Posts by thepowdertoy

    thepowdertoy: Seems good enough... It will be a nice supplement to my A.L.B.L.A.K.A turret network, and I know the material that can shield us from heat and plasma itself

    Bitterholz: What is that?

    thepowdertoy: It is the one and the only... Force field! We just need to modify the MFFS emitter to shield the barrel from plasma

    Bitterholz: But if the shield fails... the ship could melt and explode

    thepowdertoy: Aww.... Redundancy should keep the disintegrator safe... How about magnetic field?

    Creeper: Well, I think the best solution is to combine magnetic field to keep the plasma away from the force field, force field to keep the heat and plasma burst out of the iridium neutron reflector wall, which shield the wall from the remaining heat. Cool?

    Bitterholz: That should work it

    Enderman: Anyway how do we know the location of the spambot homeworld? Finding the location of the message doesn't necessarily means we find the homeworld, it could be a mobile command and control base like this ship

    thepowdertoy: Anyway I want to go to another dimension myself... I want to meet my old friend at that another dimension... Bitterholz can you guard this ship?

    Bitterholz: Ok

    thepowdertoy: Ohh so you want to build some drones? AI, give me 10 sec to spambot factory

    AI: Initializing spambot factory for 10 seconds
    *drones started to flood the orbit*
    AI: Stopping now

    Blaster: Wow that is many

    thepowdertoy: Well this huge ship was hijacked from the spambot itself, and just one of this ship can colonize a small planet. I have finished reprogramming its spambot factories to mass-produce friendly drones

    AI: thepowdertoy, our invasion to spambot planet is successful

    thepowdertoy: That was nice

    thepowdertoy: Hang on... coming out from slipspace now
    *coming out from slipspace*
    thepowdertoy: I'm in slipspace not because of a technical problem, we just want to play safe from that nuke. Anyway, do anyone here have radio chatter recording?

    Blaster: Nope

    AI: Fortunately I have finished dumping the data from the bouncer network into this ship event recorder before the explosion

    thepowdertoy: The bouncer network is still operational? Seems good enough. Display the data on the holo table

    AI: Alright

    thepowdertoy: Seperate chatter based on name ID frequency

    AI: Completed

    thepowdertoy: I see... There is someone using unknown ID... Separate the unknown ID into time

    AI: I see

    thepowdertoy: Now let see radio chatter when there is bombing on my A.T.N

    --Transmission playback started--

    Zero-Point bomb status?

    Stra%@!#(ngelet iso^!$^FSFmorph has SAFSFbdfaswfeeagfn infsfsafjfsfected fafssfinfsto subsfsfstrfsaate.

    aaxial in13123aa1ertia locks.
    asddriasdasvead is !#!$!ully cadasharged. Aqwewaqeqweitiq3123eqng targeadt.
    LockDwrewa5 taradadadadagedst onadad... A.Ladda.B.L.aadaADadsadfasdasA.K.A. Turreawdadat NetaDAodiq201work sadafkitcheadisengaged node.
    dampasses four othaer nodadqdes.

    adadaassn't dadtKitechenbhosesamnascinhat th13qe podadaainasdad?

    Targetacascijioama locahbdacked.

    --Transmission playback ended--

    thepowdertoy: Awwwwwww.... It doesn't help at all.

    thepowdertoy: Yes chaos
    *chaos entered bridge*

    chaos: what a big ship

    thepowdertoy: 3 moons in length

    Creeper: What do we do next?

    thepowdertoy: We need to plot a flyby to the Minecraftia and communicate to Blaster. We don't know if there is more of that bomb and in that distance FFT early warning system wouldn't work

    AI: Completed, we will stay in Minecraftia orbit for 5 minutes before we enter slipspace again

    thepowdertoy: Initiate burn now!

    AI: Approaching Minecraftia at high speed... Initiating orbit injection NOW!! 5 minutes countdown started

    --Transmission started--
    thepowdertoy: Is someone is here? Mojang city, Blaster, wasmic, someone?

    wasmic: How do you survive the tech bomb?

    thepowdertoy: Ohh you still alive! FFT early warning system automatically transported my entire ship to another dimension

    Blaster: thepowdertoy everything is related

    thepowdertoy: My hunch is same... The same psycho that trying to nuke my A.T.N is trying to destroy your ship and entire Minecraftia! Anyway, bye my time is running out. My orbit isn't stable, I'm going to the slipspace again
    *re-enters slipspace*
    --transmission ended--

    *teleported to slipspace*

    thepowdertoy: What just happened?

