I haven't made exact calculations but i think a max size 5x5 with superheated steam is in the order of 2000-3000 just counting the ingots. Might make an excell sheet later to calculate the cost. Don't think there is any accurate cost calculators for reactors right now. Althought i think the cost differs a lot between gregtech and regular ic2 with regular ic2 being more expensive for once
Alright, so: MOX reactor designs.
Hello! I`ve been playing with HDTV reactors, like listed on Page 6 of this thread.
I like that type of MOX reactors because it's easy to operate, especially if don't automate them.
I decided to share my designs:
1. Reactors without reflectors:
1.1. 4-Chamber Reactor, 2 Quad MOX Cells:
1.2. 5-Chamber Reactor, 4 Double MOX Cells (a bit cheaper than Blackpalt`s on Page 6 of this thread):
1.3. 6-Chamber Reactor, 5 Quad MOX Cells (cheaper than Zombie`s design on Page 6 of this thread):
Looking at 0-Chamber Reactor at Page 6, thought “why can’t we do this?”:
1.4. 6-Chamber Reactor, 4 Double MOX Cells + 10 Single MOX Cells:
1.5. 6-Chamber Reactor, 10 Double MOX Cells (posted by Peter Li in comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cog6Ugo7XXc):
1.6. 6-Chamber Reactor, 2 Quad MOX Cells + Double MOX Cell:
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…vce5zqiu11eip5q2an0rbigr82. Reactors with reflectors:
2.1. 3-Chamber Reactor, 4 Single MOX Cells + 4 Reflectors (diamond free):
2.2. 3-Chamber Reactor, 1 Quad MOX Cell + 2 Reflectors:
Same as previous one, but bigger and cheaper:
2.3. 4-Chamber Reactor, 1 Quad MOX Cell + 2 Reflectors:
2.4. 5-Chamber Reactor, Quad MOX Cell + Double MOX Cell + 2 Reflectors:
Same as previous one, but bigger and cheaper (I feel like it can be even better):
2.5. 6-Chamber Reactor, Quad MOX Cell + Double MOX Cell + 2 Reflectors:
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…3gthm4qiq0lhoku9qnnwj6a8kTried to make last five compatible with simple "hopper automation" for loading reflectors.
(WARNING: Hot MOX reactors will burn wooden chests!)I hear somebody saying that reflectors are expensive, but I am thinking about this:
burning copper and tin for power, and a lot of power... why not? And with MOX it is even better!
P.S.: I'm sorry if my bad English is hurting your ears...I feel we should give some of these designs some attention, several of them are actually really good. Is anyone updating the list at page 6 right now? and also the list should probably be moved to the first page
i could take it upon myself if no one else is interested
Is anyone updating the list at page 6 right now?
Omicron hasn't been on the forum in 118 days so I'd say no. Unless one of the forum mods edits it. -
I feel we should give some of these designs some attention, several of them are actually really good. Is anyone updating the list at page 6 right now? and also the list should probably be moved to the first page
i could take it upon myself if no one else is interested
I know at least personally a centralized, up to date list of the good reactors of each type and fuel would be a godsend
The feeling im getting is really that a new thread with all types of designs are included: regular, mox and 5x5 with both ic2 and gregtech variations. The different reactor design are now spread out in 3+ threads that are not updated regurarly or at all.
With some feedback i should be able to make a good summary post of all different reactor designs but i think it will take quite some time. And it would also require a new cost calculator since the old one is not to date since like forever. Preferably this would be a good oportunity to go over to the new reactor designer and move away from the the old one that hasn't been updated in 2-3 years. Is there still some progress done on the new reactor simulator?
I will start writing on a large tutorial/reactor design thread tonight. My goal is to give a short tutorial to all things nuclear and present the different types of nuclear reactors together with all the best designs and some general considerations.I will mostly focus on 5 or 6 chamber reactors (if i add in all small reactors as well the post will become waaaaay to long) and will include knowhow and designs from regular reactors, mox, 5x5, 5x5 mox, plutonium breeding, mark 5 reactors and on/off reactors as well as gregtech and reflector variations of these types.
I expect this to take a few days to write...
I hope that in time this thread will take over the old designs thread to give people a better overview of the wonders of ic2 nuclear power. If people have sugestions of what they want the thread to contain now would be the time to leave suggestions
It would make a lot more sense for you to write the guide on the wiki and link it from the post. 10,000 characters doesn't last long with indepth topics like reactors.
The feeling im getting is really that a new thread with all types of designs are included: regular, mox and 5x5 with both ic2 and gregtech variations. The different reactor design are now spread out in 3+ threads that are not updated regurarly or at all.
I will start writing on a large tutorial/reactor design thread tonight. My goal is to give a short tutorial to all things nuclear and present the different types of nuclear reactors together with all the best designs and some general considerations.It seems like all of the recent good designs were authored by you, I would love to see how you do it.
