[WIP] My Industrial Islands

  • Hello ladies and gentlemen!
    There's an island I will be living on. It will be a continuous thing I will survive on. I only have 34 Mods installed (most of them being add-ons to IC2 and BC3).The picture is attached to the thread.
    There's another smaller island I might use instead of this one. The other island size is no more than 1/4 of the island in the image.
    Here's what mods I'm using as of now.
    Main Mods:

    Now the add-ons:

    You can suggest a few more mods that you think I should use, but I do want to stick with mods that are addons to the mods IC2 and BuildCraft mods.
    The mods I will NOT use in the LP stating the reasons in the list:

    I will add a download of the map and the Congfig files necessary to explore once I get 60% done on world.
    Oh one last thing. The mod must have a link either from 1. IC2 Forum(Here) 2. The Minecraft Forums. That's if you are willing to post a lnik to it.
    If you want to see more, keep up with this thread. When I do the recording I will post so on here about it.
    Thanks for checking this out! :thumbup:

    • Official Post

    Build a house

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

    • Official Post

    For something like a island, I'd build a beach house, overlapping the whole island's surface and a bay for any boats if you want to go on an adventure.

    Beneath the surface, a fallout/ Doctor Evil-like evil lair for your industrial needs.

    All of this will make it look like a secret evil hideout in the middle of the ocean! Just like in the movies.

  • For something like a island, I'd build a beach house, overlapping the whole island's surface and a bay for any boats if you want to go on an adventure.

    Beneath the surface, a fallout/ Doctor Evil-like evil lair for your industrial needs.

    All of this will make it look like a secret evil hideout in the middle of the ocean! Just like in the movies.

    Okay that's not a bad idea. Which also reminds me.. CoalFuel Cells can be used in generators, right?