Posts by GregoriusT

    Oh yes, i forgot Railtracks, but if the Tin->Ironconversion-Cheat is not disabled (not everyone disables Tinbucketrecipe in Config) then is Tin converted to Iron much better then Tin converted to Bronze, because that costs additioal Copper unlike Tin->Ironconversion. I'm not often using Railtracks because the Quantumsuitpants are much faster, except you are using Railcrafts Highspeedrails.

    Gold (and/or Silver, or Silver as a possible replacement for Gold) would replace 2 of the Redstone in the advanced Circuits, to give it a bit more uses.

    I know, Silver doesn't belongs to IC², but i thought, if it's used in Glassfibrecables, it could also be used in Circuits.

    I think everyone knows that Gold, Silver and Bronze are not really used by most of the Players, here are some examples:

    Bronze: Crafting of Advanced Alloy and no other good use, except you have Forestry-Mod.
    Silver: Only Glassfibrecables and for actually nearby useless RP-Stuff.
    Gold: Nothing except decoration or golden Apples.

    Yes, there are Armors and Tools but with Nanosuit, Quantumsuit and Electric Tools they are useless.

    I suggest some minor changes and additions to make them a bit more usefull:

    Bronzeusage in the Pistonrecipe.
    Silver instead of Redstone for doubling the output of the normal Circuitrecipe (like with Glassfibrecables).
    Silver and Gold instead of Refined Iron for ICredits.
    Gold used in the recipe of Advanced Circuits.

    With these minor changes are these Materials more used as before.

    Something more timeconsuming would be a Bronzemachineblock.
    With it you can craft, less fast working, Bronzemachines to safe your Iron. It's only possible to craft basic machines with Bronze, like: Macerator, Canningmachine, Extractor, Compressor, Recycler (crafted out of Bronzecompressor) and the electric Furnace. These machines are not upgradeable and therefor they are having no slots for Upgrades. You can also craft a Generator out of Bronze, which is only upgradeable to one Watergenerator or a less stable Bronze-Windgenerator, which breaks faster.

    So, that was another Suggestion by me.

    Cell + Oil/Fuel, good.
    Cell + BC-Tanks, also good.
    Cell + Forestrybiomass/fuel, would make it complete, so also good.

    Every advanced Compatiblity between mods is a good Idea.

    But why you want to transport Lava from the Nether to the surface?
    I'm producing my UUM right there and the Massfab is the only large Energyconsumer in IC².

    That's much to read (took me half an hour of my life).

    As an inspiration is that awesome, but i don't think ALL of this gets added to vanilla IC².

    A suitcase full of money, let me think of Fry. :huh:



    If i steal some of your awesome inspirations for other games and mods then it's your fault. :P

    Why did you told them that!?!

    The OD-Scanner is only available if you have found Iron, Copper, Tin and Redstone and if you have build a Portal or found Gold.
    For the OV-Scanner you need also Lapis. So basicly you must be at Midtech to build it.

    i found every vein except Lapis Lazuli and Diamonds with Oreveins. Iron, Coal and Apatite are often visible at the surface in Mountainbiome.
    i also found three Uraniumveins, two Ironveins (one is on the Surface) and four Coalveins.

    I've waypointed all the reachable veins with the Color of their Ore, because i cannot mine all of it at once.

    I never saw a sci fi where huge spaceships got their energy from solar panels

    Stargate Universe (They are using the Solarplasma directly on the Destiny)
    Starwars Episode II (Count Dookus ship, but that was small)
    Space-Empires (Computergame with usefull Solarpanels as Spaceshipcomponent)

    Enough? (to confirm you ;) )

    Yes i know, most of these are not really Solarpanels, but it was Solarenergy. :P

    Breeding is very easy. Complicated but easy. And 4 Uraniumingots per Ore!?! You will get ridiculus amounts of Uranium which you can never spend in energy except you have a dozen CASUC-Reactors or so.

    If you setup a Miner with OV-Scanner you will most likely get 3 Uraniumore from that.
    If that's not enough Uranium, then you can simply setup more Miners.

    If you have a Waterbucket-CASUC then DON'T SHUT IT DOWN before you are leaving the Game or the Chunk. One of my OffSwitchedViaRedstone reactors were blown up, because of a heatcausing bug.

    well it't not that my character stops sneaking, just sometimes when i'm on an edge trying to place a block sometimes when i'm on the edge, most commonly on a corner, and try to place a block then the block will appear for a second and then disappear and my character will bounce up and down for a second and will not let me move and then i fall to my death usually.

    Ahhh you mean the Serverblockplacementupdateproblem (A long word). It's a Syncbug so we can't do something against it. :(

    lol, it's usually when i'm mining tunnels for diamonds while watching a movie and just holding Shift,w, and left click. on a rare occasion lava would come from directly above and tag me before i could run away. or when my shift glitches in the nether when trying to get glowstone over lava.

    Shiftglitching is a very bad problem. Why Notch didn't added Doubleshift or Capslock for permanent sneaking.

    If you now say Apple-users can use Capslock for it, then i will kill you like Mr. Kenny!

    Fire Resist pots are garunteed though, a water bucket cannot also be used instantly like if you actually fall into lava and have to swim out first or you might even seal yourself under the lava by putting obsidian ontop of you on accident.

    Who the fuck is falling into Lava? Last time i fallen into Lava was in Beta 1.4!!! (long time ago)

    If you fall into Lava while fighting, then you've not taken proper care about you!

    If you fall into Lava after being shooten by a Ghast, then you should not stay in range of them!

    If you fall into Lava because of the stupidness of a Teammate, then you should kill/attack him before he is following you near to the Lava!

    If you fall into Lava while mining, then it is well deserved!

    If you fall into a Lavatrap, then you are too stupid to avoid Traps!

    Do you know that to create a ZPM, you would need a horrendously large Energysource like a Neutronstar or a black Hole. ZPM's are not directly Energysources, they are more like Superbatteries, saving their energy in a small Universe (also called Subspacetime).

    To get these damn high amounts of Energy you would need a Transportationmethod to get to the next black Hole or Neutronstar and back in sufficient Time. And for Industrialcraft is that not possible to get, and would require too much other Technologies, like Hyperdrive or Warpdrive.

    And for testingreasons you can make a MFSU + Lapotrons or HV-Solar + Timecheat or 2 HV-Solar + MFSU without Timecheat.