Anybody figured out how to craft the tin cans for canning food in the canning machine? Or is that not yet (re-)implemented?
IC2 Expermental Feature Discussion
Anybody figured out how to craft the tin cans for canning food in the canning machine? Or is that not yet (re-)implemented?
Something to do with tin in the metal former I bet -
The metal former recipes have been added to NEI recently, but nothing shows up for the tin cans. I can make tin cells with the metalformer, but those are not the ones I need.
Another question: I have two buckets worth of construction foam liquid in the right side tank of a canning machine. How do I get that into my CF sprayer? None of the modes seems to want to fill it.
No, just advancedmachines and compactsolars. If i hook 7 lv arrays (which should be 56eu?)connected to copper cabling to a CESU, the CESU explodes. If i hook a HV transformer between the two it works fine.
Depends on how the compact solars send their power. The LV arrays might for example send one bundle of 32 EU every 4 ticks instead of 8 EU every tick, to reduce load. And it makes sense too, considering it is built with a LV transformer that natively outputs 32 EU.
So if you have 7 of them you might end up with up to 224 EU going down the line in one tick, which will definitely overload a CESU.
I see. That's a bit confusing, but it makes sense. So the energy per tick is now more of a consideration. I'll check the line sometime to see what it outputs.
The metal former recipes have been added to NEI recently, but nothing shows up for the tin cans. I can make tin cells with the metalformer, but those are not the ones I need.
Another question: I have two buckets worth of construction foam liquid in the right side tank of a canning machine. How do I get that into my CF sprayer? None of the modes seems to want to fill it.
Install another canning machine next to the one with the construction foam and route the liquid from the first to the second. Put the sprayer into the second canning machine.
Another question: I have two buckets worth of construction foam liquid in the right side tank of a canning machine. How do I get that into my CF sprayer? None of the modes seems to want to fill it.
With the Canning Machine in "Fluid Enrich Mode", if you have water in the left tank, put a CF Sprayer in the Top Left slot (not apparent from the arrows), and CF Powder in the middle slot, the machine will make foam and put it into the sprayer. If the sprayer isn't in the machine, but the water and powder are, it seems to make foam into the right tank, but loading it from there into the sprayer is the issue, as you have found. I believe if you put the sprayer in the top left, and at least 1 bucket of water in the left tank and one dust in the center, that it will load the foam from the right tank while it is making the new foam. I did this once or twice today by accident, but I haven't gone back and retested and checked amounts, etc. I'm running build 209 at the moment.
And for those, like me, who had trouble figuring out how to get water into the left tank- make a universal fluid cell, fill with water by right-clicking water in the world (like you do with a bucket), and then right click the canning machine with the filled cell. Note that this doesn't work with a bucket, although you can put a bucket INTO the machine, but I could only make the machine unload the bucket into the right-hand tank, and couldn't use that for CF foam.
With the Canning Machine in "Fluid Enrich Mode", if you have water in the left tank, put a CF Sprayer in the Top Left slot (not apparent from the arrows), and CF Powder in the middle slot, the machine will make foam and put it into the sprayer. If the sprayer isn't in the machine, but the water and powder are, it seems to make foam into the right tank, but loading it from there into the sprayer is the issue, as you have found. I believe if you put the sprayer in the top left, and at least 1 bucket of water in the left tank and one dust in the center, that it will load the foam from the right tank while it is making the new foam. I did this once or twice today by accident, but I haven't gone back and retested and checked amounts, etc. I'm running build 209 at the moment.
And for those, like me, who had trouble figuring out how to get water into the left tank- make a universal fluid cell, fill with water by right-clicking water in the world (like you do with a bucket), and then right click the canning machine with the filled cell. Note that this doesn't work with a bucket, although you can put a bucket INTO the machine, but I could only make the machine unload the bucket into the right-hand tank, and couldn't use that for CF foam.
Indeed, this is what I figured out myself yesterday. You've put it well.I should also note that the canning machine and construction foam fluid is completely compatible BC pipes. I currently have my canning machine plumbed in with a BC pump and stone fluid pipe, and I fill my pack with CF that way. I believe you can move CF foam out of the righthand tank into the lefthand one with a Universal Fluid Cell (just rightclick on the canning machine with the cell in hand)l, but don't quote me on that.
Actually, the problem I'm having now is that it takes six units of stone dust per one unit of CF powder. Once I ran out of stockpiled stone dust from ore-washing, my CF tower project slowed waaay down due to a critical stone dust shortage. Sure, I can turn cobble into stone dust with the thermal centrifuge, but that's energy and time intensive for what amounts to only one pile of stone dust per block of cobblestone. I'm spending simply insane amounts EU here for not a hell of a lot of return. In short, I think that the cobblestone -> stone dust recipe either needs to go much faster or give more product per operation.
CF used to become available early game, as soon as you had a macerator and some redstone to spare. Now it's an upper-midgame product. I literally geared up my nuclear reactor just so I had enough power to run the thermal centrifuge continuously for this project. I won't say it's not sustainable, but it's definitely not as easy as it was before.
