i'm not sure if this "bug" still exsists since i'm using an older version of MC still but planting a mushroom on anything (yes even bedrock) and then growing it with bonemeal will cause the block below it to turn to dirt. that's what i used a long time ago to put griefers under the world.
Posts by Snoochy
i used BuildCraft's Auto-Crafting Tables and UUMatter to make an Ore Factory, it's currently powered by my 12 nuclear reactors feeding into a large wall made of MFSUs for 1billion storage unit.
interesting. that might make finding a mushroom boime not insane hard and actually possible on some seeds :p could also technically turn rain off by letting the world generate and then turning all boimes to desert :p
yeah i really hope IC2 and BC both get a functionaing reliable release at the same time cause i've been missing out on ALOT of GREAT stuff, like BC blueprints, and IC2 compatability as well as the Crop System, static boots, ect... it's making me a very sad panda.
true, over powered thou. blows up an big area and destroys more then you want. (for me it does)
you are aware that you can THROW dynamite correct? you don;t have to place and prime it... it can be thrown about 20 blocks away or so. also, i recently added in the Block Launcher Thread that you should be able to also use it to fire Dynamite as far as an arrow. this is basically what your looking for.
also as for ranged killing, a Long-Range set Mining laser will one shot anything cloer then 20 blocks and lights enemies on fire. also if you kill pigs,chickens, and cows with the fire then you get cooked meats.
In newest 1.2 version biome stored in save and can be changed.
New format also means we will wait longer for mods updatesso i could go in and change my Grassland Biomes to Mushroom Biomes and only Mooshrooms would spawn there?
well the thing is, is yes your producing ALOT of iridium plates, and yes they can be used for something i suppose but at the moment there is only Quantum Armor, what kind of a person, at the moment, would ever burn through 480million energy with regular use of anything else but iridium plates. basically what i'd getting at is if you didn;t need to burn off all that energy for something useless at the moment then why would you need an endless energy source? you already have (or had) more energy then 5-10 people would ever use on the current machines minus Quantum Armor. so showing much much energy you can massively produce at the current time with no final product or cause is irrelavent, now if you could make an Iridium Block that is blast proof even against nukes, then you would actually burn off that much energy and therefore would justify having a higher form of infinate energy source. so this idea might be able to be developed into a great idea but to what final end? i think we need to have a reason to have this before it's implemented. for example the Iridium Nuke Proof Blocks for construction.
P.S. if you really wanted to stick to the "Mine"craft part of the game you could always hunt down Uranium for reactors instead of mass producing Geothermals to be a long duration energy supply.
More of a question than a suggestion really, but this seems like the best place for it. From what I understand of the changes in 1.2, the way that chunks are stored or somesuch will permit mod tools to effect biomes. If my understanding is roughly correct, then now that it is plausible for something like the terraformer or a new device to alter biomes, are the designers of IC2 willing to implement such a thing in a future release?
to my knowledge Biome are generated as the normally would be an a Terraformer does not actually alter that boime coding wise, it merely changes blocks in a designated area. this does not actually cause a biome to change. so if you took a Cultivation Terraformer out into the desert to grow an Oasis, your still in a Desert coded Biome, and therefore it will not rain. or if you take a Deserification Terraformer to a snowy biome and changed it into a desert it would still snow in your fabricated desert.
so it doesn;t alter a biome, it only alters the blocks as though you were personally moving them around yourself.
i know this was posted in the past as a form of Construction Laser and was approved, even though alblaka said he was going to lean more towards to Block Luancher idea. so i would like to run with this alittle.
perhaps have this Block Launcher fire the items in order along your hotbar that are placable blocks? for example: if you had Dirt in slot 1 then it would fire dirt, if you had cobble in slot 2 then it would fire cobble once your out of dirt. however, i'm curious as to if you could have it "place" other stuff as well such as torches. i'm not asking for a mobile flying light source, simply having the torch placed at a long range, that way i could take a stack of torches and fire away and go nuts with it in a ravine to light it up. also, could this block launcher be used for destructive purposes too? such as loading Sticky Dynamite into it to increase the "throwable" range of the dynamite? such as firing it high up at a ceiling or wall to shoot down specific minerals without having to get a mining laser set for Long-Range and accidently blast a hole 14 deep into a wall and open up into an ocean of lava lake, or worse.
also i'd like to see a mode on the Block Launcher to fire Items without placing them. like if someone asks you for torches in multiplayer and they are at the top of a mountain then you could place the stack or torches in your Hotbar#1 slot and fire a stack of torches up to them. or a bucket of water to them so they can place it so you can swim up to where they are.
yeah that too, wooden slabs don't burn for some reason :p
i honostly have yet to be able to use the new crop system but i've been reading other forumns and posts. i've noticed alot of people getting frustrated with having a large ammount of seeds and trying to keep track of them all and someone recently had a similar idea to what i am posting now. However: i'd like to modify it alittle and see what everyone thinks and post what all it would do.
so basically, once a seed has been fully scanned and you have all of it's information you should be able to go to a block that would be called something along the lines of a Seed Bag Archive. here once you place the seed in the archive you could custome name it if you wish. like say it's the perfect wheat for your situation and it's GGR was 555, you would name it Wheat555 to make it easier to find later. this would write a file to your computer very similar to how the BluePrint Archive works in Buildcraft, however it would also keep count of how many seeds you have stored into the machine. once you have placed the seed into the archive and named it then you could click a "store" button to store it into the Seed Archive. this way you could also go onto single player and grow you crops and experiment with them, and then when you find the perfect seeds you need you can swap over to multiplayer and pull them from your archive. this way if you and a friend had seeds in single player that ya'll would want to cross, then you could bring them to multiplayer and cross breed them.