    AI: FFT early warning system detected an energy surge from Minecraftia, and because our force field are not powerful enough, it automatically engages both blink and slipspace drive just before it hits, and anyway the Mk2 shield just come in. It drains all of our energy reserves and fusion reactors

    thepowdertoy: Bitterholz we need your battleship power now

    Bitterholz: Ok
    *several hours later*

    thepowdertoy: Alright the superconductors are in the place... Start the reactor now!
    *systems booting up*
    thepowdertoy: Now replace the MM shield with the Mk2 version and restart the shield

    AI: Completed

    thepowdertoy: Dark energy reactor?

    AI: Drawing power from all fusion reactors to starting up dark energy reactor.... 80% completed

    Enderman: If the spambots can create that powerful bomb... there must be another one... Wait AI, can you analyze the energy signature of that bomb?

    AI: Wait... It is similar! Is it that the psycho reverse-engineered the spambot design or vice-versa?

    thepowdertoy: Nevertheless its dangerous to our health

    Creeper: thepowdertoy, I just received transmission from Blaster that he cannot send you the shield

    thepowdertoy: Aww that sucks... Anyway what is that blip on the radar?

    --Received transmission--
    Bitterholz: bzzt
    --Transmission ended--

    thepowdertoy: Enderman program a blink drive jump to the blip location

    Enderman: Completed. Jumping in 3..2..1
    --blinks in--
    --blinks out--
    thepowdertoy: Start transmission

    --Transmission started--

    thepowdertoy: Hi Bitterholz the owner of the small battleship. Do you have enough power to move to the hangar?

    Bitterholz: Nope

    thepowdertoy: Al, control the battlecruiser to push his battleship to the hangar
    *battlecruiser pushed the battleship to the hangar*

    thepowdertoy: Alright let the automatic fixer do all his jobs
    *a swarm of turtle started to fix the hull*

    Bitterholz: Anyway thanks and this is a huge ship

    thepowdertoy: Of course this ship is 3 moons in length

    This is very very very useful for auto refuelling breeder and CRCS reactors. With this, we can make all those reactors fully automated instead of replacing cells whenever they died and their place is filled with either isotope cells or cooling cells

    AI: Exiting slipspace now
    *sees Minecraftia*

    thepowdertoy: Now we are safe

    --Transmission started--

    thepowdertoy: Hi Blaster, I am the owner of this huge ship. Please send me your MM Mk2 shield because your Mk1 shield is drawing too much power from my dark energy reactor, and please destroy things with the energy signature *sends energy signature data* There is a psycho trying to nuke my ship, draining all my power

    --Transmission ended--

    *thepowdertoy sleeping*

    Creeper: Wake up thepowdertoy! We got incoming bogie here
    *ship shudders*
    *power off*
    thepowdertoy: What the heck is happening?

    Enderman: All the available power is drained on the shield that protects the A.T.N , tripping all the dark energy reactor off and it need to be reset

    thepowdertoy: You mentions bogie last time. What is that?

    AI: It have the same energy signature as the bomb that destroys the spambot ship

    thepowdertoy: Fusion reactor status?

    AI: Offline

    thepowdertoy: Can we divert all the power from the battlecruiser to this ship slipspace drive?

    AI: Doing it

    thepowdertoy: Jump to the slipspace now!

    AI: But we doesn't have any shields! If we jump now all the A.T.N node will be destroyed

    thepowdertoy: Alright use all the battlecruiser power to start up fusion reactor and to start up the dark energy reactor.

    Creeper: We doesn't have enough time!
    *power start to get on*

    thepowdertoy: Start the shield in passive mode and bare minimum shield power to jump to slipspace.

    AI: Target?

    thepowdertoy: As far as possible from here... Wait, jump to Minecraftia instead. We got some orbital defense cannon there
    *go into slipspace*

    --Incoming teleport signal--
    --Teleport completed--

    thepowdertoy: Thanks Blaster! Now, lets we insert this upgrade module to this ship MFFS system

    Creeper: Could it protect the entire ship? I mean, this ship is about 3 moons long

    thepowdertoy: Ohh yes, we just need to increase the MFFS power supply to compensate for that lot of power
    *several hours later*

    thepowdertoy: I added a disable switch to the module so we doesn't waste energy at the slipspace countering the radiation
    *entering slipspace*

    AI: Arrived at the target

    thepowdertoy: Change A.T.N mode to orbital bombardment mode and finish with a wave of our modified spambot
    *turning on the reflection module*

    AI: That is the Markov chain text generator ship!
    *enemy ship shoots*
    *power blinks*

    thepowdertoy: What is happening?

