The IC² Experimental build is here, beware of possible bugs within!
As of alpha10 Advanced Reactors supports localization!!!
Localizations are hosted in this public mercurial repo if people want to submit more. If enough people want I could move it to a git repo on github. I would like to open source the entire mod, but I'm using some derivative code from IC² and open sourcing would probably cause licensing problems.
Check here for details of heat capacity values (from alpha 8 onward).
Also, code changes in the weeping coolant cell in alpha 8 made the new (finished) item incompatible with the old one, so the game will delete your old weeping coolant cells when you first load the new version. I apologize for this and will try not to do it in the future.
Introducing the Advanced Reactors addon for IC² 2.x. After numerous hours of nuclear engineering and studying reactor designs, we are proud to bring you the next level of Nuclear Reactors. Maintaining some backwards compatibility (old reactors still function but they are no longer craftable) and adding many new features to nuclear reactors, you will be able to construct many new variations of old reactors to improve things like safety, breeder efficiency, heat dissipation, or even total EU output. An important message from our engineers: The new reactor cores and chambers are not compatible with classic reactor cores and chambers, so mixing new components with classic will not work.
This mod is becoming much more complex than I had anticipated, as such I have to move most of the information off this thread to its own website. Advanced Reactors homepage
Also there have been recent requests pertaining to license, so I am officialy stamping a license on this This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Appropriate restrictions are waived for the IC² team as required by their publishing regulations. If I have personally granted you permission before this license was in effect, then you continue to have permission so long as you respect the new license.
I have taken the abbreviated recipe list off this page since it was only valid for the 401 build and it seems the experiemental build is gathering more than enough momentum. So the recipes can be found in NEI or CraftGuide in-game. Or you can check out the official website.
Full details including all items/blocks/recipes at the Advanced Reactors homepage
1.0.5 Experimental (IC² 2.0.288+)
- Updated to latest IC2 api ( build 288 ) so reactors and components don't cause crashes anymore.
1.0.4 Experimental
- Fixed recipe compatibility bug with RTGenerators - use a Basic reactor chamber now instead of a classic chamber.
1.0.3 Experimental
- Fixed recipe compatibility bug with Lead Plates.
- Improved overall GregTech detection and fixed recipe for Dense Obsidian Neutron Reflector when GT is available.
1.0.2 Experimental (IC² 2.0.195+)
- Updated call to IC2 explode method so reactors can explode correctly again (KABOOOOOM).
- Fixed a bug that caused reactor cores to drop Geothermal Generators or Watermills when broken with a pick.
1.0.0 Prerelease 2 (IC² 1.118.401)
- Backported BC Pipe/AE Bus support to reactors
1.0.1 Experimental (Tested with IC² 2.0.160-184)
- Converted Reactors to ISidedInventory so BC pipes and AE buses will work with them now.
- There is an important bug to note where inserting fuel rods into a reactor via pipes/buses will cause them to stack - this is true in classic and advanced reactors.
- Fixed a bug that caused Electric reactors to not update their size when a chamber was removed.
1.0.0 Experimental (Built with IC² 2.0.160. Given the state of the new E-net, I cannot predict how this will behave with versions < 2.0.133 (the earliest version I tested with)
- First release build for IC² 2.x.
- Use new IC² Dense plates instead of custom ones (lapis, lead, obsidian).
- Crafting recipe to convert old plates to new IC² dense plates
- Fixed a bug where Reactors were not properly saving their active state to NBT.
- Improved(?) steam distribution algorithm for Steam reactors - it will try to equally send steam to all attached tanks.
1.0.0 Prerelease 1 (Built with IC² 1.118.401, but this *may* work with any IC² for MC 1.6.2).
- Added a beta ItemAPI so other mods can correct recipes that use Reactors/Chambers (Chargepads, MiscPeripherals). This api is brand new and has not been adopted yet, so compatibility isn't there yet).
- Added CraftGuide support for QZH-Condensator recharge recipe.
- Added wikilinks support. Key="reactors". Takes you to the search results page.
- Fixed the mod icon on the mods menu screen.
- Added BC facades for the High temperature machine block, *all* the Reactor cores, and *all* the Reactor chambers (begin trolling)
- Fixed a bug where the "pick block" feature would give you the wrong reactor.
- Balanced the steam output for steam reactors - they will now push equal amounts of steam to every connected tank/pipe (classic reactors did not do this). This will really only affect you if your steam output hasn't saturated your pipe network.
- Forge Fluid migration should be finished now, all fluid interaction working.
- Added GregTech covers for Lapis Plate (unobtainable with GregTech, lol), Infernal Plate (Nether brick), Obsidian Plate (Obsidian), and Infernal Reactor vent (slow vent).
- Added config option to enable/disable Advanced Reactor sounds.
Alpha 11
- Added ru_RU translation care of Sodiet - Thanks!
- Fixed a problem with the localization system where it was loading only en_US (derp).
- Made the localization loader more intelligent - it will try to automatically load any xml in the lang folder - will make updates easier.
- Restructured network code to send/receive more cleanly (no longer using IC² NetworkHelper).
- Reactor skin/icon should now be properly updating when turning it on or off.
- Reactor sounds should now properly update when turning on or off.
View full changelog here
(1) Download and install Forge for Minecraft 1.6.2 (just Forge, no ModLoader required)
(2) Download the latest version if IC2*
(3) Download the AdvancedReactors jar and place it in your mods directory.
(4) Have fun
*Note: If you are using IC2 2.0.194 or earlier, use 1.0.1-exp. 1.0.2-exp updates to IC2 changes that happened in 2.0.195.