I will mostly focus on 5 or 6 chamber reactors (if i add in all small reactors as well the post will become waaaaay to long) and will include knowhow and designs from regular reactors, mox, 5x5, 5x5 mox, plutonium breeding, mark 5 reactors and on/off reactors as well as gregtech and reflector variations of these types.
I would still include a few 0-chambers for starters even if that Zombie 100EU/t design is eternal and optimized.
writing it in .txt first before so i can review it easier. It wont really be in depth, more like a crash course. I will probably still require 2 post to fit it all but i will see where i end up. If the thread becomes popular i might flesh it out and make a wiki guide
I will leave a link to the two other major design threads as well but i won't mind adding a few more design by popular demand. when it all comes down to it i think people usually either go for large output 0 chambers or high efficiency 5-6 chamber or high output 5-6 chambers. 1-4 chambers are probably a lot more rarely used so i probably won't add a lot of those.
1-4 chambers are probably a lot more rarely used so i probably won't add a lot of those.
Yeah, even in GregTech the Reactor Chambers cost pretty much nothing to make so once you have the 0-chamber you can jump straight to 6 easily (once you make components of course).
It seems like all of the recent good designs were authored by you, I would love to see how you do it.
Thats a topic in itself. The short of it is playing around with different designs a lot. After a while you learn a lot of different tricks for how to maximize the slots you have available. Most of all you start being able to see at glance if it is likely a specific core design will work or not. So first you find a rod configuration that have the desired output/efficiency. You compare that to how much cooling you can typically get out from a reactor. For example overclocked heat vent setup a good design will usually avarage at around 13-14 cooling per slot fuel rods excluded (somewhere around 600-672 cooling). If you are much lower than that you can reduce the number of chambers and if you are above it you will know that the cooling likely wont work. That way you wont spend several hours trying to make a design that will never work.
Sorry in advance for the newbie question but yesterday, i was doing testing with liquid 5x5 mox reactor.
I tested at multiple core temperature and didn't see any variation in the hot coolant unit output.
In fact, Eu-mode mox reactor (84% heat) was outputting far more eu/t that the same reactor with coolant (also at 84%).(I am using heat exchanger with stirling engine for hot coolant to eu/t conversion)
Is is possible that the MOX power multiplicator (x1-x5) only have effect with eu-mode reactor? Or, do i miss something? Steam?
Thank you
Mox in a fluid reactor doubles its heat output once the reactor heat is above 50%. I've read that superheated steam produces more EU from the hot coolant than stirling generators, but I'm not convinced it's worth the extra complications. Other forum member can probably help you better with that than I can.
You will find a pretty good discription of the difference in my reactor guide, but in short this is how it compares:
High end Mox designs:
Eu/t: 704
Efficiency: 17,6
Cost: 2 advanced alloy, 280 copper, 8 diamond, 32 gold, 512 iron, 2 lead, 8 mox fuel, 16 redstone, 48 rubber, 114 tin
By: Dmitry Sharangovich0A140A0C150C0A140A0C0A060A0C0A060A0C090C0A0C0A0C0A0C09140A0C0A060A0C0A140A060A0C0A0C0A060A0C0A14090C09140A0C
Eu/t: 1320
Efficiency: 13,2 [Meu/fuel rod]
Cost: 1 advanced alloy, 393,33 copper, 22 diamond, 24 gold, 828 iron, 1 lead, 20 mox fuel, 12 redstone, 36 rubber, 146 tin
By: Dmitry SharangovichAnd 5x5x5 mox reactors
mox 5x5x5: Keep at 51%+ heat
Output: 500-750 eu/tick
Efficiency: 24-36 above 50% heat [Meu/fuel rod]
Cost: 11 advanced alloy, 411 copper, 52 gold, 461 iron, 4 lapis lazuli, 11 lead, 16 mox fuel, 8 redstone, 24 rubber, 134 tin
By: BlackpaltSo in short regular mox has higher output but a lot lower efficiency. It has to be noted that the difference in price and complexity for the different designs are HUGE in the favor of regular mox designs. In this case the price is only the price of the components and does not take into account the price of the reactor and hot coolant systems which is substantial. So while regular mox might look more expensive it is actually the other way around.
On the superheated steam: You get 50% more eu/tick for your superhot coolant with superheated steam, however it is a lot more complicated and requires that the heat output is in multiples of 100 Hu/s. It is possible to do mixed stirling/steam designs but it requires pipes that can prioritize where fluids are sent. I.e the pipe prioritize sending hot collant to the heat exchangers heating steam generators over the ones heating stirling generators.
By the way guys does the newer system with %-based MOX output renders heat capacity reactor platings useless?
So, You can have ALOT oh heat plats, but since MOX output is based on % of hull heat and not heat value, these plates dont do a sh*t to MOX output, right? -
Heat Plating doesn't necessarily help MOX, but it does make Uranium designs a lot safer if you're unsure of how safe a design is. I've made reactors that would've exploded in 5 seconds were it not for heat plating.