    AI: The module sucks nearly all available power

    thepowdertoy: Really? Our reactor upgrade doesn't cut it

    Creeper: What happens with the spambot ships? They are destroying itself

    AI: This shield is emitting a powerful radiation

    AI: I hear a chatter about A.T.N

    thepowdertoy: Ohh its must not be our A.T.N, they are talking about some random aetherial stuff, while our A.T.N is A.L.B.L.A.K.A Turret Network. Anyway, what is the status of the reactor upgrade?

    AI: I have improved zero point energy collection capability, now its sucking like there is no tomorrow

    --Incoming transmission--

    thepowdertoy we came out at the same time zone. do you know whats happening. i thought i destroyed the spambots and CHAOS

    --Transmission stopped--

    thepowdertoy: I also wonder... Anyway, what is our next target?

    AI: We will strike out a suspected spambot homeworld

    Creeper: What do you mean by suspected?

    Enderman: Like... 1048102000012327443134873123477 suspected spambot homeworld

    thepowdertoy: Awwww... It must be some random spambot mining op planet

    thepowdertoy: Damage report

    AI: Shield is down, turret 1-13 is operational, one turret need repairs.

    thepowdertoy: What the heck just happened? Is A.T.N capable of doing such zero point detonation in space?

    AI: My calculation indicate that A.T.N may have just sufficient energy to start a small zero point cascade, but it is not huge because it is consumed by the main beam. There must be someone that have a zero point bomb

    thepowdertoy: Spin this spacecraft 90 degree left and prepare turret 1 for test fire

    Creeper: Ready

    thepowdertoy: Let's fire at that spambot base below. Firing in 3...2...1
    *laser beam firing*
    thepowdertoy: Beam performance is good, spambot base is destroyed.

    AI: I have finished reconfiguring the spambot factory

    thepowdertoy: Alright start the factory at 1% at kitchen class spambot ship and put all of them into orbit

    AI: Doing that... Our modified spambot is still secure after I replaced the spambot AI with my AI

    Creeper: Now we are ready to fight the spambot
    *everything shut down*

    thepowdertoy: AI, you keep backups right?

    AI: There is a chest full of data orbs
    *everything start up again*

    thepowdertoy: What just happened?

    Creeper: It seems there is something large coming out from slipspace that creates a large energy wave directed to our ship, is it the spambot ship?

    thepowdertoy: Everyone go to the battle station now! Enderman, reactor power

    Enderman: 20% and increasing

    thepowdertoy: Open a transmission channel now!

    --transmission started--
    thepowdertoy: The spambot ship is here guys. Everyone, good luck and have fun
    --transmission ended--

    thepowdertoy: Spambot, bring it on

    -- Received transmission --
    Sinnaj63: "Ok, I just noticed two things: thepowdertoy made a lot of typo's WHILE SPEAKING???, and the transmission only said that the ships produced spambots, not that they were armed with Minecraftia-shattering KABOOM weapons."

    Wasmic: "Then there might still be a chance. I suggest that we booby-trap all of our facilities and factories, including your old moon base, then evacuate the planet. We should also do harassment strikes on the spambot bases for the next few days. Somehow, my air/space fighter-bomber survived the facility explosion. I'll strike the base next to Mojang City today. Then I'll land and transmit a request for evac."

    Sinnaj63: "Ok. In the meantime, I'll make plans for retaking Minecraftia, after the spambots have overrun the planet."

    -- Transmission ended--

    thepowdertoy: AI, what is the status of spambot factory reconfiguring? And FYI this ship is like 3 minecraftia moons connected together not a giant ball... And yes, no giant weapons of mass destruction here...

    AI: I'm currently reverse-engineering the fast spammer type, hopefully we can use it for zerg rushing the zerg rush

    thepowdertoy: Let's hope that the spambot doesn't go crazy and collide the ship to Minecrafia... A.T.N ready?

    Enderman: Integrity check completed, initiating simulated firing now*
    *on screen*
    Initiating simulation...
    1 ship...........................70% destruction
    2 ship...........................56% destruction
    3 ship...........................20% destruction
    AA cannon engagement probability simulation...
    1 ship...........................10% engaged
    2 ship...........................40% engaged
    3 ship...........................70% engaged

    thepowdertoy: That's kinda sad.... Creeper, reactor power?

