Posts by thepowdertoy

    Huskar: Shit man they are rebooting their system!

    thepowdertoy: Alright it seems that you are a good hacker now. Anyway the breeder reactor is up and running now, so I think you could go to your dimension, and ask Invoker and those keen engineers to come, and probably OD too, he is a radioactive flying horse

    Huskar: Alright and in the mean time, can you hack into Chandelier power network and generation? It seems that the solid state relay controlling the mainframe could be force restarted there. And there is an automatic reloader built onto it, you just need to penetrate the public website firewall to access the intranet and broken several DMZ firewall and reroute the router IP address to our computer...

    thepowdertoy: I have no idea what you just said... you just get Invoker Tinker OD and Gyro to come here and I mess up with my ship technical stuff, I'm an engineer not a hacker
    *several hours later*

    Huskar: I'm back!

    thepowdertoy: Alright the reactor is fueled up and ready to go

    Invoker: What we are doing here?

    thepowdertoy: Huskar do some briefing to them, explain the situation to them while you are hacking into the Chandelier network
    *several minutes later*

    Tinker: So they are the same people who invades us?

    thepowdertoy: Yep. And we are ready now to launch, get your weapon in the weapons room if you need it and Huskar continue penetrating the firewall, use the icebreaker if necessary

    thepowdertoy: Uranium mining complete, Huskar what is the compressor status?

    Huskar: I already have some circuit boards here, lets craft

    thepowdertoy: Alright everything is crafted, lets fill this reactor with quad cell uranium and go home now. Everyone seems to hate us now, especially after we got the FreqTrans...

    Huskar: Reactor refill completed, lets go

    thepowdertoy: Alright at home our first priority is to build a 23 second breeder reactor and you get to my dimensional experiment room to use my Mystcraft illegal OP hacker to go back to your dimension and get some more people in. Then we proceed to do the real work

    Huskar: What is it?

    thepowdertoy: Alright so the basic plan is we use this shuttle to go to the spambot command ship and we infiltrate their ship and we plant nuclear hand grenade and we destroy them. The basic plan seems easy, until you know there there is a lot of guarding spambot ship around it that we should pass, a ablative and plasmonic shield that is hard to penetrate, their can close their port anytime, there is probably internal sentry, and a small spambot factory that can flood us with spambots. Anyway where we on it, could you hack into Chandelier at our mean time?

    thepowdertoy: Noooooooooo @#$@#!*

    Huskar: I don't believe he do this!

    thepowdertoy: Alright. We need to find out my old shuttle, the CASUC one

    Huskar: But it is still not fueled up! And I still have no idea how to get our plutonium to get up there!

    thepowdertoy: Alright we need to mine some uranium here
    *walked into the shuttle and grab a quarry with redstone energy cell and ender chest*

    thepowdertoy: Wait until this quarry have finished mining and we should have enough uranium to at least make a slow travel to my house

    thepowdertoy: Alright rocket check, launch check, weapons?

    Executive Bolts: We got 2 nuclear missile mounted on the fighter

    thepowdertoy: Seems good enough. Alright so here is my quick plan of me going in there and survive: First I get inside fast. Then I shoot my nuclear missiles to the
    reactor. Third I get out ASAP and reenter Minecraftia. I will do some quick maneuvering so they cannot hit me with their sentry, assuming they have an internal sentry guarding the inside. Does this fighter have force field?

    Executive Bolts: Its the ancient version, it probably cannot hold on to the attack

    thepowdertoy: Its alright. Is the potentia tank detachable?

    Executive Bolts: Why do you need that?

    thepowdertoy: In case I need another bomb when all my nukes are used. Anyway bring me to the fighter
    *goes to fighter hangar*

    thepowdertoy: Alright first we need to add RCS thrusters here and here because this fighter control surface wouldn't work on vacuum. Then replace the jet engine with the rocket booster, its liquid fueled so we could probably use existing tanks and piping. Then make a cylinder that the nuclear missile could fit in and fill the space with liquid potentia. 2 of them guaranteed to kill, even if that wouldn't kill it will probably cripple them enough so we could attack using that coilgun cannon. What I couldn't think off is how do I will survive reentry

    Executive Bolts: I think you should worry the defense much more than reentry

    thepowdertoy: The problem is the command ship will be protected by a lot of spambot ships around it that makes our ship have a hard time getting even near that ship. And the fact that this is never even intended to go to space implies that this doesn't have any reentry system, and the force field is probably useless in that situation

    thepowdertoy: I got something more cooler than that

    Execbolts: What is that?

    thepowdertoy: Look at my ship. Its a hijacked spambot ship. If I could spoof this ship ID I could dock to that command ship and plant a nuke there. Simple, easy and good enough and no suicide needed

    Execbolts: You forgot one thing

    thepowdertoy: What is that?

