Those are suggestions that do really matter, also, i am going to hold just into the ones that are easy to program, here we go
Heatproof redstone lever/torch/programmer
Why would somebody want something like this? You would think, yeah, look at this:
My survival reactor works at 99.96% hull temperature, to juice my MOX rods at maximum efficiency, yeah, but there's not a single redstone block/switch/system that could fit inside the reactor shield and survive

After a lot of time i figured out that the ic2 interactive blocks are inmune, so i shoved a batbox that works as permanent torch, with no way of turning it out unless dropping myself inside the reactor and working very fast

Yeah, i don't need it now that i figured it, but everyone else must be nuts about this, so creating a block that outputs redstone and flagging it invulnerable to meltdown should do the job
If you want to make it fancy and have some timers or being able to switch it on and off would be a wonder but well
Reactor clarity
This is pretty much straightforward, imagine the classic reactor, on one side there's a display of the heat that is being generated per tick, and in the other, the heat that is being exhausted/t
This way, you can set up a reactor right away without having to make a sketch, waiting 15 minutes, coming back to check if the pieces are damaged or not, replacing it, moving the reflectors, sorting the rods that are pulsing each other, thinking that now works, but there's 1 heat offset that you weren't able to notice and then you come after two hours and half the setup has burned down or there's just a hole where your sandwich machine was, and everything because that reactorplannerByFnafXxXKeithXxX2005.jar is outdated
Various reactor thinges chop chop
Okay, this sounds like ~150 more line of code, and i comprehend it's a hassle but let's be positive
Imagine that i have a reactor, and it generates 600 heat, my cooling array exhausts 595 heat, so in the long run the reactor components end up molten yeah? So to correct that little offset
i would put a heat exchanger, connected to a LZH, and what happens? The LZH takes all the heat for herself and just dies, the fans, unused, imagine that you could create a heat exchanger that when it gets rightclicked, a menu appears, and you can select if you want to make it component/reactor exhaust, and how much heat should it transfer to the nearest item, if balancing issues worry you, you can make it weaker than everything else, so it's only used for fine tuning. Also, why does an Advanced heat vent that uses a diamond and two vents and just cools components at 12 hU/s while the the overclocked outdoes it with 20 hU/s and obliterates with 36 hU/s reactor cool for a neat 56 hU/s actions per second, (yes, i know that it draws from reactor, it doesn't just exhausts it) so i guess the adv heat vent could use some more love? (Making new upgrade with them as components or something is you fear messing up the old reactor planners and stuff)
Also, since we opened the pandora's box, what about component heatsinks? Having a good amount of times more durability than a heat exchanger and being slower (Maybe a very expensive direct upgrade from exchangers?)
And, if you excuse me, what about a 2 way reactor fluid distributor, that works as a reactor fluid port extension so you can actually fit more than ~19 turbines on a fluid reactor
I hope i haven't given you coding nightmares and so farewell