The Ejector Upgrades still do not work properly in Advanced Machines, even in the 1.6.2 version. This saddens me greatly.

[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Advanced Machines 1.1.6
What the hell are ejector upgrades
Version 5.1.1
Implemented Ejector Upgrades -
When I open the GUI it show such error with 1.5.2 mc
Description: Unexpected errorjava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ic2/advancedmachines/ContainerSingularityCompressor
at ic2.advancedmachines.client.AdvancedMachinesClient.getGuiElementForClient(
at ic2.advancedmachines.common.AdvancedMachines.getClientGuiElement(
at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.openGui(
at ic2.advancedmachines.common.BlockAdvancedMachines.func_71903_a(
at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78760_a(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71402_c(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(
at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ic2.advancedmachines.ContainerSingularityCompressor
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 12 more
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ic2/common/ContainerIC2
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchClassLoader.findClass(
... 14 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ic2.common.ContainerIC2
at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 18 more -
Version 5.1.2
added Translation support -
Meh, I want to use this mod with GregTech 3.08a in MC 1.5.2
but, gregtech just remove vanila ic2's standard machine recipes
to let us use his automatic machines instead ic2's
yes, its gregtech. i'll never say more.
anyway can you add some recipes for those AUTOMATIC MACHINES? -
If he flat out removes default items its his responsibility to fix the recipes he breaks in doing so
He does use the ore dict for them. I think it is craftingMacerator and stuff like that.
Or, you know, Moonrise, you could enable crafting Automatic Machine --> IC2 Machine in the config file.
Can u fix GUI?
IC version: industrialcraft-2_1.118.401-lflog:
2013-08-04 15:56:29 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Client] Failed to load texture: advancedmachines:/textures/gui/GUISingularity.png advancedmachines:/textures/gui/GUISingularity.png -
Hello, my name is Brian.
I am making a mod-pack on technic launcher for myself and some friends. We would like permission to publish a pack with your mod in it. The mod-packs name will be Razors's Abomination. Currently, I have the modpack list that i would like to publish when I have permission from all developers here:
Please let me know your thoughts, and give me something to quote in my page if you approve.
Hi! I've found a strange thing: in the setup below any advanced macine is charging ok, but when redstone is apllied they blow up! Why?
With 2 T-Upgrades all working good.Code[MFSU] ---------- [MV-Trans] ----------- [Adv.Machine with 1 Transformer Upgrade] 512 eu/t 128 eu/t
Minecraft 1.5.2
IC2 117.385-lf
Forge ...mmm... last for 1.5.2 -
Hello everyone, Lordmau5 (aka. "The Mod Updater" hehe) here.
I really love this mod but unfortunately it wasn't working with the IC2 experimental due to new techniques of the code.
Since you ( AtomicStryker) supplied the source code, I could update it for those who want to play with the IC2 experimental.
The updated version (5.1.3) can be found in this post as attachment.
AtomicStryker: I also supplied the source code for you
~ Greets to all downloaders and happy playing!
//EDIT: I am / was not making money with this, nor am / was I adding myself to the credits (except in here, that I updated it)
Using get(0) is a cheap improper duct tape fix, iterate properly you slob
While testing it also became clear those experimental builds are very broken as of yet. The IC2 API kept giving me 0 stacksize items, not to mention the console spam.
I added a workaround to Advanced Machines, so those atleast work reliably LOLVersion 5.1.3
made compatible with IC2 experimental builds -
Using get(0) is a cheap improper duct tape fix, iterate properly you slob
Hehe, the output can only be at get(0), Player told me that in IRC
Since stuff like "Iron Ore" can only have one output in the macerator, or do you see 2 output slots :P? -
Then why make it a list at all? I'm prepared for him changing his mind randomly as always, also mods introducing byproducts (like recycleable slag or whatever)
The Macerator will keep having just one Output, it will output 2 grinded Ore Items, which then have to go into 2 other Machines to get their byproducts.
Like the silly Factorization ore processing?
Nope, better. But pretty much, yeah ^^.
Please fix behavior with Applied Energistics buses. IC2 induction furnace works perfectly fine with them, but your machines seem to only accept items from the top side of the machine, which is troublesome considering I already have ME Interface in there.
Please fix behavior with Applied Energistics buses. IC2 induction furnace works perfectly fine with them, but your machines seem to only accept items from the top side of the machine, which is troublesome considering I already have ME Interface in there.
Umm no your just forgetting IC2's machines input and output sides. Top is Input! While the sides are output and the bottom is for batteries. Anyway while I'm here anyway could you add an advanced recycler? Sick of having to pull 100's of recyclers for my need cause overclockers are now more annoying to use.. (like really 2x the power just for +30% speed??) What would be cool if it's would be multiblock advanced machines instead of singles. So if you had 4 recycler multiblocks together then it's would process 4x per operation (or course a scrap per 2 operation to maintain the 12.5% odd) However I would really love to make Huge multiblocks machines that could process up to a stack per tick. So a suggestion would add the quantity done per operation Then decrease timing. So 64 multiblock of that machine would do 64 per operation then add more for slightly faster timing until your down to one operation per tick. Much more balanced then bam a block that's does an operation per second right off the bat. However cause these would require a ton of space and materials consumption should be the same per item processed. With of course idling energy cost if not used to keep up the stats. Also it's would be cool if these larger machines could take MV, HV, and EV. Depending on how big you make these. So the largest one that process 64 per tick would take EV outright.
Seems to not be true for IC2 Induction Furnace, input is accepted from the sides, which is much better than how this addon is handling this. One side for input is not enough for me, but one side for output is just enough. In the induction furnace I pull items out from the front, I have ME Interface on the top, and for handling dusts I have export bus on the right side of the furnace, this setup however doesn't work for Advanced Macerator.