    Execbolts: It doesn't have an external port

    thepowdertoy: *facepalm* Alright so now we probably need to see the fighter and see if there is any improvement that can be made

    Huskar: thepowdertoy and Execbolts you may want to see this
    *thepowdertoy and Execbolts enter the spambot ship*
    *sees a large cannon in the screen*

    Huskar: Now this is the results from my hacked radio telescope hacked as radar and optical telescope
    *sees spambot command ship moving toward the cannon*

    Huskar: Rule number one in war: Always have sight. They already knew that there is a possibility that that cannon is dangerous and they will destroy it using a powerful downward energy beam to the cannon.

    Execbolts: Shit. Now what?

    thepowdertoy: Let me become that fighter pilot

    Huskar: Our intel satellite just detected a detonation at our target

    thepowdertoy: Alright the ionization prevents radio signal to reach us, but its over now so let me try

    --Transmission started--
    thepowdertoy: This is thepowdertoy calling to Veil of Daybreak, over. Hello? Shit
    --Transmission ended--

    thepowdertoy: Veil of Daybreak has exploded. Alright scan the area for a radio transmission. Oh wait they will probably just attack us because we are still inside a spambot ship. Alright configuring autopilot to go to FreqTrans coordinate now

    Huskar: thepowdertoy there is that BFG there

    thepowdertoy: Shit now we still continue on our plan. Reentry in 3 seconds now

    Huskar: Hull strain at 40% and increasing, shield at 80% and decreasing

    thepowdertoy: See if that shield have lock function and if have, lock it
    No no no incoming missile!! Evasive action

    Huskar: Locking ship shield now!

    thepowdertoy: 7 minutes to target

    thepowdertoy: Its orbital now

    Huskar: I just received transmission from Execbolts about his ship need help

    thepowdertoy: Alright. Everyone go to your station now! Huskar go to that weapon control system and check this ship weapons inventory! I will manually control this ship again

    Huskar: There is some drones here, I'm currently rewriting its program to destroy spambots instead of us. There is several fighter planes as well, and I'm hacking its autopilot so it becomes a powerful drone too

    thepowdertoy: Since when you become a hacker?

    Huskar: I have no idea

    thepowdertoy: Reentry in 50 seconds, targeting Veil of Daybreak at periapsis, initiating deorbit burn now

    Huskar: What is our target now?

    thepowdertoy: Mojang City. We need to link up with our friend and tell them the situation

    Huskar: We are under heavy fire from AA defenses now!

    Team Alpha: We gonna do a perimeter check here

    --Transmission started--
    thepowdertoy: execbolts do you read me? execbolts

    Execbolts: Yes

    thepowdertoy: Input our radio frequency into AA cannon IFF system

    Execbolts: Why?

    thepowdertoy: You are shooting us now! We are inside that kitchen ship and we are going to space now

    Execbolts: Completed

    thepowdertoy: We need to hijack this ship because sadfoiopesawjfase
    --transmission ended--

    Huskar: Shit the spambots already knew we hijack their ship

    thepowdertoy: Alright setting the ship control to manual... Everyone hold on to something! Huskar see the air drag meter in the copilot seat and scream if it reaches red! Cutting the ship thruster now! Going down
    *everyone starts to fly*

    Huskar: Its on the yellow now

    Team Beta: If it reaches red this ship could overload

    Huskar: Its red now!

    thepowdertoy: Starting engine now! Pulling up

    Huskar: Its in the danger zone now!

    thepowdertoy: 10 second toward space

    Huskar: thepowdertoy what is your current situation up there?

    thepowdertoy: Pretty bad considering every spambots in the ship is after me, and I'm going to breach the control room now
    *several gunfire*

    thepowdertoy: Alright inserting the network spoofer so no spambot will attack up...done. Alright landing this cruiser
    --Received transmission--
    Spambot Commander: Kitchen cruiser 3 do you copy?

    thepowdertoy: I do copy

    Spambot Commander: Why do you land your cruiser?

    thepowdertoy: Uhmm a hijacker destroys our shuttle base and my spambot army has capture them in land

    Spambot Commander: Acknowledge that
    --transmission ended--
    *cruiser landed*
    *Huskar and Team Alpha and Team Beta in--

    Huskar: Now what?

    thepowdertoy: We follow spambot for some time and we separate
    --transmission started--

    thepowdertoy: Commander I think the FreqTrans is still in Mojang City requesting permission to go there alone