well, let me know what ya'll think, and sorry if almost this exact recommendation had been brought up, my search wsn;t working and i manually searched for almost an hour getting / eliminating ideas.
this thread has been the bane of alblaka since the implimentation of weather in Minecraft. he has said no every time. however if you don;t want your wooden house getting burned then put something non wood over it :p
yes SpwnX, you can use water to mob and control mobs in trenches, which is the kill method in most automated Monster Farms, specially the Sky Trap. basically mobs spawn and wander aimlessly like ants on small platforms designed for it, then they fall off into a shallow water trench, where they are all funnels to a kill-zone or drop point. from their their head is either shaved with lava and they burn to death, dropping items in water which is carried to you, or they fall to their death on a collection plate. usually constructed out of iron and obsidian buildcraft pipes where the items go to a storage warehouse.
what about trapping some zombies on a series of treadmills oriented in the same direction, then at the front of the treadmill farm, a row of fenced off snow golems to knock the zombies back a square or two? Energy and entertainment all in one!
you would have to use spiders not zombies if you are making them spawn on purpose, because skeletons can also spawn where zombie do and they will shoot off your snow men.
Aside from the practical considerations of getting people or mobs to run on the treadmill, a quick reality check suggests that the energy output you get from a treadmill is negligible. Less, I submit, than a paddle in a stream or a turbine on a stalk.
i could also build actual roads and walkways in my towns. if you travel on the correct side of the "road" then you generate power for the town. -
Ok, lets just forget the Railgun.
How about a raygun that drains your health and turns it into EUs?
Player-and-Monster-seeking missiles?
Auto-targeting laser turrets?
Exploding sheep and cows?
Would any of these work?
Also, the name-change was annoying.actually, instead of your Raygun (i'm not sure if this would be possible to code but), what about a "Reconstruction Gun" that when fired would replace all the blocks that were destroyed in the last 5 minutes with the corresponding blocks from your inventory. bascially the opposite of the mining gun. so say someone set off a nuke near your house, you could grab like 10 stacks of dirt and 10 stacks of stone and your Reconstruction gun and to "erase" the damage. sounds alittle far fetched but hey!
the Auto-targeting Laser Turrent would be really nice, would be like an advanced version of the Tesla Coil that uses a Mining Laser instead of invisible lightning damage.
honestly a greifer would not have the patience to do this especially when you have mining laser scatter shot which can swiss cheese a town in one shot so not only is this idea overkill and inconvenient. even greifers would find this difficult to use
however what i would like to see is a dedicated anti mob turret. but a long range mining laser if plenty powerfull for that purpose as it will kill almoast anything in one 2 shots maby even one shot if you want to wait for the fire damage to take effect
i had a griefer on my server that was that patient. what he did was waited for 3 weeks for everyones projects were done and he farmed the materials for about 24 nukes and enough redstone to wire them up, then got online around 4am when everyone was off-line or AFK and wired the entire server to blow right before the server's automated Back-up time. and detonated them 5 minutes before the back-up.
i guess another reason i don't like the addition of new materials like this that are non craftable to a new mod is that they will not appear in older maps, and if they do, then i'd have to travel like 5,000+ blocks away to start finding them since my server is so old. but since i finally completed my 920mill battery room and 12 nuclear reactors this idea doesn't really affact me. in which case, sure add it. however i'd like to see it made more expensive but produce more, that way VERY late game it could take place of a nuclear reactor but would require basically a nuclear reactor made from Iridium plates instead of Advanced Annoys, so causing it to take like 18 iridium plates to become a perminent energy source. maybe instead of Quantum Crystals call then Sun Crystals and modify the reactor as a Solar Reactor that way it could justify the infinate energy? and output 128eu/t? so that like 12 of them would have you set for your mornal 1-2 MassFabs and other everyday uses. keep in mind 18 iridium plates per reactor, with 12 reactors, that's something like 1.512 billion EUs. i think that would be pretty "End Game" for most people. might have to make the cyrstals alittle more rare then. also at that point i might actually go travel the world and set up quarries in far away lands in hopes of finding a few to replace the Solar Farms that people on my server keep constructing while i'm away.
lol, this would be very interesting, the only problem i could see if that it would need to turn Lava into wool first cause if it just starts at the top and works down or works outward then it'll start turning your world into wool and then when a wool block gets to close to lava your world will go up in flames. it looks really cool though. looks almost like those Minecraft Lego Kits you can buy now.
Geothermals in nether are good, but soon or later lava MAY be all drained.
Hydroelectric powerplants use water from rivers , not water pumped out from somewhere.
When you pump water up you use X energy, then you use that water to generate you get about X/3 energy, meaning not all gravitational energy "stored" in water is used to generate energy. That is efficiency. Another exemple are fuels, when they are burned the energy chemically stored inside it are released as heat, but only a small part of that heat is used to boil water and spin turbines.Water mills could only generate energy as RL if water was like the one from finite water mod, (water [from rain] is stored at a high place, then released into turbines)
do some research on Over-Unity Water Fly-Wheels
how about if you use a reinforced scaffold then the attached side pieces become infinate if they are also reinforced? that way when you start slinging CFoam around you don't end up with extra support columns all over the place. what i do as it, is i simply make the roof 2 thick, that way when i spray stray up or down i and just spray the little bits overhanging from the opposing side. atleast that's how i build my castle. this way also if you make it into a 2 story building you can paint the cieling one color and the floor above another.