Posts by GregoriusT

    Also, getting diamonds are a piece of cake because I am in a newest minecraft version: 1.12.2. ;) Comparing to the gregtech mod, I could hardly any diamonds which oh boy It sucks

    I don't get if that is a satire or not? If not, well, don't play it :huh:

    I don't get that either, I already warned him about it about a day later. Lets hope that isn't happening again, because he is confusing people left and right with that dumb stuff.

    That up there does not make any sense, still I can change from a sense tool into a scythe tool instead because of I am a british. :P

    Also, getting diamonds are a piece of cake because I am in a newest minecraft version: 1.12.2. ;) Comparing to the gregtech mod, I could hardly any diamonds which oh boy It sucks. :P Lol.

    What exactly is this dumpsterfire of a shitpost you just did about? This is even too offtopic for offtopic.

    Step 1: Copy some random Line.

    Step 2: Load a Thread that you can reply to

    Step 3: While the Page is still loading (important), click into the Reply Box and hit Ctrl+V to paste

    Step 4: WTF there is now something pasted to the top left corner?!

    Yes, I'm fairly sure custom ore veins are still possible, and I agree with the idea that there ought to be large ores to match the small ores. However, looking at the default configs, I see the following small ores that iirc don't automatically get large ores for them:

    • Saltpeter
    • Zinc

    Those two should exist. Saltpeter i nthe nether probably, and Zinc in the form od Sphalerite.

    Damn I know why I didnt see any Items of Better Records. That Curse Page you linked has 2 Download Buttons (which in on itself is just what the fuck), and guess where one Link goes and where the other goes. Hint: I had the 1.12 version inside my Mods Folder...

    ZTones only had the mini-coal and mini-charcoal I could add compat for.

    As for Better Records, does this Mod even have Records, I mean in Item form?

    Underground Biomes is not an issue at all if you use the Default Config from my Pack for it, which will disable its own Stone Generation and result in no Worldgen Lag. And all UB Rock Types are less common than the GT6 ones so they wont take too much Space. ^^

    This is roughly how a cut in the World would look like. Some Ores are way more abundant now in terms of Vein Size but also much further apart.


    And this is how a Stone Beach Biome would look like. Note that I tweaked the Red and Black Granites to be rarer.


    Since you're on a Server, maybe something like this might be useful in the middle of the Map.


    There is 4 separately configurable Components to the Stuff seen on the Screenshot:

    1. (Default OFF) The Roads that go infinitely along the X and Z axis and are a good way of keeping distance, while also giving people easy ways of telling directions. Also they are made of Asphalt Blocks so you walk faster on them too.

    2. (Default OFF) The one Building at the Crossing is a Nexus, it contains a fully deactivated End Portal and several other inactive Portals. can be a nice thing for Server infrastructure.

    3. (Default OFF) There is 4 "Biomes" around the Spawn Area (which is always at 0, 0 once it generated). Those Biomes contain some earlygame and decorative Resources, that are usually Biome based, making it easier to start a Farm if needed.

    4. (Default ON) The Surface of the Area around the Spawnpoint will not spawn any hostile Mobs (they still spawn in caves though!), making respawning less of an infinite Death Loop and giving you the ability to calm down for a moment if you dont have a bed or if you just freshly spawned during nighttime.

    This Stuff is all a convenience thing that shouldnt make the Server too OP while also providing Stuff that nobody really ever wants to build.

    There is a Default Config Pack on the GT6 Download Page, you should take a look at it. ;)

    I so hate how Quote splitting doesnt work anymore on the Forums...

    Underground Biomes Constructs - Aesthetics and breaking the monotony of mining stone.

    Underground Biomes is irrelevant by now, GT6 has its own better Underground Biomes now. You can still install Underground Biomes, but I would turn UBs Worldgen off, because GT6 will generate the UB Rocks with its own Generator when installed.

    Better Records

    This one sounds like something I should add GT6 Shelf compatibility for. Could you link it to me?

    ATG (Alternate Terrain Generation)

    I didn't test GT6 with that one in a while, lets hope it still works. I know I fixed some RTG Compat a few months ago, so maybe that fixed anything in similar Mods. ^^

    ExtraBiomes XL - If better alternatives exist, will be replaced.

    Dunno if better alternatives exist, maybe BiomesO'Plenty, but you can have both of them at once. It's all about ATG Compatibility I guess.

    ZTones - Nice assortment of blocks.

    Another one I would like to take a look at. Link pls. ;)

    JABBA - Possibly unbalanced?

    Not needed at all anymore, GT6 has its own Barrels now, including a Block that lets you automatically fill all Barrels in a Wall when you rightclick it, while not allowing Pipes to connect with that "Controller", meaning you do have to pipe directly into all Barrels instead of one central Controller. Also GT6 Barrels automatically convert tiny and small Piles of Dust to regular Dust and Dust Blocks, and vice versa.

    Iron Chests

    Yep GT6 has its own Chests since ages.