    Creeper: Reactor rundown is completed, ready to start up at any time

    thepowdertoy: Shield?

    Enderman: Primary, backup and N+2 redundant MFFS system are operational

    thepowdertoy: Slipspace drive in case of we need to escape?

    Creeper: Uhmmm when you are busy doing spambot work we added another drive to the ship that is better

    thepowdertoy: What is it?

    Enderman: Blink drive

    thepowdertoy: Good. If only all of those dota heroes are here...

    AI: They are not space fighters!!!

    *another calm day in the Minecraftia orbit*
    thepowdertoy: Is the A.T.N (A.L.B.L.A.K.A turret network) system ready?

    AI: Primary turrets is completed, defensive turret is completed, networking is completed, radar is completed, programming is 90% complete

    Creeper: There is a transmission

    --Transmission started--


    --Transmission ended--

    thepowdertoy: Creeper open up transmission channel NOW!

    --Transmission started--

    thepowdertoy: For all people that are located near Minecrafta, go to Minecrafta orbit NOW!!!! Our planet will soon be bombarded by a lot of spambots and I need your help! As far as you know, I have a hijacked spambot ship that is about 3 Minecraftia moons size, and the spambots will come here bringing this same type of ship, 3 ships! It is known that this ship posses a extremely high production spambot factory, and even 1 of this ship is sufficient to bring about 30% Minecraftia overruned by the spambots! It will come here in about 9 days

    --Transmission ended--

    thepowdertoy: Anyway, when is the last war AI?

    AI: 20 years ago?

    thepowdertoy: Is that a slipspace malfunction? How can we stuck at slipspace for 20 years when we only took like several days to reach our target?

    AI: Wait do you feel that vibration?

    Creeper: thepowdertoy, I think you want to take a look at this
    *displays battlecruiser extern cam to thepowdertoy HUD*
    thepowdertoy: Is that Minecraftia?
    *engine humming up*
    AI: That is bad
    *A lot of spambots are coming up from spambot mobile base*
    Enderman: They are literally bombarding Minecraftia with spambots

    thepowdertoy: Creeper and Enderman, connect to orbital defense cannon with 2048 bit encryption key nminecrafthuskar112415135qxddaafaadaEfj__DQWEQNQEO:==adnad and move all of them toward above Mojang City,and command them to fire at 150% fire rate and also move our battlecruiser to defend Mojang City at all cost! Weapons free guys

    Creeper: Okay man

    AI: Ring 3 access point here
    *inserts AI into access point*
    AI: Finished
    *walking and shooting*

    AI: Ring 2 access point here
    *inserts AI into access point*
    AI: I detect a presence of enemy AI here... finished
    *walks toward control center*
    *shoots all with arm mounted A.L.B.L.A.K.A cannon*

    AI: Ring 1 access point here
    *inserts AI into access point*
    AI: Now this ship is under our control
    *spambot stops coming out from the ship*
    *internal defense turret reprogrammed to shoot spambots*

    thepowdertoy: Finally after all this problem we finally hijack this ship... Using the centurion tech was tiring
    *get out from the mech*
    thepowdertoy: I'm not cyborg after all
    *engine humming*

    Creeper: Wait, your ship is now moving towards collision course with Minecraftia! Point you ship retro now

    thepowdertoy: We are locked from the control!

    AI: We need to go to the central AI room (read: kitchen) and hack it from there
    *walks toward the kitchen*

    Spambot AI: What are you mortals are doing here

    thepowdertoy: You sucks. Even Drow Ranger is 200000000000000000 times better then you
    *hacks the AI:
    *several minutes later*

    AI: We regain the control! Now pointing retro and full thrust
    *the ship come out from Minecraftia orbit*
    thepowdertoy: Disaster averted

    Spambot AI: bzzzt kitchen.... there is 100 more of this ship around ready to invade your planet... you have destroy our CHAOS... your planet is the only planet that we cannot destroy at single pass... bzzt

    thepowdertoy: Finally its complete!

    Creeper: OMG you look like a cyborg!!!!! Or now you are cyborg right?

    thepowdertoy: Ohh yes I use dwarven centurion for my cyborg base, replace the mythical metal with a more workable iridium+osmium+platinum+titanium alloy enhanced by CVD diamonds, with some gold in it, replaced the axe with the modified iridium based nano saber, put a thruster in the hammer, and my back was fitted with jetpack and missile launcher, with miniaturized A.L.B.L.A.K.A cannon mounted in the arm, gatling gun style. And if that not enough, there is MFFS based force field that can survive a nuclear missile up close. And all of this was powered by a overclocked dark matter core in my chest.

