Woo, nice. Love how the quantum ring looks so far.
One can have the best of both worlds now, modular powersuits for a couple of it's nice features while still having the nice quantum running+jumping.
Have you considered a quantum ring that does flight as well?

[Addon v2.0_experimental for MC 1.6.2] LevelStorage v1.2
Can someone point this thread to SirusKing? His dreams are becoming true here...
More comments :
Config to disable superconductors (so you have to use the expensive GT version)
Config to disable enriched whatevername orb (so you have to use GT energy orbs, which is a bit more expensive i guess [couldn't check as NEI failed])
Make all iridium plate requiring stuff require Osmiridium Plates [2 Iridium Plate (the alloy) + 4 Osmium Plate + 2 diamond dust] when GT is installed. Fancy note is that would explain the blueish color of stuff [As Osmium, in GT, is blue]"DBG, Denied by GregTech, but we implemented it!" made me laugh too.
Ok, I'm fine with the ring, even though GT I think Iridium from the End is a bit too OP (should be nerfed like the need of Compressed Air Cells to survive in it)
If the SupraConductor can be disabled I'm fine too.
However, without configs I find the losses for the Energy TPer too low. IMO it should be 25%/35%/50% instead of 5/10/25 ...
Can someone point this thread to SirusKing? His dreams are becoming true here...
More comments :
Config to disable superconductors (so you have to use the expensive GT version)
Config to disable enriched whatevername orb (so you have to use GT energy orbs, which is a bit more expensive i guess [couldn't check as NEI failed])
Make all iridium plate requiring stuff require Osmiridium Plates [2 Iridium Plate (the alloy) + 4 Osmium Plate + 2 diamond dust] when GT is installed. Fancy note is that would explain the blueish color of stuff [As Osmium, in GT, is blue]"DBG, Denied by GregTech, but we implemented it!" made me laugh too.
Enriched Whatever Orbs are more expensive than GT ones (they require 4 lapotrons, 4 superconductors (2 iridium plates per 6 superconductors) and 1 iridium plates).
You get about 2,5 iridium plates per 4 million EU-storage crystals.@Ook:
I have added the flight-ability for the ring.EDIT:
Status update - I am currently working on "Inventory Nets". It's a signal of some major mechanics coming in the next version of the addon.
Unfortunately, I had to add a new TickHandler, which is gonna be another perfomance penalty. I'll try to make it as less laggy as possible, I promiseHere's something:
what this ??? storage bus with applied energetics
I would say inventory enhancing-system using portable items teleporters ...
hm ? autoteleporter items with inventory player for chests ?
That was my Opinion, but I can't really tell.
Oh, my code gets dirtier and dirtier... I think I should really refactor most of it some day.
Anyways, I'm currently working on crafting ingredients. Man, these items are so powerful, i need to add expensive recipes for it
Okay, here's something:
I dont like expensive recipes (gravi suite like) but i have 14 000 uumater 158 diamonds 800 gold ingots few tousands iron ingots and tons (few hundreds tousands) other materials on my server
Still waiting an "industrial conflict" mod some day.
I dont like expensive recipes (gravi suite like) but i have 14 000 uumater 158 diamonds 800 gold ingots few tousands iron ingots and tons (few hundreds tousands) other materials on my server
It is gonna be expensive. Up to 4 thousand UU for full suite. ANYBODY GONNA COMPLAIN IT IS OVERPOWERED? -
Still waiting an "industrial conflict" mod some day.
Now that we have improved "laser entities" it may come true soon (tm).
I already did suggest some kind of laser turret earlier. It would be programmable, like MFFS interdiction matrix + biometric identifier.@above : 4 thousand UUM for full suit = nearly impossible for GT :3 {unless you are talking about UUM -> iridium}
Thats even more expensive than full MPS suit, i think. GOOD.Consider adding "osmiridium plate" when GT is installed, and swap all iridium plate recipes with that plate.
Osmiridium plate is made with 2 iridium plates (alloy) + 8 osmium plates in the alloy smelter. -
Now that we have improved "laser entities" it may come true soon (tm).
I already did suggest some kind of laser turret earlier. It would be programmable, like MFFS interdiction matrix + biometric identifier.@above : 4 thousand UUM for full suit = nearly impossible for GT :3 {unless you are talking about UUM -> iridium}
Thats even more expensive than full MPS suit, i think. GOOD.
Matt complained. I did. I'll add a config option for it, don't worryOsmiridium Plates:
I added them. I'll add GT compat soon™.
Also, 4k is a lot of UUM... 64 stacks... More than doublechest worth of UUM....
Well, new recipes are evil. As evil ashellGreg. -
hehe so i must install more overpower mods
and overpower combinations
hehe so i must install more overpower mods
and overpower combinations
MFR + extra utilities = OP combination for mob farms.
Ars Magica :3
GregTech configured to NOT nerf ANYthingEdit : 4000 UUM with GT = 66.666.664.000 EU and 136000 scrap [scrap is mandatory]
Okay lol, I think with GT 1000 pure UUM is enough ^^. Not that OP eventually ^^.
@Osmiridium: Are you sure it's in the Alloy smelter ? I'd say the IBF makes more sense. (especially if it makes more than 2500/3000 K useful ^^)
I did not complain about that suit/ring, and now I'm sure I won't ^^.
Okay lol, I think with GT 1000 pure UUM is enough ^^. Not that OP eventually ^^.
@Osmiridium: Are you sure it's in the Alloy smelter ? I'd say the IBF makes more sense. (especially if it makes more than 2500/3000 K useful ^^)
I did not complain about that suit/ring, and now I'm sure I won't ^^.
It was just the first thing i tought. BF with maximum heat to make osmiridium seems perfect.
@Osmiridium: Ok lol, I thought it was already implemented in GT ^^.
There will be two crafting modes: "normal" and "hard". You can change them in config. On normal mode, all armors require just plain iridium plates (super-easy) like they did in the past.
On hard mode, it's something like this:
Boots: 5 osmiridium plates ->
15 (osmium ingots) * 4 (conversion of osmium tiny dust into normal dust) * 6 (uum per 1 tiny dust) * 4 (you need 4 osmiridium mixed metal ingot per plate) = 1440 UUM
15 (iridium ingots) * 7 = 105 UUM
Total of 1545 UUM = 24.14 stacks of UUM
I will skip all these calculations, let's just think 1 osmiridium plate = 1545 / 5 = 309 UUM
Chestplate requires 3 plates = 927 UUM = 14.48 stacks of UUM
Leggings require 3 plates = 927 UUM = 14.48 stacks of UUM
Helmet requires 4 plates = 1236 UUM = 19.31 stacks of UUMTotal of 4635 UUM per fullset = 72.42 stacks of UUM.
I don't know on which difficulty you're gonna play, but I will definitely play on normal.
@lso, Matt, congratulations on 2000 posts!
For those fellow modders who have the same problem:
use this code before your modItemsInit:
Where ARMOR_SUPERSONIC_RENDER_INDEX is a simple variable in your ClientProxy.
Then, when you init your armors, do that something like that:Codesuper(LevelStorage.configuration.getItem(UNLOCALIZED_NAME, LevelStorage.getAndIncrementCurrId()).getInt(), EnumArmorMaterial.DIAMOND, ClientProxy.ARMOR_SUPERSONIC_RENDER_INDEX, 1);
Place your armors inside of /minecraft/textures/models/armor/yourPrefix_layer_yourLayer.png
yourLayer - 2 for leggings, 1 for everything else.
That was it. I don't know if it is the case for you, but for me it really drove me insane.