Posts by SSD
When you wan't to charge many, many cells, this could work. And getting hurt isn't really a problem for me, but sure, if you don't like getting damage, then you could invest a lot of resources in just that feature.
This could be an example. The computercube says it will explode in 593 seconds and that is even when it would be a 6-chamber reactor with a max heat of 10,000. I think the heat generation value's are wrong. When I run this for 1 second in-game, the hull has 1008 heat in stead of the predicted 896 heat. Hope it helps.
Just in UU-matter, this is about 54 less and it recharges 3 times as many cells in a cycle.
There are config options to keep the old UU-matter system and you can get a plutonium cells by combining 8 UU-matter and 1 uranium cell. Also, you can get thorium cells out of 64 coal-dust for 25,000 EU or from 2 near depleted-uranium cells and 2,500 EU.
Everything in the spoiler is not allowed to be in this thread (the reactors use Greytech components), but if you want to read it, go ahead.
New planner. Includes the plutonium and thorium cells and all the other cool stuff.Cheap efficient all-in-one breeder, plutonium, thorium reactor. 64 eu/t, and uses 0.265625 uranium per 10,000 seconds. Efficiency is extremely high. How high just depends on how you calculate it, but can be as high as 48.19. To get the process going you will need a few recharged isotope cells, which can easily be obtained like so.
Breeder or this breeder. Only breeds 888 (or 840 when you calculate it yourself) cells.
Power house. 8720 EU/t (5331 EU/t effective).
1260 recharged cells breeder.
1600 recharged cells breeder. (Two of these with the power house + 4 industrial centrifuges can make an epic machine. 6150 EU/t out of 3 reactors if you control it correctly ofcourse. So 2050 EU/t per reactor, huge amount of thorium cells left (632.8 per power cycle (or 20000 seconds)) and very low amount of uranium used (95). This makes it the very efficient if I say so myself.(Efficiency of 25.9? (6150 EU/t * 20 ticks/s * 20000 s / 1000000 /95 = 25.895)))The reactors below are all outdated, the cells produce more heat then what the wiki suggests.
Breeder. 1260 recharged cells by my calculations, but the optimistic 1320 is fine with me too.
Power house. 8720 EU/t (6720 EU/t effective or something around that number anyway. Planner doesn't handle the plutonium cells very well.)
Small thorium reactor. 72 EU/t and efficiency 4.5.
Little bit larger. 80 EU/t and efficiency 5.
Little bit more efficient. 92 EU/t and efficiency 5.11.
More thorium and plutonium. -
First of, you can't really say its your design. I and probably others already found that way of placing the condensators next to the uranium a long time ago. I just wasn't bothered to post it, because the previous time I posted something like it, (It was a reactor which had cooling cells being fed into it and used the same layout as the currect LZH design.) people didn't like the fact that you needed to produce UU-matter to make the tin for the cells. This system didn't feel different (for me as least) from the current system where you need to produce lapis with mass-fabs, so I didn't post a lot about it. Anyway, this isn't really interesting as you can't make money with a reactor design by receiving royalties (so skipping the text above doesn't bother me).
I really think the reactor planner is wrong about the 40 quad-plutonium cells and its stats. It produces (8720(eu/t)*20(to seconds)*20000 s (running time) = ) 3488 million EU and uses only (22784(heat/sec)*20000(running time)/40000(cooling per lapis) = ) 11392 lapis, which is about (11392/9*4= ) 5063 UU, add the UU for the plutonium cells (about 160 + extra), lets say 5300 UU-matter per cycle (the planner says just 3013.42 per cycle). Lets say every UU-matter is 200,000 EU (166,667 + recycling and a bit of margin), which is 1060 million EU (give or take). Even then, 3488-1060 is more then 0 and surely not negative 807 million EU. Or am I just seeing it wrong?
Nice, but don't forget to replace your component heat exchangers with regular heat exchangers where posible.
1: 60 EU/t hybrid, which produces the 4 cells it needs in a cycle without extra replacing of cells.
2: 105 EU/t (94.1 overall) with efficiency 3.5.
3: My cheap reactor, but as a hybrid (also produces the number of cells it uses in a cycle).
4: 90 EU/t, 6 cell hybrid, but it isn't as good, because 2 depleted isotope cells need to be replaced during the cycle. -
You could do it like so, but maybe it's better if you try to breed at least as many cells as you use in a cycle.
My startup reactor.
Now available as a hybrid breeder.
It still produces 35 eu/t, but it also breeds 3 new uranium cells while running, which means 0.375 uranium per cycle.
This is the highest amount of cooling I can get out of a reactor while needing 5 slots in a plus configuration, which might not look very useful until you replace the quad-uranium cells with a quad-plutonium cell. It suggest that you can't burn plutonium at efficiency 14 (or 7, if you think that is correct) in a mk-1 reactor. Is this correct? -
You need to see the reactors with water as a 3 by 3 by 3 block, which brings the total to 27. There is always a reactor in the middle, so you can have a maximum of 26 water around your reactor. With every chamber you add to your reactor, you replace 1 water source block. With a 6-chamber reactor that means 20 water (27 -1 for the reactor -6 for the chambers).
With the latest updates, all of this water becomes irrelevant as it does not cool the reactor.
I've seen that layout of the uranium cells before, but I can't really find the end result which came from the war between designs.
A quick look and I saved gold.
Or you could use this.BTW, is this is the max eu/t (efficiently) you can get out of a single cells design?