    AI: Detecting another spaceship in the slipspace

    thepowdertoy: That is the.... Oh hell no, our target the spambot ship! Can you determine the target?

    AI: It seems it was heading to Minecraftia

    thepowdertoy: AI! Go to my body now!
    *inserted AI core to thepowdertoy body*
    thepowdertoy: Prepare for ejection now!
    *ejected from the ship*
    AI: There is a lot of radiation here... Shield down to 95%
    * A lot of missile shooting to thepowdertoy*
    *shoulder mounted laser battery counter-firing the missile*

    thepowdertoy: Now!
    *A.G.H.A.N.I.M.S thruster powered up to 101% speed*

    AI: Target at 100km, approaching at 10 second
    *lands at the hangar*
    *shoots all the spambots*
    * a spambot shoots unknown energy*

    AI: Shield down to... wait let me recalculate that... 50%!!!

    thepowdertoy: Weapon analysis?

    AI: Its look like a reverse-engineered ender rifle

    thepowdertoy: How come?

    AI: I think its designed specifically to deplete armor

    I think the only thing we had that was like that was ancient Greece. We have yet to replicate that in this day and age...
    (Well, maybe the Nordic countries, lol...)

    Well, granted. But at the same time, from everything that we have been able to derive from those pursues had expanded our knowledge greatly in other fields. Like with medicine and commercial energy, the concepts of harnessing the atom to create energy has many applications. True, those applications can be hideously destructive when directed to warfare, but it's not the only application for such knowledge. These derivative applications, stem from a scientific discovery being applied in a different way or angle, which can also enable further derivative applications of that knowledge if they are successful. The point is, the discoveries in science (so I believe), can stand independent from the political environments that created them, because that knowledge can be applied in a vast multitude of unintended ways. And no government on this Earth has 100% control over every application of scientific knowledge. Well, without imposing some extreme forms of censorship, that is. And even then, it can't prevent the human conditional ability of innovation...

    Like lasers. The same laser used for peaceful mining can be used as an effective weapon :):Mining Laser:

    that helium's energy would then be converted into heat, then used to make steam, then used to make electricity.

    And that where you are unfortunately wrong. It is feasible to directly convert energetic alpha particle into electricity, by slamming it to the reactor wall charged with +1.5 million volts, and it will generate electricity... Although it will generate a lot of heat .The direct conversion process is about 70%, so a 100 MW fusion output reactor would generate 70 MW electrical and 30 MW heat!!, although it will be more efficient than to convert alpha particle to heat that used to drive a steam turbine, as steam turbine efficiency is about 37%, so the same 100 fusion output reactor would generate 37 MW electrical and 63 MW heat!!!!!!! And that is a lot of waste heat that should go somewhere! Fortunately, that same 30 MW waste heat from direct conversion could be used to drive a steam turbine, so the same 100 MW fusion output reactor could generate 70 MW electrical, and that 30 MW heat is used to drive that same 37% efficient turbine can generate 11.1 MW electrical and 18.9 MW heat, which is more manageable.

    Not just high, it would be almost impossible to start it short of using an actual star

    Anyway, have you tried Polywell? It is smaller than ITER, way smaller (as far as I know it theoretically could work with the containment structure about 1.5 m) and it could be fueled by proton (aka hydrogen) + boron fusion, which make it safer, and because it nearly doesn't spew out neutron, most of the energy is in the alpha particle, making it much more easier for direct conversion to electricity (no steam). The advantages that I could think of is a nice spaceship capable of taking off from land and go to mars directly

    No shit sherlock! ^^ I just meant, that Positron + Electron will anihilate if you try to put those together, because they're attracted by each other, where you can't make 2 proton meet because the energy needed to make one move to the other increase while distance decrease, and because it tend to +*Idon'tknowhowtotypetheinfinitesymbol* when distance tend to 0.

    And that's what I told, di-neutron is unstable just because it's nothing else than 2 neutrons. [and I don't think there is something else than gravitation between these 2 particles]

    As far as I know it is possible to combine 2 protons by using proton-proton chain fusion, which is happening in our sun: (there is a wiki article about that, but when I tried to copy paste that into this, it changes into proton%something%proton) It just sad that the power/volume is equal to a compost pile