MFSU --2048 EU/t line--> 4 HV-Transformer --4x 512 EU/t lines--> 16 MV-Transformer --16x 128 EU/t lines--> 64 MV-Transformer --64 32 EU/t lines-->
===========|=================================|================================== |=================================== |
========EV Machinery=======================HV Machinery=======================MV Machinery===========================LV Machinery
The new system is basically the same as the old, except:
Cable loss isn't implemented yet, when it is, it will be proportional to the capacity, therefore glass fibre will be the most lossy - but with the highest capacity.
Packets merge instead of being sent separately <- This is the biggest change. (this would be equivalent to only being able to send one packet/tick over any connection).
The new system has several consequences:
You will need a lot more transformers.
With some types of generators, explosions are unpredictable.
You can't make arbitrarily big clusters of generators or storage units.
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Ah, so now it makes more sense. In other words, you actually have to plan out your wiring system (like a schematic drawing) in order to effective balance your load (Consumers of power) with your line (Producers of power). Surprisingly, this is highly realistic, as it is Ampacity that dictates how current flow can be manipulated before the wire burns up its insulation, or fries the machine that's down the line...
The easiest way to distribute energy would be to separate your Generators into a cluster that fed into one Transformer line, and throttle the dynamic outputs of all of them into a Transformer. Then, have the outputs from the Transformer lead into your Energy Storage (in the electrical case, your Capacitors) under the streamlined "voltage" (which is represented as the combined EU/t being generated)...
For simplicity sake, Current is represented as the # of Packets, so in this case it just equals 1.
As far as cable loss goes, a flat percentage system could work to determine how packets lose power as they enter the line. In this case, you could design your conductors as follows:
Insulated Copper Cable --- 3% EU loss --- Limit to 32 EU/t (LV) -------- {31}
Uninsulated Copper Cable - 6% EU loss --- Limit to 32 EU/t (LV) ------- {30}
Uninsulated Gold Cable ----- 10% EU loss - Limit to 128 EU/t (MV) ----- {115}
1xInsulated Gold Cable ----- 7% EU loss --- Limit to 128 EU/t (MV) ---- {119}
2xInsulated Gold Cable ----- 4% EU loss --- Limit to 128 EU/t (MV) ----- {123}
Glass Fiber Cable ------------ 6% EU loss --- Limit to 512 EU/t (HV) ----- {481}
Uninsulated R.Iron Cable --- 14% EU loss - Limit to 2048 EU/t (EV) ---- {1761}
1xInsulated R.Iron Cable --- 10% EU loss - Limit to 2048 EU/t (EV) ---- {1843}
2xInsulated R.Iron Cable --- 7% EU loss -- Limit to 2048 EU/t (EV) ----- {1905}
3xInsulated R.Iron Cable --- 4% EU loss --- Limit to 2048 EU/t (EV) ---- {1966}
{#} represents actual amounts (rounded up) that you would receive at full ampacity for your wire. This percentage system would also need to be independent of wire length, as that system proved to punish gold and iron cable too fiercely. So in result, your "resistance" would decrease with the amount of insulation on said wire, reducing energy loss by heat, and helping keep power in the system. In the Minecraft sense, this would just mean that wires could be of any length, so long as you did not overload them, and were properly insulated (keeping demand on rubber for wiring systems)...
The new cable system actually would reward players for stepping up-down power intelligently, as there are cases where running full Ampacity on a fully insulated EV line saves more EU/t than simply using one type of cable to solve all your wiring needs. Keep in mind that this chart doesn't include Tin Cable, as I find that wire a bit harder to balance against a non-existent Transformer level...
So basically, your Transformers would be used to standardized the level of EU/t output, and wires would be used to effectively distribute said power to consumers in efficient packet management...