    Spambot Commander: Why do you go alone?

    thepowdertoy: I suspect they will escape when there is large concentration of cruisers

    Spambot Commander: You are starting to act weird....but permission granted

    thepowdertoy: Alright

    --transmission ended--

    Huskar: I have an idea. We could hijack one of the spambot cruiser and use it to go to space

    thepowdertoy: That is a good idea, however how do we get up there?
    *a cruiser hovered near us and air dropping several spambots*

    thepowdertoy: Wait if we could force the spambots to land... alright here is my plan
    *several minutes later*

    thepowdertoy: Spambot I'm here here heere! catch me

    Spambot: Now I will catch you
    *thepowdertoy getting handcuffed*
    *enters a shuttle*
    *shuttle lands on the cruiser*

    Spambot Boss: Now give me your FreqTrans or you, Mojang City, your friend and your beloved Minecraftia will be destroyed!

    thepowdertoy: Its in my back pocket get it now

    Spambot Boss: Now I can rule the universe

    thepowdertoy: aghanim override 13000 asdf
    *the FreqTrans exploded in the Spambot Boss hand*

    Spambot: You liar! Shoot him
    *weapons not functioning*

    thepowdertoy: That is a small EMP bomb destroying your too advanced weapon, now let me shoot you
    *spambot destroyed*

    Huskar: The spambot is beaming out from Mojang City

    thepowdertoy: Shit the spambot is diverting all its resources to capture us and the FreqTrans

    Team Alpha: My handheld radar detected several kitchen class cruiser heading here

    Team Beta: My handheld detector detected high neutron radiation that slowly increases

    thepowdertoy: Huskar go to the mountain and place this signal bouncer

    --transmission started--
    thepowdertoy: For anyone who read this

    Bitterholz: There is too many radio interference

    thepowdertoy: The spambot isn't leaving the Mojang city because they are losing. They leave Mojang City because they are after the FreqTrans that I found inside the Science Center protected inside a safe. It looks like a FreqTrans, but actually a radio transmitter transmitting a signal that when decoded, reveals the coordinate of something in the space. So everyone that hear this please destroy all spambot that are leaving the city. I cannot tell you my coordinate now and I'm bouncing this signal out of a mountain so no one can know our location now
    --transmission ended--

    Team Alpha: Now how do we move undetected?

    Team Beta: Alright we have break the crypto opening the safe now

    thepowdertoy: Nooo not now we need to go as far as away from here. Alright everyone go to the vehicle. Huskar and Bitterholz go with me while Team Alpha and Team Beta go to the shuttle
    *several hours later*

    thepowdertoy: Alright we are far enough. Team Beta open the safe now

    Huskar: That is a wait, a normal FreqTrans?

    thepowdertoy: No it uses FreqTrans circuitry but this isn't FreqTrans. It seems to emit some kind of radio signal when I press this button

    Bitterholz: Let me analyze that signal... it seems to be phase angle modulated with several layers of multiplexing and encryption. Let me translate that.. it seems to be a gibberish

    thepowdertoy: Wait that signal is hiding another signal riding on top of it. It is extremely faint, let me amplify that.

    Bitterholz: It seems to be repeating numbers, like 78920-11213123-1350-12312::1234100:321 something something

    thepowdertoy: That was clever

    Team Alpha: That is a interplanetary coordinate

    thepowdertoy: Alright because of our shuttle running out of fuel we need to find another transport to space

    Moral: Never ever overclock your blast furnace because your normal nether OP geogen array would not cut it
    It takes 8 geogen 1 turbine and 1 0 chamber reactor to feed 4 MFSU capacitors to supply the blast furnace with 2048 EU/t while leaving a small leftover energy for other machine
    And liquiduct make a great strip lighting when filled with lava

    Team Alpha: We didn't find any sign of advanced military here

    Team Beta: We also didn't find any sign of secret door here, but we find a safe there

    thepowdertoy: A safe?

    Team Beta: Yes, a safe. Our safecracker is currently destroying its advanced crypto now

    Huskar: thepowdertoy, it seems the spambot have bring the BFG here

    Team Alpha: Big Fucking Gun?

    Huskar: yep and they are now charging

    thepowdertoy: Team Alpha and Beta call it off and bring the safe outside now
    *at outside*

    --transmission started--
    thepowdertoy: Alright for everyone that deploying their troop to science center, there is no secret base here. I repeat there is no secret basASDWAWDW
    --transmission ended

    Huskar: The spambot are now chasing us

    thepowdertoy: What do they want?

    Huskar: The safe