Well, I've been washing a lot of ores, so I have about 16 full stacks of dust... (ran a quarry, still haven't touched even half of the results).
That would make a bit over 2.5 stacks of CF dust... the question of course being how much actual construction work you can do in the world. In classic IC2 it used to be two CF sprayer shots per unit of foam, resulting in around 20-25 blocks IIRC?
And thanks a lot for the tip with just adding another foam dust to the canning machine, it drained all the tanked foam liquid into the sprayer.
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They work ok but if I log out it unloads what I was doing and goes back to making redstone! CRAP as I am sitting here typing this I remember I forgot to put my chunk loader back in when I rebuilt my workshop!!!
A word of warning when using multi- block items I have found (I mix in some UE mods for power) when you remove them they seem to left "ghost blocks" behind and if you place something on top of the left over pieces you get a world crashing ticking entity error which I had to use MC-edit to repair.Gonna go add my chunk loader back in and let my replicator go back to making me diamonds. I do kinda of miss being able to run a crap ton of power to an old mass fab and make it spit out a ton of UU matter sometimes though it was a little to EE like, The newer ones seem so slow wish it was a little faster love the new system over all so built 4 mass fabs but still slow.
I scanned lapis and my replicator is making ink sacs!!!
laspis item #351:4
ink sac item #351 -
Looks like it doesn't obey the damage value. Any dye will probably result in ink sacs (and hilariously enough, I don't think you can even scan ink sacs at this point...)
EDIT: Thunderdark just fixed this in Build #220, it would seem.
just installed 221 and tried it got no output from the lapis pattern now. I tried lapis and diamond now I get no output from the replicator though it uses the UU matter and power I am feeding it.
Since I installed 221 and got no output I tried re scanning a piece of lapis now I have two lapis patterns in my pattern storage one works one does not. will try breaking it and placing a new one.Installed build 225 and replicator is working again now!!
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" wcf_src="
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They work ok but if I log out it unloads what I was doing and goes back to making redstone! CRAP as I am sitting here typing this I remember I forgot to put my chunk loader back in when I rebuilt my workshop!!!
A word of warning when using multi- block items I have found (I mix in some UE mods for power) when you remove them they seem to left "ghost blocks" behind and if you place something on top of the left over pieces you get a world crashing ticking entity error which I had to use MC-edit to repair.Gonna go add my chunk loader back in and let my replicator go back to making me diamonds. I do kinda of miss being able to run a crap ton of power to an old mass fab and make it spit out a ton of UU matter sometimes though it was a little to EE like, The newer ones seem so slow wish it was a little faster love the new system over all so built 4 mass fabs but still slow.
are those the new designs for solar and wind gens? -
no those are from MEkanism but once hooked to a MFE they run the mass fabs just fine. you run mekanisms copper cables to the MFE then some double insulated gold cables to the Mass Fab
Say, does anybody have the process time and EU consumption figures for these machines in IC2 experimental?
- Metalformer
- Ore Washing Plant
- Thermal Centrifuge
- Canning MachineI'm trying to give myself an overview of overclocker scaling, but I need to know the base values to calculate anything.
Maybe this will help you.
Ore Washing: (8192EU/cycle)
1 crushed Iron: 1 pure Iron, 2 Pile Iron, 1 Stone Dust
1 crushed Copper: 1 pure Copper, 2 Pile Copper, 1 Stone Dust
1 crushed Gold: 1 pure Gold, 2 Pile Gold, 1 Stone Dust
1 crushed Tin: 1 pure Tin, 2 Pile Tin, 1 Stone Dust
1 crushed Uran: 1 pure Uran, 2 Pile Lead, 1 Stone Dust
1 crushed Silver: 1 pure Silver, 2 Pile Silver, 1 Stone Dust
1 crushed Lead: 1 pure Lead, 3 Pile Sulfur, 1 Stone DustThermal Centrifuge: (25600/cycle - not for Uran processing)
1 pure Iron: 1 Iron Dust, 1 Pile Gold
1 pure Copper: 1 Copper Dust, 1 Pile Tin
1 pure Gold: 1 Gold Dust, 1 Pile Silver
1 pure Tin: 1 Tin Dust, 1 Pile Iron
1 pure Uran: 5 Uran 238, 2 Pile Uran 235
1 pure Silver: 1 Silver Dust, 1 Pile Lead
1 pure Lead: 1 Lead Dust, 1 Pile Copper -
That doesn't look right. For starters, non-overclocked thermal centrifuge consumption is more like 30k EU than 25K. Also, its been said in Direwolf20's youtube series that the thermal centrifuge runs at 48 EU/t. And 25600 isn't divisible by 48...
I ran several tests on an easy setup: full Batbox/CESU and the machine... full - used = result, 3 runs, above is the average.
v195, maybe some stats got changed?
Don't care what DW20 says.