you crazy
EDIT: But forcefield chest is stupid, this is kill me all my sheps , horses , and cows
don't worry, it'll get fixed next version
EDIT: Progress with Mass Infusers:
you crazy
EDIT: But forcefield chest is stupid, this is kill me all my sheps , horses , and cows
don't worry, it'll get fixed next version
EDIT: Progress with Mass Infusers:
Mass infuser ? what this is machine this is inifinity chest with crafting ??
Mass infuser ? what this is machine
this is inifinity chest with crafting ??
No, it will show you uum recipe for item you chose. Something like NEI. (right now it has no superiorities over NEI, but it will soon..)
Here it goes:
And i added three-by-three-by-one mining ability for drill
Massive update is coming... Like really massive. Mod's current .jar file size is 1.5x the previous one.
Current changelog for 0.9.5 (oh, i'd like to list everything here, but it's like next to impossible to remember)
Day I
1. Fixed advanced scanners. They work now.
2. Added massive amount of configoptions for almost every single aspect of the addon
3. Added superconductors (intergable via OreDict, can be placed in the world as a cable, can only be broken with a pick, energy loss = 0, max packet size = 2 to the power of 31 (Integer.MAX_VALUE))
4. Added Mass Infuser. They're highly WIP, so i didn't provide a crafting recipe
5. Added ability for enhanced diamond drill to mine 3x3x1 (width x height x depth)
6. Fixed bug when drill breaks bedrock
7. Added a FANCY (it's incredibly, incredibly, amazingly awesome looking.. i have no words.) render for Tesla Rays (they are rays now rather than projectiles)
8. Added Enriched Energetic Matter Orbs (4kk storage)
9. Nerfed recipes.
10. Nerfed ability of forcefield chestplate to lift entities up (it was annoying anyways).
11. More minor stuff I forgot. (various bugfixes)
Day II
1. Fixed a bug when you were able to fly even after you take off levitation boots
2. Added mods for drill (right now, there are two: normal & tunnel)
3. Optimized code a bit
maybe add mod for mc 1.5.2 , i need for server , but rarely change version mc because we have very much people and structures and machines
maybe add mod for mc 1.5.2 , i need for server , but rarely change version mc because we have very much people and structures and machines
Backport? I thought about it, but it would be a pain to do that.
Status report:
I'm working on wireless chargers. If this device is in your hotbar, it will charge your items, consuming energy from Wireless Power Sync frequency. It will be pretty epic, I'm sure you'll love it. Also, I have electric sickle on my TODO list. It will function just like RedPower's one, except that it will be electric and have a big range.
add advanced miner for ic2 which use advanced scanners
add advanced miner for ic2 which use advanced scanners
That's at the end of my todo list. Currently chargers & sickles are the priorities.
chargers ??? copy this mod ?? [ADDON] [MC v. 1.6.2] Aroma1997s Portable Recharger
chargers ??? copy this mod ?? [ADDON] [MC v. 1.6.2] Aroma1997s Portable Recharger
Mods copies things everyday. Get used to it.
Also, his chargers are going to be WIRELESS, which will use a block's storage somewhere to recharge your stuff, anywhere.
Mods copies things everyday. Get used to it.
Also, his chargers are going to be WIRELESS, which will use a block's storage somewhere to recharge your stuff, anywhere.
Yes, they will. The way they are gonna work is:
1. You set WirelessPowerSync-frequency for the device
2. When a PowerSync-transmitter receives any energy, it will send a part of it (it will be equally distributed between other receiving-powersyncs and wireless chargers), it will send some energy to the Wireless Charger, which, in its turn, will charge items inside your inventory.
So, for the end user, it will be something like this:
1. Put a chunkloader (REQUIRED! REQUIRED! Otherwise some weird glitches and bugs and what not will show their face)
2. Connect a wireless P-Sync to your house's main powerline
3. Set charger's frequency to your PowerSync's frequency.
4. Go wherever you want, be it nether, or a mystcraft dimension, or overworld 130 000 blocks away from your house, chargers will keep your electric items inside your inventory charged.
Also, I want you to suggest recipe for the device.
Is it gonna use Iridium Plates, making it endgame? Or just advanced circuits? (I think advanced circuits, because in endgame nobody will really care about energy, Ultimate Solar Helmet for the win! :))
Is it gonna have energy loss? Or not? (balance-point)
Is it gonna be able to charge armor? Or not? (balance-point)
Should be made with Iridium Plate and have losses IMO, because nof everyone uses OP addons such as GraviSuit and ASP (not that OP since it last nerf though ^^). But anyway, your mod is OP already, and don't really fit with GT, so do it OP if you want, since it won't be used by people wanting balance.
Should be made with Iridium Plate and have losses IMO, because nof everyone uses OP addons such as GraviSuit and ASP (not that OP since it last nerf though ^^). But anyway, your mod is OP already, and don't really fit with GT, so do it OP if you want, since it won't be used by people wanting balance.
Just to tell you, there are tons of config options coming in new versions, including disabling recipes and energy consumption.
OP? Like KingLemming said in one of direwolf's videos, some people even consider simple chestrotation OP. So, OP relatively to what? If you say GT, well, GT is not a criteria for me. For me, personally, fun you get from messing with items is the criteria.
In other news, I just got Wireless Chargers to behave properly. They now do work!
The new problem is how do you set the frequency of charger? It's the most tricky part. I think I should add a special slot to the PowerSync which will set charger's frequency to its own.
I did not say it was OP to anyone, but to me, playing with GT as main mod, it is OP. And I think most of people playing with GT will have the same opinion. So what I just told you is: You don't really care about things being really balanced, because your addon isn't made for GT-fans.
I did not say it was OP to anyone, but to me, playing with GT as main mod, it is OP. And I think most of people playing with GT will have the same opinion. So what I just told you is: You don't really care about things being really balanced, because your addon isn't made for GT-fans.
[joke]Yay, now I can make dirt = diamond block recipe! [/joke]
In other news, I'm done with Wireless Chargers and am making electric sickles. (it would be relatively easy to do, I'm sure)
After I'm done with sickles, what should I add next?
fly ring
fly ring
Denied. Being able to fly in mid-game is overpowered.
I'm done with Electric Sickles. They chop down tall grass (and flowers) in a square radius of 10 blocks and leaves in a square radius of 6 blocks.
It will be really useful to farm rubber trees & seeds
I have another idea: quantum saber. Why not? I'll go ahead implement it.
Denied. Being able to fly in mid-game is overpowered.
Yeah, we have the earlygame electric Jetpack for that.
Yeah, we have the earlygame electric Jetpack for that.
Yeah, but it got only a tiny bit of energy storage & doesn't act as a lappack. Gravisuite fixes that, but since GS is not out on 1.6 yet, I may consider adding it to my addon.
Also, @Greg, your armorTextures workaround didn't work. It seems weird, because your mod has armor textures and they work very well. What secret voodoo-magic do you use?
in jetpack, build is very difficulty , and itegrate fly with boots isnt good idea, maybe i want other boots ? but ok this isnt my mod, so i want gravi suite for fly
Can someone please tell me which downloads are for which? I can't tell and I would really like to download the 1.5.2 version if there is one for this addon cuz it looks pretty cool and I want to try it.