Posts by SegFaulter

    Now I have a method for damage control if things get out of hand.

    Good, it is about time that we take down Greg's monopoly.
    I predict that in less than a year, there will be another advanced industrial technology mod out there, that doesn't forceably change 90% of the game and "rebalance" almost every other popular mod. Due to almost complete support from the entire world, it will become more advanced than gregtech, reaching and passing Tier 6, while still being reasonably expensive - expensive, not repetitive/boring and expensive.

    This would be my base. It is always going to be a work-in-progress, and I will always be adding stuff to it that I need. Eventually it will look like an entire city, conglomerated into one huge spire.

    What you don't see behind the "camera perspective point" (me) is my house, and that is where just about all of the bulk storage currently is and will be, until I get the energynetwork/ME network set-up.

    Suggestion: Landfills

    Landfills would be large areas where Garbage blocks (in this case, any waste/scrap, and plant/animal materials) would be dumped, to be compacted and produce Methane gas, for use in energy generation. The process would take a long while, but it would be effective.

    First, useless byproducts, industrial waste, plant/animal matter and other odds and ends are processed in a washing-plant-like machine, that mulchifies the crap with water, and also saturates it with said water. The stuff is then removed as Industrial Waste blocks, which are placed in deep "landfills", and the top covered with Dirt.

    Any industrial waste block that has either more waste or dirt above it, decays slowly into Packed Dirt and Methane. Methane is created by a special process - any waste block in the landfill has a 1% chance of turning into a Methane Pocket, which spreads to nearby blocks up to 3 blocks away, over time. When created, the methane pocket generates some other block like gravel beneath it, showing how the block "decayed". The decayed blocks can fall, so that different, random pocket formations are possible. Methane is extracted with a special machine, similar to the Mining Drill, which sucks the methane out of the pockets, possibly triggering a cave-in if enough empty blocks are present.

    Of course, the methane can then be burned in the gas turbine to make energy - but the main purpose of landfills is a way to get rid of waste without just dropping it into Lava or a destructopack.

    It is also too wasteful to make methane by centrifuging stuff, as that uses lots of energy - this would be a better alternative.

    Suggested already (at least by me) as the "Solar Boiler". Would need Maintenance and maybe consume ressources cuz it hasn't to be fire&forget.

    No, as it isn't a boiler, it is a composite panel, having multiple panels generating energy that comes out of the controller - nothing like a boiler. A solar boiler would be a good idea, though.

    I have come up with an idea for a new generator, that works off of the concept of a heat-to-energy generator like the tier-1 one. But the significant difference is that the Advanced Stirling Generator works much like the induction furnace, or the advanced machines addon's machines.

    The generator would be created by combining a standard Generator with advanced parts, like Coils (Stator), magnets (rotor), platings, a heavy material for a heavy flywheel (lead, maybe?), and of course an advanced machine block.

    The generator would work by heating and cooling the opposite ends of "Stirling pistons", which rotate a shaft and a flywheel much like a combustion engine does - the flywheel is connected to a rotor/stator generator, and as it gains speed, it generates energy faster. (for documentation only, the engine actually works differently).

    Variables that affect power generation:
    1. Hot-ends temperature, which is the temperature of the "heated ends" of the Stirling pistons. It is raised by adding Fuel, and the lowest possible value is the temperature of the current biome. Capped at 10000.

    2. Cool-ends temperature, which is the temperature of the "cold ends" of the Stirling pistons. It is always the temperature of the lowest temperature in the current biome, and thus is static once the generator is placed and activated.

    3. Temperature difference, which is the difference between variables 1 and 2. Higher difference makes the pistons faster, which spins the flywheel faster.

    4. Flywheel speed, which is the speed of the flywheel. Generally, higher temperature difference = higher flywheel speed = more energy. Thus, it is better to put the generator in cold biomes, so that the temperature difference can be greater when the maximum heat has been reached. It takes time for the flywheel to speed up, and likewise, takes time for the flywheel to reduce speed or stop.

