Just some basic features missing from IC2:
Nr1: Biggest flaw in IC2 and most other mods out there...
Inventory Space....for the love of god if you're gonna add blocks and items to the game add inventory space...that shitty little thing was designed for vanilla and can't take all the extra items...crap it can't even take vanilla anymore with all the extra items that were added since that thing was designed.
And don't you dare say "use EE or Forestry..." NO! It's your responsibility....you add items...you add inventory space.
Besides both EE and Forestry have issues:
EE : great bags - crap OP mod
Forestry : great mod - crap bags
Actual Suggestion - add a simple bag to the game that would be crafted from rubber+wool+string that can be used to store items.
size = 1 + IC2 items*(Inventory/Vanilla items)
Nr2: Something that just doesn't make sense...
Quantum body armor...the most expensive piece of quantum gear yet has no special ability.
Suggestion: make Lap-Pack part of recipe and add lap-pack functionality to quantum body armor
Don't worry about it being OP because of storage size.....inventory space makes you go back home way before your drill/laser discharges your lap-pack anyway...or if you do...realise that quantum gear is OP because of storage size and nerf it.
Also both nano suit and quantum suit could use an upgrade in the form of a energy level balancing system so all pieces would discharge at the same rate (%). I'm sure it's simple to implement...if you can balance heat between reactor components you can surely balance energy between 4 pieces of armor.
Nr3: Addon Incorporation
there are some addons out there that really shouldn't be addons.
I suggest you guys talk it out and try and make these addons that are used by most IC2 users part of the mod itself and just credit the creators.
[Addon 1.95/1.97/1.103] UU Matter recipes for Redpower Materials v1.1 (uu recipes for rp2)
and make more like this...for other mods....(I'm thinking apatite)
[Addon 1.97]Transformers v1.3 - Convert IC2 & BC energy back & forth! (IC-BC power converters)
[IC2 1.106] [UNIVERSAL] CompactSolars 3.0 now available. CompactSolars is now opensource! (compact solars)
this one needs nerfing in the form of diamonds...something outputting 64 eu/t that's not a reactor should have diamonds in it... just change the recipes to use storage blocks instead of transformers... batbox, MFE and MFSU
[Addon 1.95]Advanced Machines Original v1.5 (advanced machines)
A not so strong yet valid case could also be made for nuclear control and mffs addons.
Nr4: Remove deadwood...
When something ain't working don't hold on to it just for the sake of it....save what you can and remove the dead parts.
Who uses IC2 fuel and biofuel?...nobody...why?...because it eats up tin to produce EUs and nobody is willing to pay tin for EU when you can get EUs in other ways, not to mention that the whole fuelcell/fuelcan concept is a BIG FAIL(serious pain in the ass).
solution 1:
scrapcell made out of 4 scrap in the same old shape to replace the tin cells in the making of H-coal and bio cells.
remove fuelcan from process and burn the fuelcells directly into generator.
solution 2:
Change cells recipe to only use one tin capsule surrounded by 8 respective items and make 8 cells....so tin usage decreases 8-fold.
drastically improve fuel can capacity...make it hold 16 cells or even 24.
Nr5: Security...
Please look at the security system for machine access that SirSengir implemented in the latest Forestry and add something similar to the Nuclear reactor so that you can control if other players can change it's configuration (contents)
Seriously Nerf the NUKE by making it's recipe more complex.(As someone else put it in a different suggestion :
"Making the nuclear bombs this much more complex and
expensive would possibly make them more viable on multiplayer servers
since griefers can't log in and get them in 1 hour." )
I'm thinking maybe :
=TNT and
=Quad-uranium-fuelcell....16 uranium for a nuke sounds good.