless it created items from nothing. Automining not included, neither do in case of self replicating machine. However GregTech is still good, so:

    GregTech Documentation Task Force Needed!

  • *chaos has a flash back on the way to thepowdertoy*

    CHAOS: you dont remember do you?

    *chaos looks down and comes back to reality*

    chaos: i need to remember NOW!!!! what was it. something about my past. i know am half human and half enderman. born from ender but raised by human. i killed herobrine and notch together. i defied the gods but look where it got me.i created the first enderman i killed and absorbed myself aka CHAOS. i became the most powerful being but somehow i still feel empty and alone. i feel i lost something but what. was it something close to me? why do i feel this way. this is my fault. WHY ME. most people would dream of having this much power but its a curse. A NIGHTMARE. ARRRRRR!!!!!

    *the orb starts to get out of control and suddenly a burst of energy comes out drain more power from the reactor*

    chaos: no no no no i must stay cool or this thing will go boom. i need to calm down

    *chaos takes a deep breath and the orb stabilizes

  • I woke up, jumped on my quad, and raced back to Mojang City. A bit outside the city was an old space center, build for rockets and such. As all of our cruisers went offline, all their systems fried, the only way to get into space now was to use chemical rockets. This rocket would put me in orbit, so that I could draw a map of spambot bases. It was armed with lasers, which were not affected by the tech-bomb. I sat inside it, and the engines started. There was something about rockets that starships just can't match, the sheer amount of power coming out of the engines. Starplanes might be more powerful, but rockets... you can actually feel the power streaming out of the engines, in form of super hot steam. It was accelerating quickly, and after a few hours, I was in a stable orbit. I pulled out a map and draw all the spambot bases that I could see. Luckily, the spambots were also hit by their own bomb, so they couldn't use starplanes, and they had never taken their time to develop rockets. Their own weapon gave us the upper hand. After a day, I had mapped the whole planet, and I prepared for a retrograde burn, which would kill my momentum, leaving gravity to do the rest.

    Control: This is control, do you read me?
    Wasmic: I read you loud and clear.
    Control: Good. You will have to do a retrograde burn in 15 minutes. Are you ready?
    Wasmic: Yes.
    Control: Good. You will land just outside Mojang City, and you will be picked up within 10 minutes. Wait, what is this? I've just got information that a massive CME is heading your way. This will make for some beautiful aurora down here, and a very high dose of radiation for you. You'll want to get inside the atmosphere. Just activate the engines now. The Coronal Mass Ejection might jam the radio, so we probably won't be able to get in touch with you until you touchdown.
    Wasmic: Okay, activating engines now. Getting ready for atmospheric descent.

    I activated the engines, slowing down my pod enough for the gravity to take over. The CME travelled with a speed close to c, so I had a very short warning. Particle effects started showing up around my pod, glowing red. Then the CME arrived. Luckily, the atmosphere had taken the blunt of the force, but I was still subjected to high amounts of radioactivity as I descended through polar lights near the equator. The parachutes unfurled, and my descent slowed down.

    Age: 16. Favourite school subject: Physics/Chemistry.

    The IC2 forums could really use a lot more of [REDACTED], [DATA EXPUNGED] and ████████.

    I'm in a so called "after-school". It's freaking fantastic and nowhere near as boring as normal school!

  • Wasmic: "Control, I have landed in the drop zone, I request a pick up back to Mojang City"
    Control: "Acknowledged, there is a vessel nearby who will return you to the city. He should be there soon"
    Wasmic: "Ok, i'll wait"
    Blaster: "You don't have to"
    Wasmic: "Who the hell are you?
    Blaster: "My name is Blaster, I have been working on the orbital defense station for some time now. I require your assistance with something.
    Wasmic: "And that would be?"
    Blaster: "The device you hacked, I would like to find out more about it, I believe that someone else planted it. someone who isn't a Spambot, but an ally to them"
    Wasmic: "And you think that was me?
    Blaster: "No, but I believe that you may be able to help with finding this person. My ship is just over here, I will take you up to the station so that you can review your results with mine. After, I will return you to Mojang City. Will that be ok?"
    Wasmic: "Yes, just as long as I'm not a prisoner."
    Blaster: "You have my word"

  • *chaos reach's the bridge door, he press a button*

    chaos: may i enter thepowdertoy