    The generator only stops generating energy when the flywheel speed is 0, because if the flywheel is spinning, the shaft is spinning, and if the shaft is spinning, the rotor is too and thus energy is being generated.

    Magnets could either be added as an ore, Magnetite, (which can be smelted/macerated into Iron), or they could be made by putting Iron ingots into an Electrolyzer. Either way, they would be required for the Rotor, which has to be made with permanent magnets, else it can not drag electrons through the stator coils and energy is not generated. Magnets could also be used to make cheaper motors, which would require half as many copper coils.

    Acceptable fuels would be anything burnable as fuel in a furnace, with hot stuff like Lava getting a significant boost. Ice could probably also be used to cool the cylinder's cool-ends, but would only be temporary, and the water would not be returned.

    I thought this would be a nice, useful addition for advanced-tier energy generation, and a unique idea that no other modders have considered. I would like the people's ideas and thoughts on this idea, so that it may be improved where improvement is needed. Thank you.

    owner (mod) of liquid must register it via API and set burn value, not IC2 itself, there is no way to register everything from ic2's side for obvious reasons, you shoud post this thread on railcraft forum.

    Well, the railcraft team added a steam turbine that can produce IC2 EU with railcraft's stuffs, and another mod's energy with the same machine. It does not make sense for the other popular mods to add elements interacting well with IC2, or just for IC2 interaction, when the IC2 team chooses that it is the responsibility of the other mod's team to add their own stuff for a machine IC2 adds. Shouldn't they return the favor once in a while, show some thanks for working together and coexisting? Or did we loose the ability to be good people back when 1.3.2 came out and everything went downhill?

    Recently I have tried to burn my extra creosote oil in the new semifluid generators. However, the generators will not accept creosote oil, leaving the supply pipes packed completely with the stuff.
    So, I am suggesting an addition, that would let semifluid generators accept creosote oil, and output energy at, say, 16 EU/t orso (configurable). That way, we can have a use for the byproduct.
    Thank you for reading this, and please leave a reply, if you have anything to say/support the addition.

    Huge necroposting bro.

    I thought the thread was alive, though. It was at the top of the suggestions section. Is this entire section dead now? what happened to suggestions and user input?
    It almost seems like nobody cares enough for IC2 to post regular suggestions, which I am sure is far from the truth. Why don't we do something, and suggest once in a while, instead of leaving old threads at the top of the section for several years?

    Suggestion: Multiblock solar panels
    I suggest the multiblock solar panels. This would be a special multiblock, consisting of 2 types of blocks: the controller and the panel. The controller outputs EU based on how many panels are connected to it, or connected to panels connected to it. The total operative area is 17x17, with the controller being under the center block. Each panel connected properly generates the same EU as the current panels do.
    For example:

    + = panel
    x = controller under panel

    This will output power for 8 panels (proper connection):

    +  +  +  +  +  +  x  +  +

    Improper connection, only outputting power for 4 panels:

    +  +  x  +  +
    +  +  +  +

    This will work like the blast furnace, only checking the panels on block-update. The intention is to reduce the lag created by massive solar farms - one controller block outputting 64 EU/t is less laggy than 64 blocks outputting 1 EU/t.

    A fix for Nuclear waste being trivialized (destroyed easily), would be to make it "decay" slowly into valuable stuff like Rare Earth Metals and Iridium, but only in small amounts, so that people are inclined to stockpile huge amounts of the stuff, as blocks in huge reserves underground.

    The process would be extremely slow - a single block would take several hours to yield the equivalent of 1 ingot of anything, much longer for Iridium and other valuables. Blocks that contain the product are easily told apart from others, by the colouration - or if water is nearby, blue light given off through the water (cherenkov radiation)

    The waste blocks can be collected and put into the Thermal Centrifuge, to extract the stuff and output the remaining waste. There would be 11 stages of nuclear-waste blocks:
    1. 100% High-quality Nuclear Waste
    2. Contains 1 ingot of products
    3. Contains 2 ingots
    4. Contains 3 ingots
    5. Contains 4 ingots
    6. Contains 5 ingots
    7. Contains 6 ingots
    8. Contains 7 ingots
    9. Contains 8 ingots
    10. Contains 9 ingots
    11. 100% Useable Product material

    The time between stages doubles as the current stage increases. (It takes less time to process the early stages of decayed waste, but more energy - It would take more time to reach later stages, but it would be more energy efficient. It takes the same amount of EU to process all kinds of waste blocks in a thermal centrifuge, so waiting longer returns more materials for the energy invested, as less waste has to be heated and repacked). It would take so long to get to Stage 10, nobody would want to waste their time doing that.

