The Macerator will keep having just one Output, it will output 2 grinded Ore Items, which then have to go into 2 other Machines to get their byproducts.
Posts by GregoriusT
Smelting Sticky Resin to Rubber has been disabled by GregTech. You must use the Steam powered Bronze variant of the Extractor.
Lol, that is exactly what I told you to do, to fix the Armor thing. Add Render Prefix for Armor and then use it in your ItemArmor Class.
That with the Golems has to be done on Azanors Side. Not only that IC2 has an API for that, Azanor already did IC2 Crop harvesting things in Thaumcraft 2.
It was Thunderdark who made the Machine, I would have pointed it out to him, but he wasnt on today, when I checked.
Wasching? well thats almost the German Word "waschen".
You know IC² uses the Compressor for Plates? (Unless GT is installed, in which case it compresses the Ingots into Storage Blocks)
It can make Plates into small casings for Batteries etc.
For the Direwolf Quote: Are you sure it is "what time is it" and not "what time it is"? You might have switched these two Words accidentially.
I think I know the Problem, the experimental IC² needs a certain Library to be installed. I dont know from where to get said Library as I got it via the Build on Git. I'll ask Player when I see him, if that dependancy is really necessary.
Talking about future, any idea what would happen first:
1) experimental gets stable enough to be usableI dont know if NEI will really get fixed. But Thunderdark is working on new Features regarding Ore Processing.
2) stable gets fixed/recompiled to latest NEI
It IS compiled to latest NEI. And said NEI is still broken.
Why has no one abused the fact Railcraft's crushed obsidian can be put in a sand generator instead of sand for infinite obsidian dust? Is there anyway to turn obsidian dust back to obsidian anymore?
Because nobody uses that Ender Portal Sand Generator Glitch just for Obsidian.
Insane Voltage is from Fallenbeast (too lazy to write that names numbers properly). I took that name over after it got mentioned on this Thread again.
Wait, Lasers ? As a way to transmit energy, redstone signals or to hit/burn/break mobs/blocks ?
That was a hook for the Mining Laser.
I consider naming a project after its after very egoistic.
I named my Mod after the most awesome thing I know, myself!
I think he was referring to north korea, specifically the fact that is is currently run under the principles of communism
Please don't call that "Communism", because as of now, NOT A SINGLE NATION did ever real Communism. People call it communism, but it is still Kapitalism or just plain Diktatorship, what these "Communistic" Nations did.
My opinion : Greg is helping IC because GT currently is dependant from IC and if IC development stops/slows down, GT development gets hindered.
Actually GT development gets hindered by all those experiments in the experimental Builds. The Enet gets a full rework, and causes many Problems with my Stuff. All the time when IC² changed I had to adjust to these changes. It gets more and more complicated to keep the old Stuff and the new Stuff compatible. 2 different IC² Versions are a Problem, and if I wouldn't work on it too, then I would never recommend trying that new Stuff out until it gets more stable.
Latest from IC experimental : we are getting laser api, so does it mean we are getting special lasers anytime soon? [for GT]
That was to make special Laser reflecting Covers.
extreme korea exposure
Denied. Being able to fly in mid-game is overpowered.
Yeah, we have the earlygame electric Jetpack for that.
Just go there:
Doesnt work with NEI but you can see the Progress which is getting made.
There are no Powerloops in that Design. All these Reactors are outputting Energy and therefor dont loop. Not to mention that IC² cant even loop Power unless you connect the Output of an Energy Storage Block with the Input.