    The product can then be packed into blocks and thermal-centrifuged, returning ingots/nuggets of different materials, like neodymium. All of the materials would be useful - Neodymium for cheaper motors that require less copper, Iridium for what it's used for, etc.

    That way, nobody will want to void-pipe/lava-fry that "valuable waste", although it still would be a hazardous, toxic, environment-killing material.

    Maybe there could be implemented "lead armour", which is very heavy, causing slowness and fatigue, and reducing jump height, but blocks the player from all radiation. It would grant as much protection as leather armour, with a durability that is half that of Iron armour, as lead is a very weak metal. This would make it worse than no armour in nearly every battle situation, due to both the slowness/fatigue, and weakness of the armour. But, it would still be pretty useful when dealing with radioactive materials/areas, because it can stop more radiation than the hazmat suit.

    Suggestion: Portable Computer
    Assembly: Computercube + metal scaffolding
    The portable computer is just like the computercube, except:

    -Can not connect to wires, and is powered by special battery-packs placed inside it
    -When punched, drops itself as item with metadata telling what it has inside it and its mode
    -"breaks" instantly like a torch

    Special battery-packs would be added, for the computer, in tiers - each tier holding more power than the last
    Rightclicking the portable computer with a battery-pack in hand will replace the computer's current pack with the one in hand, dropping the current pack, regardless of tier of either packs or charge of either packs.

    -Portable, never breaks if picked up manually
    -Can be used right next to industrial wiring without problems
    -Battery-packs can also be emptied in energy storage units, making the lower-tier packs still useful after higher-tier packs are available

    -Very fragile; must be placed on a block, else it will fall like gravel and break into miscellaneous components. Has very low blast resistance.
    -Can not be placed near water, else it will short out and explode
    -Only accepts special battery-packs, and the lower-tier types of said packs run out of power quickly
    -Looses all data when it runs out of power
    -Can not accept power from cables

    Perfect! Thank you. Now more people can figure out the ''pro trick'' that is always used to make addons, rather than experiment with class names and stuffs. So long as this is posted elsewhere. I encourage you to try to find somewhere to put it, so that more people will find it. It would be a great thing to do. (I would do it, but I can't, because I don't really have the time...)

    Making an add-on does not require the IC2 decompiled code.

    To get started here, you should download the IC2 API for the version that you want. Downloads are available at the IC2 Jenkins site. Unzip the file and throw the entire thing into your development environment.

    Thats pretty much it. In my experience, you build your mod with IC2, not on it.

    That's a bit vague. How to we ''throw it into the Development Environment'', if using Eclipse?

    A cool lever would be nice. Especially with an animation of the lever being forced into the ON position, and a few "electrical sparks" where the "current jumps through the air" before the lever makes contact with the contacts. Although it would do nothing but emit a redstone signal, it would be awesome and industrial-like.
    For fuses/breaker boxes, I remember one time when I was wiring my Nuclear Reactor to my Base, and I forgot that the Voltage out of the MFSU was 512 EU/p (MFSU connected to the reactor as a sort of ''buffer''), so I put a gold-cable in an open spot where I had a cable, outside my Factory, but I used it elsewhere and there was a gap, and power was needed, and it burned out. You could do something similar, for a simple test of the voltage - use Glass Fibre cable for everything, and put a Copper wire in an open spot, and if the wire explodes, the voltage is too high for direct connection to the machine(s).
    Or just organize your cables better - SpaghettiWire is unacceptable for advanced Industry, as it causes problems and isn't very industrial-like.